The ‘Population Bomb’

in commentary •  7 years ago 

(that bombed) Turns 50

I read it when it first came out in paperback. Yeah I know...I was a 'young skull full of mush' at the time.

Not TOO much mush as it turns out. I thought it was a load of crap. It turns out I was right. It's one hundred percent bovine excretion. defines the narrative so the enemedia latched onto it like white on rice.

It doesn't MATTER that.

  • Ehrlich prophesied that hundreds of millions would starve to death in the 1970s (and that 65 million of them would be Americans), didn't happen

  • that already-overpopulated India was doomed, didn't happen

  • and that most probably “England will not exist in the year 2000.” didn't happen either. Merry old England is still there...killing it's babies. England is TRYING to become extinct...gotta give it that.

in fact.

Not only was Ehrlich wrong..he was SPECTACULARLY wrong...about everything, so why is he, and his narrative, held in such high esteem? His discredited population explosion theories of the 1970s are juxtaposed with the (equally alarmist) global warming predictions of our day.

In other words climate alarmism is just as wrong as the population bomb was.

And yet it's still the



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You can see an excellent graphical representation of what you say in this post on Hans Rosling’s excellent Website.

Put “babies per woman” on the y-axis and “population” on the x-axis. Watch the bouncing bubbles drop beginning about 50 years ago.

awesome website.
I can see myself using it in future posts.

Cause the mainstream media and the globalists say so. If not, that man should hold no prestige in modern science. He sounds more like a fake voodoo priest

I'll probably steal some facts here for an article tomorrow 😂... Hope am allowed

you have my permission.
(not that you need it.)


Hey @everittdmickey! How are you? It's been a bit since I've actually caught one of your posts and oh how I miss your mind...

My 2 cents on the matter: In the last 40+ years, many humans have lost the ability to critically think for themselves.

Spot on with your take. It's only getting worse

Oil and science has overcome it. Once we run out of easily accessible oil and phosphorus there could be some issues. Last time I checked, population is still growing, especially in Africa and the Middle East. Fish stocks are declining, forest coverage is declining, water tables are falling and arable land is decreasing. I agree that that prediction was a little early but in the overall timeline of humanity it may prove to be very reasonable one day.