Hollywood Goggles: Deadpool

in comics •  6 years ago 

Hollywood Goggles: Deadpool

Hello and welcome to the first ever issue of Comics Corner! Comic characters have to be changed to fit the constraints of a Hollywood movie. Backstories, origins, and even personalities and motives are often stretched, erased, or completely different in big budget films for a variety of reasons. In this series I’ll be focusing on one character shown on TV or in film and give backstory and info on their comic book counterpart. This is will not be a hit job on their theatrical representation, but rather a chance to give context of the original version of said character with some added trivia.

First up, Wade Wilson. Deadpool. The Merc with the Mouth. And yes I’ve seen Deadpool 2! Go watch it, it’s amazing!

Anyways, onto the show.

Movie Recap!

Wade Wilson is a crazy merc and self proclaimed bad guy who has no problem killing worse bad guys. Secretly having a heart of gold, he falls in love but because supers can never be happy, he’s diagnosed with terminal cancer. After volunteering for a secret government program, he finds out it’s just an excuse to not only torture him, but for him to be turned into a brainwashed super soldier. Unfortunately the experiments work, giving him a healing factor and super regenerative abilities, as well as a complexion akin to rotten avocados.

After escaping, Wade goes on the hunt for those who wronged him, gaining new allies, an awesome costume, and the ability to break the fourth wall as Deadpool!

Back Issues: Wade Wilson- A Ripoff?

So let’s get this straight. Deadpool started life as a ripoff of a DC character named Deathstroke the Terminator.

That guy. Yeah, he’s been on shows like the animated Teen Titans and Arrow. Real name? Slade Wilson. Real subtle, right?

Back in 1990, Deadpool was introduced to the world as a serious mercenary and villain of Cable in New Mutants 98. The New Mutants were a team of younger X-Men led by Cable who eventually evolved into the first version of X-Force and will actually be getting their own horror themed movie in 2019.

Deadpool was created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld. I’m sure you’ve seen Rob’s work.


Yeah, Captain Ameripecs. But honestly, while he gets a lot of hate, from everything I hear rob is actually a nice guy and really does love the comic industry so don’t be too hard on him. I mean, he put out his love for the movies and they are pretty hard on him, besides...he did make Pouchman.

Deadpool the Hero...Anti-Hero…?

See either movie and you know Deadpool’s not your average good guy. Oh, he might save the day but not without a considerable body count but hey, his hearts in the right place right?

Yeah, bout that. In the beginning Wade wasn’t exactly the nicest guy. He still isn’t but we’ll get to that later. Know Blind Al? The adorablably awesome blind roomate of Wade’s played by the amazing Leslie Uggams? Yeahhh… Blind Al was Wade’s prisoner and slave in the comics. Oh she could walk around the house but she knew if she left, she’d be punished by being thrown in the Box. What's the Box you may ask?

Yeah. Ha..ha...Deadpool's so zany... Also that guy with her is the comics version of Weasel. Less we say about him the better.

Let’s move on to everyone's favorite Shield Agent, Phil Coulson! You know him? Witty, fun, had an amazing death scene in the Avengers but was brought back to run Shield in the television show? Well guess what, he was so popular that just like Harley Quinn, he made the jump back to the comics!

And then Deadpool killed him. Because nazi Captain America said so.

The Many loves of Deadpool

The first Deadpool movie was a romantic comedy. Seriously. It even released on Valentine's day and was advertised as such.

Vanessa Carlysle was the love interest in both films. Played by Morena Baccarin, her crazy matched Wade’s crazy.

Unfortunately while she does appear in the comics, their romance was certainly was nothing sweet. Vanessa is a blue shapeshifter, yes like Mystique, who had a massive amount of mental issues. Otherwise known as Copycat, the two had a twisted relationship that ended….badly. Dying in his arms in fact.

Of course, Deadpool’s most noticeable on again, off again girlfriend is Death. Yes, that Death. The personification of the end of life in the Marvel universe. But of course it was a relationship that was never meant to be. Because of Wade’s regenerative healing, he can never die so tragically he can never be with her. Oh, and the one time he DID die, Thanos brought him back because the Mad Titan is a jealous ex. But hey, Wade’s now pretty much immortal so...bonus…?

There’s been other of course. Siren for one, who’s Banshee’s daughter and he was with the X-Men’s Rogue for a time. Hell, he even married Dracula’s girlfriend. That doesn’t even mention all his other flings and romances. Male and female. Or alien. Or Undead. Wade’s canonically pan-sexual and proud if you must know. He doesn’t judge. As Big Bertha.

Deadpool...the Family Man?

While Deadpool 2 is a family movie in the same way that 1 was a romantic comedy, Wade Wilson does have a daughter in the comics. Eleanor "Ellie" Camacho is an adorable bundle of love and fluff who had the unluckness of being Wade’s daughter.

Not only was her mother killed in a massive battle, Deadpool didn’t want to search for his daughter afterwards. Father of the year everyone. She’s been a constant pawn since her introduction considering she happens to be Wade’s only real weakness now a days. And hey, she’s actually going to grow up to be a mutant with the ability to never die! They can be together forever! Or at least that was the case till Wade just recently had his mind wiped and forgot everything he did the past like...5-10 years. Yeah, thanks for that Marvel.

That’s it for this week’s issue 0, because comics can’t start out with issue 1 anymore, of Hollywood Goggles. Hope you all enjoyed and were well informed on The Merc With The Mouth, Deadpool! Next week we'll be looking at everyone's favorite trash panda, Rocket Raccoon!

Some Sources!


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