Comic Books from the 90s - Angela from 1994

in comics •  7 years ago 

Angela #1 (December 1994) by Image Comics

Angela is charged with Treason for failing to kill Spawn.   Written by Neil Gaiman and drawn by Greg Capullo.

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I never got into this when it came out , i was right into image too , i should be ashamed of my self . it's ok guys ,you can boo urns me.

Hrmmm. I think I sold this but I’m not sure! I didn’t keep good track when I was selling off some stuff for cash, so I had to scrap my database and start over... slowly getting re catalogued. Now that the financial bleeding is somewhat stemmed, this may make its way onto a “repurchase” list.

I actually just picked this up literally yesterday morning out of a collection with some other things, I paid a buck, if you want it, it is only a dollar for you, but the shipping on the dollar book is where things get wonky (I can ship up to 10 books in one package). Just email cryptocollectibles at gmail if you want to do anything and don't have the OpenBazaar app (direct crypto browser purchasing coming soon)

One of the few 'bad girl' books I didn't collect except in passing (ie: she crossed over with some other title/character I followed).

No idea what I was thinking--Gaiman wrote it, so it could at worst have only been 'good'. Maybe I need to re-think this mistake and look at correcting it.

Angela is like second gen Image, by then they were an established name with Marvel and DC, and I know you like your bad girls on true indie labels lol.

With as much as I love Greg Capullo and gush over Gaiman, I agree that this Angela might deserve a re-look.

A good story's a good story, far as I'm concerned. Doesn't matter which label it appears on. I just happened to get into AP, Dark Horse, and LNS back when I was heavily into the scene. :)

I was a very poor child, I could only afford Marvel Comics... it was never I was a fanboy, it was I could only monetarily manage one universe lol (I re-read my first comics soooo many times). I'm jealous always of your knowledge of those areas I didn't get into. I think the closest I had got into the bad lady scene was I almost got into Lady Death because Pulido and his team had good con presence and flashy comics at the time so I owned some, but I never did read them.