The Defenders, Volume 2: Kingpins of New York Review

in comics •  7 years ago 


The Defenders got their own cruddy Netflix show so, because corporate synergy, we got this cruddy Defenders comic. Gotta keep cranking out the product, Marvel, don’t worry about the quality!

A former Kingpin enforcer, Diamondback, is dealing drugs that temporarily gives the user superpowers. So… the same recycled storyline from Bendis’ Daredevil run when The Owl was dealing mutant growth hormone that gave users temporary superpowers? Bendis’ Marvel stuff got really stale and repetitive towards the end, eh?

Bendis resorts to cameos to beef up the feeble story. Here’s Deadpool! Here’s The Punisher! Even Bendis himself appears in one panel, talking directly to the reader! All to no effect – it’s still a dull read. And there’s a total non-ending to this second and final volume.

David Marquez’s art is incredible. His work on Bendis’ Iron Man looked amazing and his Defenders art is equally impressive. I especially enjoyed Iron Fist’s fight with Elektra – Marquez’s art is stunning whether the scenes are set during the night or day but the daylight scenes definitely look the best with Justin Ponsor and Paul Mounts’ colours making that sequence pop like crazy.

The Defenders, Volume 2: Kingpins of New York is readable, like most of Bendis’ stuff, it’s just boring and pointless, like most of Bendis’ stuff. I’d say that it’s indicative of the end of Bendis’ time at Marvel but really he’s always written books like this even at the beginning. Bendis’ Defenders is indefensibly crap.

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