I don't know if you have been living under a rock but Netflix is killing it lately. They have had soo many great shows and one of the more recent ones that have me hooked is Black Lightning! At first, I didn't know what to make of it as Netflix usually releases everything at once but this one was weekly. I guess I have been spoiled for far too long. Though I have to admit I was hooked after that first episode!
Here is a trailer for anyone who doesn't have a clue what I am talking about!
** S[po;er alert. There will be some spoilers below so stop reading now if you need to catch up!
I find the story really addicting but most of all, I like the concept of kids getting powers. It makes sense that DNA could be passed on. Though when he battles his one daughter I was on edge, screaming at the TV to calm the heck down! hahaha
Well, I won't go too much further just in case someone else stumbled across and haven't seen it yet but I highly suggest taking the Black Lightning plunge!