in comics •  7 years ago 

Thunderbird and Kid is a Steemit exclusive comicbook about a boy and his magical professional wrestling doll. New comic every Wednesday!

Previously on Thunderbird & Kid. Thunderbird was kidnapped by a doctor who was authorized by the U.S. Government to confiscate the doll. The doctor happens to be father of Billy the Bully. Kid met a magical Malaysian wrestling doll named Jacky Wong who explained why some wrestling dolls are magical.

Golden Jones and Billy agreed to help Jacky Wong and Kid save Thunderbird, but only because they are expecting Kid to eventually go to the Land of Kayfabia and kill the evil wizard.

The four of them broke into the science lab last week, expecting it to be empty. Instead, they ran into a security guard pointed a gun at the four.

And now, your feature presentation. . .image.png


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This is the episode when things got real! He shot him right in front of his own son.

Billy the Bully is probably on a dark path himself.

man .. thats just gruesome ! you weren't kidding that someone was gonna get hurt real bad .

This comic just went to a dark place. haha.

RIP the security guy, he was a good man for those few panels :(

He will be missed. Never has there been a man to guard a science lab with such vigor and passion.

I bet he would have a funeral truly worthy of a hero!

Aww man he gave him the gun already...
Rest in peace security guard! ✝️

We barely even got to know him! :(

Post more!

I know its a spammy comment but darnit I feel you need to post more :)

RIP security...what color shirt was it that always died in star trek ? blue ?

Be careful what you wish for. I suck at blogging. :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ain't no messing around with the doc! :D

The security guard will be missed. RIP :(

Good job friend