Yayita's Friends

in comics •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yayita+.jpgCondorito's girlfriend seems to be the most popular of characters so far. So, what does she talk about with her friends? Lets take a peek... Translation and explanations below.



Vamos, Vero, anímate, vamos a la fiesta en casa de la Maru.
Come on Vero, cheer up, let’s go to the party at Maru’s house.

No, Yayita, no puedo.
No, Yayita, I can’t.

Tienes que ir, te conviene.
You have to go, it’s in your best interest.

Eres joven, tienes que rehacer tu vida. Ya hace dos años que enviudaste.
You’re young, you have to reinvent your life. It’s been two years since you became a widow.

Yayita, tiene razón, no puedes vestir de santo para toda tu vida.
Yayita is right, you can’t dress like a saint for your whole life.

¡Vero, anímate, tienes un mundo por delante, cásate de nuevo!
Vero, perk up, you’ve got a world ahead of you, get married again!

¡No, no y no! ¡Además, no lo necesito!
No, no and no! Besides, I don’t need it!

¿Y por qué?
And why?

Porque ya tengo en casa un perro, un gato y un papagayo.
Because I already have a dog, a cat and a parrot at home.

Pero esos animales no pueden reemplazar a un marido.
But those animals can’t replace a husband.

¿Cómo que no?
What do you mean they can’t?

El perro ladra todo el día, el papagayo no deja de maldecir y el gato se pasa todas las noches fuera de casa.
The dog barks all day, the parrot never stops cussing and the cat spends every night out of the house.

Vocabulario: Animar = to encourage, enliven, cheer, Anímate = cheer up, perk up, get going, Ir = to go, Vamos = Lets go, Poder = to be able to, can, No puedo = I can't, Tener = To have, tienes que = you have to, Tienes que ir = You have to go, Convenir = Agree, concur, suit, Te conviene = You should, it suits you, it matters to you, Ser = To be, Eres = You are, Joven = Young, Rehacer = Remake, redo, reinvent, Hacer = To make, do, Hace años = It's been years, Enviudar = To widow, become a widow, Enviudaste = You became a widow, Tener = to have, Tener razón = To be right, Tiene razón = she's right, Vestir de santo = Lit. dress as a saint, wear the habit, Para toda tu vida = For your whole life, all your life, Casarse = To get married, Cásate = Get married, De nuevo = Again, Necesitar = To need, No lo necesito = I don't need it, ¿Por qué? = Why? Porque = Because, Ya tengo = I already have, Un perro = a dog, Un gato = A cat, Un papagayo = A parrot, Reemplazar = To replace, No pueden reemplazar = They can't replace, ¿Como que no? = What do you mean (no) Ladrar = To bark, Maldecir = To swear, cuss, No deja de = Doesn't stop... Pasar se = To spend, Se pasa = it spends, Todo el día = all day, the whole day, Todas las noches = Every night, Fuera de casa = Out of the house, outside

Men are like COINS (?)
Yayita monedas.jpg


¿Te cuento algo?
Can I tell you something?

Tell me.

Mi novio es un sol.
My fiancé is a sun.

El mío es un peso.
Mine is a peso. (weight)

No, mujer. No hablo de monedas quiero decir que mi novio ilumina mis días.
No woman. I’m not talking about coins, I mean that my boyfriend lights up my days.

Y yo quiero decir que el mío es una carga. Tengo que mantenerlo.
And I mean that mine is a burden. I have to support him.

Sol, the sun is "heads," while Águila (Eagle) or Escudo (Shield) are "tails" in many countries.

Contar = To tell, ¿Te cuento? = Can I tell you? Cuénteme = Tell me, Algo = Something, Novio/a = Fiancé, boy/girl friend, Mío = My, El mío = mine, Peso = Weight, monetary unit, Mujer = Woman, wife, Hablar = To talk, Hablo = I talk, I am talking, No hablo = I'm not talking, Iluminar = To illuminate, brighten, light up, Querer = To wish, want, Decir = to say, Querer decir = to mean (Lit to wish to say) Quiero decir = I mean, Una carga = A burden, load, charge, Mantener = To support, maintain, Tener que = To have to, Tengo que = I have to

SUJETADORES = Bra (Restrainers)

¿Tiene sujetadores?
Do you have bra straps?


¿Entonces podrían sujetar al fresco de mi novio mientras paso a vestidores a probarme esta falda?
Then could they restrain my fresh boyfriend while I go to the dressing rooms to try on this dress?

Sujetador = Bra, bra strap (Restrainer) also Sostén = Bra (supporter) Tener = To have, ¿Tiene? = do you have, Entonces = Then, Poder = to be able to, can, Podrían = could they, Sujetar = Restrain, Fresco = Fresh, indecent, Mientras = While, Pasar = to pass, to go, Paso = I go, Vestidor = Dressing room, Probar se = To try, to try on, Falda = skirt.

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