Batwoman is a hard pass for me

in comics •  6 years ago 

I'm truly upset about this new show. Now I should preface by saying this. I'm a big fan of the Batman Universe, and yes, that includes Batwoman. But, what they are doing here is incredibly pandering to the regressive left and I can't sign up, I just can't.

Casting is not bad

I've read some comments on people complaining on that front, but I have to disagree. Ruby Rose is certainly a beautiful talented actress with enough knuckle to pull off both being feminine and not being delicate at all. This was how the original character was designed to begin with, but the writing of the character is absolutely horrid.

Don't believe me?

I submit to you, the evidence.

You know what line really gave me the absolute worse allergic reaction?

"I'm not about to let a man take credit for a women's work"

She says this while, using the Batman mantle and gear that was built and designed by Bruce and his team. So, it's obviously just there to get win the liberal millennials over. But listen, before you type your reaction to me in anger, know that I'm very open minded about this stuff. You do you, be happy and prosper. What I can't stand is the virtue signaling and the pandering.

I need to go wash my eyes....


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I don't know man, maybe they could've handled it in a better way but by watching the trailer it still has some good positive girl power parts in it. :)

I'd like to point out another thing here that'll add to driving you nuts. This show isn't just a "women can do what men can do" because THIS woman is 125 pounds soaking wet. She's not just doing what a 125 man could do, she's doing what a 225 pound man would have trouble doing.

...take the Punisher or Daredevil ( I realize these are from the MCU but theoretically they all exist inside the same laws of physics that we all do) Those vigilantes are driven and equipped with gear and well trained, as she is, but they are also REALLY BIG AND STRONG.

This character is the size of a high school quarterback yet able to lay waste to bad guys twice her size with ease....? Bad guys who, since they are paid as hired muscle, are tough and have been in a fight once or twice. Meaning they have been punched before and were able to continue fighting...otherwise they wouldn't be paid as hired muscle.

Because she is a woman we're all supposed to clap when a 200 pound goon is knocked out cold by someone half their size...give me a f*cking break. If they picked a woman with the build of Chyna ( of WWE ) or at least an MMA fighter who looks like she lives in a gym...I could at least believe a punch or kick could do some damage to a lifetime criminal. But this girl? We've all heard the term "plot armor" I'm gonna call this it's "vagina armor". If you have a vagina you are instantly as powerful as a man twice your size and weight. and the ole mass x acceleration = force equation does not apply to you...because that is sexist apparently.

From what we see of this preview her adversaries are some kind of mercenary/private security force. That are HIRED and PAID to inflict and absorb violence. They are trained, they have weapons and gear...and they all out weight her by a good 100 pounds. So...aside from "vagina armor" how exactly does she stand a chance in hell of beating several of them at a time? She will...just you wait. She'll wade through whole squads of them because girl power.

These days the only thing that matters is the attention content can get and it is definitely along the lines of content that can get attention quickly.

Posted using Partiko iOS

There are a number of factors at play from the 'comic conversion' money grab, to pushing agenda and subliminal messaging, lolz.

What is concerning is how incredibly obvious these factors are to anyone even half paying attention... and yet it slips by many... i think it tells us a lot about humanity and the human condition.

Tabula rasa proving its relevance in the psychological conditioning :P

Oh, but we gotta be woke Cope... are you not Woke? Get Woke or go broke bruh!

btw... What happened in Aussie? Is the world broken all together.

im woke as a joke, lolz. we laugh to save from crying :P

Australia is always broke brah, we keep playing the election game even though we know its a rigged system. we have lost so many times.... we are bound to win next time right...? insert gamblers fallacy :P

I think you're pulling the "I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work" straight outta context. I'm certain you've watched the little snippet you provided as evidence. She was talking about people mistaking her for batman from afar. I, for one, am pretty excited about seeing the batwoman story being told. It's one of my sister's favorite characters. Not only because she relates to her as a gay woman, but because she just plain and simply, kicks ass. It makes sense that you don't like what you see, you are not what I would call, the target audience 🤷😄

That's a yikes from me, dawg...Kinda crazy that the porn studios are making more faithful creations than the official studios.

Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!

She looks hot.

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