in comments •  7 years ago 

Recently, I thought that an account from one of my friends got hacked.

@Xtrodinary pilot made a pretty cool post that contained a "VR Mixed Reality" video. This is the type of stuff that is way beyond me at the moment. Still, I did not just want to upvote his efforts, I wanted to also leave a comment. Since I found it to be interesting, I left the following comment:

"Wow, that is very Interesting stuff."

Shortly thereafter, a reply to my comment came that read as follows:

"Thanks for the information @papa-pepper this was a very informational comment. I'm giving you a 100% upvote, please look at my other posts 🤠"

This seemed out of character for @xtrodinarypilot, and soon I had a terrible scenario running through my mind.

Did some hacker, scammer, or kidnapper have him tied up somewhere? Who was behind the keyboard when that comment was posted? Why would the real @xtrodinarypilot leave such a comment, even claiming to upvote my reply at 100% without doing so?

Was my comment too lame? Was that all that it was?


There are many times when the comments on steemit can be draining or discouraging. You spend a lot of time on a post and get a handful of comments that vary from "nice post" to "upvote me." At that time, you wonder if anyone even checked out your post or bothered to read it.

Every once in a while, a gem pops out at you, though. From out of nowhere, a magnificent comment from some unknown user shows up on your post, and you spew coffee all over your screen.

hello accomplished user. Hello again familiar . I believe that this is a very perfect sharing. I have not control yet, so I wanted to write a comment. I already sent it upvote, resteem. I wish the continuation of your success . I'm excited to control. I'm leaving now for her. by by my dear familiar :)

Obviously, the user who left this comment for me is not a native English speaker. Also, the account from which it was posted is pretty much just a copy-pasta account that will remain unnamed. Remember that resteem they mentioned?
Never happened.

However, there is a level of humor in the comment. While nothing is even really shared about my post at all and I have no evidence that they even read it, other than "I believe that this is a very perfect sharing," the comment is an all too common bit of evidence of the deterioration of real comments on steemit.

Personally, I think that we can do better than this!

No, I don't mean that we can make better comments that actually pertain to the post and are focused on the creator of the post rather than on the reader, although I know that we can. What I mean is that I think we can make better comments that miss the mark of what steemit is supposed to be.

Here are a few examples that I have been working on.

  • "You my friend forever. Please upvote my posts for your happiness."

  • "This post is another example of how your posts benefit all who have ever lived and make the world shine brighter with each passing day. The only way to even attempt to improve it is by upvoting my recent post."

  • "I have followed you for two days now and you never upvote me. I no longer follow you. resteemed."


Can you do better? Whether you like to make such comments or not, it can enjoyable to try. However, on the average random post, leaving such comments may encourage others to flag you. This is partially why I am making this post.

In the comment section below, I am encouraging you to enjoy leaving a few of your "best" comments. If you normally leave these kind of comments on the posts of other authors, maybe you can even get it out of your system now.

For the rest of you, let that creativity rip. I'll even choose a few of my favorites to reward with some SBD! I am also considering recording a "steemit comment" song in the near future, and am looking for some great lyrics. Perhaps your comment may even be included in the song!

Do you have what it takes? Can you make the best comment below? Will I "follow you long time and upvote always?"

No, you my friend forever. Please upvote my posts for your happiness. Okay familiar?

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @malos10


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It is rare that I would choose not to upvote a post of yours (@papa-pepper) straight away. Today I cannot because I am confused by it. Over the last year, I have watched you help so many people from all walks of life. I've interpreted this post, (like many of the other comments that I have read in response to it) as being exactly the opposite.
If we want a better world and a better way of life, it must be for ALL mankind. This is the very essence of Steemit. Or, at least the essence of what it used to be.
The fact that someone who doesn't speak English (as their first language) has worked up the courage to try to communicate on a platform that highly rewards English speaks volumes to me.
When was the last time anyone of us tried to communicate in a language that is foreign to us? Or, tried to read a 4 page document in a foreign language?
I go so far as to use a translator to communicate with people, if they have used a language that I don't understand.
I get frustrated too and I sometimes think it's wasting my time but then I think, does it harm me in any way? No, not really. I can be a little more gracious and patient or I can just ignore them. It's a choice, just like how a comment makes you feel.
Rebecca Ryan

I understand your point, but in the example cited, the user is pretty much a copy pasta account and they also tried to deceive me by saying that they upvoted and resteemed. Lying is lying in any tongue.

I was certainly not trying to make fun of non native English speakers, but encouraging people to have a bit of fun rather than get angry and frustrated was my point. Steemit is meant to be a living community of real people connecting and interacting, and not a group of money hungry scammers and manipulators attempting to swindle and deceive one another.

I have always been a supporter of other languages, was involved in a group that specifically supported other languages and even created "[Opertaion Translation'( over a year ago, where I offer the opportunity for others to translate any and/or all of posts into another language, post them translation themselves, and then keep all of the payout.

Following someone for a few days and complaining that they do not follow you back or upvote you, or attempting to lie to someone to make them like you has nothing to do with trying to interact in another language.

Yes, I realize that the example that I gave combined a person who did not speak English as their native tongue with some other aspects too, but that was not my intent or goal, to make fun of others.

I thank you for your respectful interaction.

@papa-pepper, I thank you so much for responding to me. I truly "Steemit love you" because you are a good person. It would have been easy for me not to comment, just ignore my confusion, and judge you unfairly as a result.
Papa, you are a leader of the people, just like Eva Peron (with the exceptions of being a man and some dark facial hair) LOL!
All joking aside, this is a lot of pressure for one person to bear. It comes with more responsibility "to always do the right thing" than most folks will ever know.
Thank you again for taking the time to provide clarification.
That's exactly how a descent human being and a great leader should act (in my humble opinion). :)
PS: I am upvoting this post at 100% Please continue to follow me LOL!

you have a beautiful heart, i got trough more texts of you today, and everytime i think beautiful person

You're doing a good job communicating @janine-ariane! Welcome to Steemit.
I was actually joking with @papa-pepper about continuing to follow me because I'm never quite sure (myself) how a comment is going to be interpreted and this is what his post is about. Specifically people asking for others to vote for them when they don't have a relationship established or their comment isn't even relevant to the post. Just so that I am perfectly clear, you should never ask anyone to upvote or follow you. They should take these actions only if they truly like what you have contributed. I have gone to your blog and I am absolutely thrilled to learn that you are from Belgium and that you're a massage therapist. I am too and I own a beauty salon in Canada, but was trained in Swedish style massage which will be similar to any European technique. I hold many professional licenses but am not a hairstylist. You and I have a lot in common. I have followed you for this reason and I will help you where I can. Ask questions and I will do my best to give you accurate answers. Steemit is all about building relationships and trust with other people, just like when you are working on one of your clients. You would never expect a stranger to do something for you, so make it your business to be honest and get to know people. When you have proven that you are consistent and are providing value, people will naturally want to follow and upvote you. Best of luck and thanks for having the courage to reach out. :)

yes i read that you are massage therapist :-) I used to have my own business. but i stopped with it after my mum passed away. Now slowly slowly work again for a friend with a beautifull shop here in the neighbourhood. I do miss to do facials, her daughter does them :-( I loved it, i also used to work with fresh products. Veges and fruit in the beauty cabin, as well as all the essential oils offcourse. Yes i will love to interact with you about this things. Thank you for your answers and thank you for the compliment about my communication skills. I am to curious to keep on walking in the dark want to know the inside and the outside, i only can not always follow it. Thanks for your warm welcome. I now go to sleep with a totally forfilled happy feeling :-) Tomorrow my husband and i planned a day to the family sauna, so i will have something in the evening to talk about :-)

Beautiful! This is exactly what to do. Take us and show us what you do in your life. I can't wait to read about the sauna experience in your country. Generally you want to write about things that light you up and makes your soul shine. Always include at least one picture so that you have a thumbnail show up in the feed. The first picture used will be what people see in their feed and landscape works better than portrait when it comes to the first photo. Have a good sleep and I will watch for your sauna post. :)

Ithink the difference is WHAT they say they can be ever so lovely and goodwilling to you that does not mean they actually read what you wrote. And let be fair, we all write to be read. When you can see someone copied and pasted your text first to translate it in their lanquage and afterwoulds there answer translated in english, you fins some how something of your text back in the sentences. But just saying, you are so good, i follow you i want to see more of you often etcetera? what has that got to do with what you wrote? I understand you that is a no go. Do not take me wrong, i only have to see an old man in a bed and i allready upvote do not have to have any explanation. Like buying of my consience ? I am original dutch married to an englishman but English is still a struggle :-) Please upvote me now? I did go in to your text and made comment... hahah Sorry :-)

Right, the least a comment could do is to have something to do with your post.

I hear what you're saying and we do have to be sensitive to non English speakers. But I knew what he was saying because I've experienced the same thing. There are a ton of people (or bots) out there that basically harass people this way.

I have also experienced a non native English speaker with a comment like that. My gut told me he was not one of the typical scammer/bot and I looked at his profile. I did find him to be a young person from another country trying to get started. I took the time to let him know about the way he commented and to try to avoid doing that. He listened.

Unfortunately with all the scammer/bot comments like these that @papa-pepper is highlighting, too many non native English speakers can see this as an example for them. Most of the time I just ignore those comments, but this posts gives people a chance to let off a little steem. :)

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read, think and then comment @aboutyourbiz.
The fact that people even find themselves needing to let off steam or vent their annoyance says to me that we need a more constructive way to deal with the issues of programmed bots. More specifically how their roles have developed on this platform and whom they target. Based on what I have observed, many target new people with comments that look like they have been awarded something of merit or accomplishment and then softly sell that if they upvote they will be supported or they will be supporting someone even newer than they are. I think this teaches that it's ok to ask for upvotes and follows.
Combine that, with one of the first things that new people learn, which is to do whatever they can to attract the attention of folks who have higher reputation scores and try to get them to take notice. People want to succeed.
Isn't that part of the reason that most people have chosen to comment the way they have on this post?
They have done so because they want to be acknowledged and counted as fully supporting the issues that have been brought forward and/or they are attempting to secure the author's attention so that they might receive an award of SBD for their comment or inclusion in a song that satirically may poke fun at this moment in Steemit's history.
It is human nature to commiserate in negativity with other people as a way to form bonds of friendship.
As a person's reputation increases so does the responsibility of that person to "care" for the community at large, "constructively". This level of responsibility constantly escalates. It never stops and unfortunately it does put the people at "the top" at a different level of socially "expected" behaviour, because their actions and opinions carry so much more weight. These opinions can be really helpful or completely devastating. So I am suggesting that with @papa-pepper's current level of reputation (like it or not) he has moved into another league of expected behaviour as he is a global leader on this platform and as such will be held accountable for his actions in a much different way than others with lower reputations and lower public visibility.
The top is a lonely place to be and it's not all roses. You must think of every single ramification that your words will create and specifically how those words will be interpreted.
Thank you for thinking and being confident enough to start a communication thread about it. :)
If it were up to me, I'd ban the use of bots entirely because I think it would level the playing field and make the game more fair. In my eyes a decision must be made: is Steemit a social platform or is it an artificial construct of bot-ism?

You make salient points.

In my short time on Steemit I don’t know if the bot problem has gotten worse or I’ve just become more aware of it, but it is definitely something that could at some point cause steemit to go the way of myspace. I’m not interested in being social with bots. And I don’t see action being taken to stem the tide. Maybe it’s happening in the background, I don’t know. And I don’t know what that action should be anyway.

I do believe the bots can also influence some ESL people in the way they comment. People try to learn by copying what they see, I’ve done it, like how to fill out some form you have to turn in. That too is human nature.

And let’s be honest, there are ESL scammers/bot programmers too, not just on Steemit. I had an experience with one a couple years back when I had put a burial plot on craigslist for my parents. (They had moved and wanted to sell it and get another one where they moved to) Anyway, I got an email from someone telling me their father had died and they needed to get his body to the US for burial and they would give me more money than I was asking to sell but I needed to give them my bank account number.

As to the reputation responsibility you have a valid point. I see it just a little differently though. (Think 3 blind men trying to describe an elephant by feel, different perspective). I agree that as your reputation grows so does your responsibility to lead by example. The trouble is as your reputation grows you don’t become more saintly or less human. You’re still you, human, and people make mistakes.

I’m still not convinced @papa-pepper made a mistake with this post, but I do see how someone could think he did. And while I’m not willing to hold him to a standard of perfection in posting, which is what this ultimately leads to by definition:

As a person's reputation increases so does the responsibility of that person to "care" for the community at large, "constructively". This level of responsibility constantly escalates. It never stops and unfortunately it does put the people at "the top" at a different level of socially "expected" behavoiur, because their actions and opinions carry so much more weight.

I am going to watch his response when someone diplomatically draws his attention to a possible issue just like you did. I believe this is where he differentiates himself as a leader, in his response. He’s allowed to make mistakes, but how does he handle the repercussions of his actions?

So basically while what you said in the above quote is true, I believe the application should be made to their response to their mistake or perceived mistake, not to expecting no mistakes.

In this case, I don’t think @papa-pepper did anything that would sully his reputation, and I think you may agree based on your response to his response to you.

Let’s hope Steemit stays a social platform and doesn’t become an artificial construct of bot-ism :)

I agree completely. Not one of us is perfect. I have stood by @papa-pepper's side from the beginning and will continue to do so as long as my values continue to align with his or I understand why they don't and I still make the decision to continue.
I think that his post was a true reflection of what was on his mind at the time that he wrote it. It's his opinion, just as I have formed my opinion of his words and why I asked for further clarification because I truly do think that he has everyone's (who is real) best interests at heart. He has always supported the people and gone above and beyond to help and include everyone. He has demonstrated this time and time again, whether it is driving 100's of miles with his family to make sure someone in need had what they needed in times of crisis. He has also worked very hard to support a translation program that he developed to help others who don't speak English as their first language. When I read this particular post, it didn't seem to align with his normal "helping, let's find a solution to a problem" style. I could have easily skipped leaving a comment and simply un-followed him. No one would have been the wiser but it felt to me like a lynch mob was forming as I read through all the comments and I did read about 100 of them. In doing so I quickly realized that one Steemian was attempting to out-do the wit of the next in a bashing-style competition.
It felt like bullying to me and I couldn't sit back and turn a blind eye because that's like saying that I find this behaviour to be an acceptable way to solve a problem that is impacting us all.
I am not perfect and nor is @pappa-pepper. The fact that he chose to upvote my comment to the placement where it currently sits and he acknowledged my original comment at all, tells me that he is currently thinking a little deeper. Thinking is good, blindly following for acceptance is not (in my humble opinion, of course) and I suppose that it high-lights the dangers embedded in "groupthink".
It's dysfunctional decision-making. If we all think bots and scammers are negative, then let's simply get rid of them and move on.

Just catching up on some of this conversation now. What an interesting read and solid discussion to observe. Thanks for having it.

Some of the bots can use interesting language spinners too, which can appear to be from non English speakers. I have never flagged the poor comments, and like to encourage and instruct when I can too. If we can help others, so can they, and then together we can all improve.

I have not checked my feed for a few days it seems (where does the time go?) and found this very intriguing conversation about comments. I too have experienced similar comments from what appears to be a bad translation and thought it was from a bot. I took the time to look at the poster's profile and saw that the comment to me was in fact unique and not one that was repeated on many posts. I gave them an up-vote.

I've also seen the opposite, where I saw the same message in their out-going comments repeated more times than I cared to scroll through. In that case I simply wrote them back asking them to write something a little more personal. In those cases I generally do not get a response. I suspect it's because it is a bot account and nobody even reads anything that is sent to it.

I have much respect (and frankly, I don't know how people like @papa-pepper find the time to do the research) for people who are able to screen so many messages and make reasonable responses to so many comments. That is a skill I doubt I will ever master.

Thanks for adding to the conversation @happyme. There are actually a few really interesting topics wrapped up in this post. All of us "super-early adopters" hold some responsibility to lead and help the community at large to make the "truly" global leap. I hope one day soon, we will have representation from every single country and we can all get there without going crazy in the growth/evolution process.

hello @papa-pepper. I am very interest. Your story very clear. I tell my grandchildren be like pepper. I appreciate you make this community. You help my child by learning to be good steemian. Story has good point and beautiful understanding. My chilldren are looking and resteem like me. @papa-pepper pls... I watch your story everytime, I go to toilet.

My mother say @papa-pepper is very beautiful and story like good talking. I talk about you to her, more then I talk about my wife. I think my wife is jealous. She know how I like you. When my mother put me to sleep she say to me. Futurethinker you remember to upvote papa-pepper? I say ofcourse , I never forget. Pls @papa-pepper

Thank you, vote me and my children

We pray your good luck

Thank you for that!

Hahaha I had fun making my comment. Sometimes these comments can be demotivating, but mostly they give me a good laugh.

Good idea man! @papa-pepper

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I no Engsquish very Good - Butt just wanted to tell you Drpepper that your post is very information. Very information indeed.

I am small boy from village in Tinquuginny-a -tut- tut. You probably don't know where that is but it be far far away. A no good place that make my feet smell bad and my pockets empty. Even though just a small boy I also have 5 babies that I must support. I am not doing so good Dr Pepper and that is why I hope that you will follow me. Your upvote feeds my entire family for a week in Tinquuginny-a -tut- tut. If you help my family with a follow and upvote we may live! Please help us live DrPepper. I upvote all your posts please upvote all mine that my babies may live! You want my babies to live don't you?

I wanted to let you know that should you upvote and follow I will make a small statue of you in my village. I will make all the villagers worship you as a god. Yes, I will bring all my little babies and they shall worship you too. We all worship at your stinky feet. Everytime you upvote me I will kill a goat Dr.Pepper


Wow great post, lots of information.

haha amazing! be my friend 😘


You win the internets this time👏🏽

It's pretty intense, the internet is a hard game to win... but you just gotta get focused and bring your A game. I've been training for years.

That was so funny it hurt

Hahahaha @artwatch, this is a "coffee spewer" for sure! :)

Definitely upvotable... brings to mind some of the finest email chain letters of the early days on the web!

Your post is so very good. You win Internet for today! I believe you are the Cooper Anderson from CNN come to Steemit and spread truth bombs.

I have follow you, will you follow me? You can find my latest post that has nothing to do with your post HERE. Since I upvote you 100, you upvote me 100 too okay?

In meantime, will you enjoy my art of Mr Ned?

Omg I had to walk out of my office bc I couldn’t stop laughing at that image. Ho-Lee crap dude. You win like the entire world today.

omg... :)

This is only so funny because it is so true, we all have received comments like that. Sometimes I wonder if they accidentally commented on the wrong post. I upvoted you by the way with 100% of my 1cent worth of vote! You follow me and marry my youngest daughter now, or what?

And marry my youngest daughter!!! Bwhahahaha!!!

@mikepm74 Super funny!

That picture of Mr. Ned though. omg.

All you base are belong to me...

HAHA! Someone had to say it!

You win! We're not worthy!

I am the Steemit spelling nazi:

All youR base are belong to us

And you're wrong. :D
I deliberately spelled it like that :p

Note the 'me' at the end too :D

I have no problem being wrong. ;-)

You, sir, are a rare human indeed. Pleased to meet you :)

Please to meet you too, although I already read some of your posts.

Ah, so you already know what sense of humour I have at my disposal :)

I hope you enjoy them :)

I remember a few of your posts too... your family from Cameroon was interesting reading.

I am only 25 years old in the current episode, in 1974.
My two Cameroonian children will arrive in France in 1986 and 1987.

Hah! That just HAD to be said-- brilliant!

Okey peepee-papa I leaf reel comnent for yiou. I reteem you reteem ! Make mi wordl brite for i steaming fan n yiou best to fellow so fellow mi to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't follow me I suicide... I follow you, your bathroom needs nicer tiles.... I up voted you all my cents, why you no throw me dolla dolla bills y'all?.... Your comments is great, I'm pregnant with your baby... You art much nicer than my last victim.... I mrbatted to yer post, upvote me for vid.... Or personal favorite... Np f4f u4u?

You'll note none of these are discriminatory of English skills.

Lol 😂 too funny.

haha, amazing! be my friend 😘

Papa-pepper, I can understand your being miffed with the bot thing, I too get annoyed and have spoken out about them but I have a very hard time trying to understand why you of all people would suddenly, after helping so many on this platform, after all the great posts, belittle those who come from a different part of the world, those who are brought up not understanding how we here in the west think. Our values are different, we too them live in a place of prosperity. They are trying to emulate the west, they want to climb out of their situations, they want to be like you, they see your payouts.
We may read their comments and smile at the combination of words and the spelling mistakes. You except for the spam and bots should be grateful that they want to be like you, like papa-pepper, they do not understand the hard, dedicated work, the time and money that you have invested in the Steemit platform. They try in their broken English in the only way they know how. They are learning, look how the follow for follow has dropped off!
I am not an advocate for them, I believe in fairness for all, anyone who follows me knows this.
I fully understand the possible repercussions this comment may bring, so be it, but to sit back and watch a faction of people made fun of because they don't fully understand the English language, by a person or persons who consider themselves highly educated, for me is wrong.
To seek a laugh or higher reputation and or money at someone else's expense, to me is also wrong.
I am torn wether I should resteem your post, but I will decline.
My Mohawk Grandfather taught me, "a thought is formed in the head, but should always be passed through the heart before spoken"..............billytwohearts

Haha! Great post!

This was such a nice thing to read and come across today. I get your point and like how nonjudgmental you are. But I also get what @papa-pepper means. I don't think he is really trying to make fun of such people; just trying to express his sentiments. Nonetheless, I do agree with what you said too. :)

It is important to differentiate between what is making these comments funny. As an ESL teacher for many years - I cannot say that I have never laughed - some errors are so cute! I have been laughed at more times than I can count in my life long mission to speak spanish.

But the funniness here, to me, is not based on orthographic errors, but something deeper - I'm not sure all of the commenters have the same idea.

please refer to my comment to see what I mean (All reading this, not just you Sharoon ;p)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I don't think you should assume anyones intent. In fact that in itself is truly judgemental and your own form of disillusionment regarding someones character. Perhaps some of these comments are humorous yet dismal reflections of reality.

Poverty and education is something we all should be thinking about. We can't deny that their is a gap. Sometimes it is kinda funny.... if it doesn't at the same time make you feel a little helpless to change anything. I think the best humor is a bitter satire about the world, perhaps I enjoy comedy that the average man can relate to. The unspoken joke that is merely a sad commentary on the world around us. So often even that is censored, even when it is but a mere parody.

I am glad that there are people like you in the world, believe me. Just as I am glad there are people in the world who I can be open and honest with. Honesty is a hard thing to swallow especailly when it is wrapped up in spicy jokes.

Not my cross. I'm just here for the laughs. You know....?

Hello! I have not followed everything you said but it sounds so good I would like you to give me another chance!

To be clear - in the learning of another language - there is humor! We will all make mistakes and when I teach I try to use laughter positively. I also embarrass myself plenty by trying to learn and speak the language of those that I am teaching, thus showing them that making mistakes and laughing about it is good and healthy way to learn!

Also for clarification - this 'type of comment' that this particular article is referring to is not necessarily about bad english. I see now that are saying bot-spinners not second language speakers to refer to the odd construction of language. I think that I showed with my above comment to this post that it is possible to be completely irrelevant of the topic in perfectly eloquent english.

In the end, I use steemit to give me a wide variety of creative challenges, to give me an excuse to write, interact and let my creative juices flow! So here I am, spinning irrelevant copy-pasteable comments with all of you ;p

Thank you for the comment. It was not just what papa pepper had posted but also at the type of response that the post had attracted............billytwohearts

I feel the same and I have left my own comment to reflect my feelings.

Thank you for your very valid point. I can see where my post can be taken that way. I appreciate you honestly evaluating my post and sharing your thoughts on it.

I follow you, you follow I, they follow we, all snuggle under light of moon :)

I vote you witness, please vote me witness, but we see nothing!


i think my favorite of all time was left on my wife’s blog. Some dude commented “Pls upvode me”. Yep—upvode.

So being the nice person she is she went and checked out the guy’s blog and he had posted mostly plagiarized material. So she gave him some suggestions about ideas for original content. She told him maybe post a picture of something cool that he saw or found interesting. She gave a specific example “ maybe a picture of a cool tree that you saw.”

She didn’t literally mean post pictures of trees, it was merely an example, but sure enough we checked the guy’s blog the next day and there was....wait for it....

A picture of a freakin tree! And the only words in the post were “a beautiful tree”. We also suspected the picture was plagiarized and she asked him if he took the picture and of course the answer was no.

So the next day he posts another picture of a tree. And I think he actually took that pic himself. Good job dude. Progress.

Pls upvode me. Face palm.

I know how this feels :)))

I'm not sure I understand. I will upvote and resteem this post anyway, because I feel that you are an amazing person, but please visit my post and leave a reply explaining what your post was about. Thanks dear.

@papa-pepper, while I do not agree with everything you have written here - I applaud you for bringing it to the light of fresh discussion!

Topics like these are what make steem so great - for we can talk openly and discuss them among peers in the comments section. Here I am now discussing the intricacies of your post with you - a noble user who lives far from me!

While I have followed you these past many moons, it has weighed on my mind the many deep and thoughtful topics that you have raised in that same time. But today, of all days, you chooose to bring this topic, of all topics, to the light of day!

What could be more meaningful or prosperous than to continue this discussion with you, noble user @papa-pepper, on one of my posts, which you can find by simply clicking on my username. I will wait diligently for your replies there.

Is that how it works? Just click on your name?

Thank you for many helps on learning how to Steemit.

Follow me for many more advices of this caliber!

I'm so confused, is it brilliant parody or ??

Hahaha you are smart, aren't you :P

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My alpaca love your posts always very much. He want to kiss you with lips today and beyond today.

But my alpaca is very hungry too.

Please give me biggest upvote you can afford so I can feed him on Tuesday (it is birthday then).

Thank you lovely man.

[PS If you can make instant resteeem for me I can send you my alpacas socks]

(image provided by @pennsif with greatest friendship and admirations for all your beautiful writings about the creatures of nature's mother)

I honestly think you copied your example comments from the comment section of my post. The comment section there is flooded with autobots and decepticons. Of course the only way to know for sure is to see for yourself resteem and upvote the article, take part in our ICO, and name your first born after our token or we will unfollow you.

I was thinking about poring my soul into the comment sections of steemit, but now I see that would be like a human using Twitter direct messaging.

Ha, sorry @papa-pepper I could not resist. I get tons of comments pertaining to nothing regarding my post. I occasionally look for opportunities to exploit this behavior with humor.

Follow for follow? You up-vote me, I up-vote you? Sign a contract? I have been following you for 2 days...why you no vote on me post?

Makes me feel important when I get those.

hahaha, I think I saw this on your wall.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I high fived my screen - buy this man a beer! @papa-pepper honestly man that comment was begging for the response you got.. "Wow, that is very Interesting stuff."(edit: for such a creative guy, I'd think someone hacked Papa's account if I saw that comment on my post) Personally, I'd rather you call me up and fart over the telephone a few times and hang up. 😆

Wow! Ur channel is magnitude. All your posts r such good information for me. upvote upvote. You deserve all the happiness that comes from good steemit. I be your friend and you be my friend. we be friends and together and help eachother together for better ;)

I just spit this out in the spirit of things. I'll put some thought into another one soon.

Haha Amazing! Be my friend😘😂

haha amazing! be my friend😘

Haha amazing! be my friend😘

haha amazing! be my friend😘

Haha! Lets all be amazing friends!

I like the cut of your jib! Haha!

haha amazing! be my friend😘

Here's a little something I cooked up in about 12 minutes.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I feel so non-creative with you all here :p it's looks like:.... dear @papa-peper I am with you from start, I resteem and upvote your every post, now please be so kind and please resteem my post, you don't need to upvote, only resteem, thank you for all, yours @ecoinstant... like a prayer :) ps: nice voice

Hahahahahahahaha you are hilarioussss! Loved this :D

You have a very patient approach to these lame comments, lol. I used to get riled up about them... like, really? "nice post great work you did great" -- it's just so annoying.

But if you think about other social media websites - YouTube is a great example - there are always shit comments floating around. It's just the way of the internet. On steem, with the idea of financial incentives floating around, it's actually a miracle that we don't have more spam comments. I guess the flag/rep system is to thank.

All we can do is give our attention, and perhaps some upvotes, to the best comments on our threads... My goal is always to incentivize real conversations. I want to learn from my comments section, to be challenged and seek new perspectives. I won't hesitate to throw a full 100% upvote at somebody if they contribute a great idea to my post via the comments. That's what steem is all about!

I totally agree. I have found true joy and also real despair in the comment section of my articles. But the emotions are real

Much informational post ,
I upvote you, my power worth 0.001 at most,
Now please resteem and upvote this unrelated copy paste post,
please much need free promote,
Also here's a worthless spam bot upvote
Follow for follow, please I much need promote for my plagiarism spam posts.

funny little poem
I totally agree, I hate it when I see comments like these. Awesome contest haha thanks @papa-pepper.

Self upvoted my "amazing" comment for complete authenticity

I upvote my own posts, good that not comments, now I think I should stop this :)))

Self voting needs to go - but its hard to resist on comments when you are actually 'rising above' the morass of other comments. Upvoting your own post is just giving money to yourself - adds no value to the ecosystem. We are all learning, but I think in a future fork the rules of self-voting will change.

I upvote my own posts to be more visible, to more people see my posts, i don't upvote my comments. I will thinking to stop upvote my own posts.

I thought this too - but there is no visibility benefit to upvoting your own posts - visibility comes from followers and resteems.

In fact - you may be harming your potential curators - making your post less desireable for an upvote - if you artificially inflate your post too much! @curie won't upvote you if you go over a dollar, and individual curators are less likely to see the benefit if you have, say, large upgoats on every post.

As a social experiment - I feel free to freely mix my opinion with what I think is fact - but consider my anecdote - I had written this post and was eager for people to see it. I had won some whale shares and only a few hours after posting I had lost all patience with waiting to see if someone would look at my article - I dumped 50 whaleshares on my post for 'visibility'. A $7.50 upvote!

Guess what? I shot myself in the foot. No one wanted to touch it since I had poisoned the curation well, no one but a larger whale was going to see any curation rewards from my post, plus everybody probably thought - well he got 7 dollars thats pretty good.

Upvoting comments actually do increase your visibility. It still may not be right, but at least it works!

I was thinking about this what you wrote last two days, was not too easy to understand you because of my bad english I was not so sure what you exacly mean. I stoped for few many hours on your comment and I decide to stop upvote my own posts. I will stop too use bot becouse few times I used bot upvoted me.

Listen - I have been thinking about this too. I may act like I know it all but I'm only a guy with strong opinions in an open forum. I have enjoyed discussing with you and hope we can continue ;p

I want married you!

the best comment here!! @papa-pepper proposal for you :)

Haha Amazing! Be my friend😘😂

@papa-pepper Your post is always great. Happy person you are. Video is great. Enlightened I am. You are my friend. I have 100%upvote you. resteemed your post has been. Can you give tips to me on my latest post?

Note: The commenter did take the time to type in your handle before copy pasta the comment. That shows his/her sincerity.

Note 2: Typically, this type of comment would also be self-voted so hopefully it would be near the top.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

lol it's funny, especially note 2 ;)) and this gif to this all, good work!

Woah there, hold on a second. This sounds like our honorable Yedi master Yoda has commented on your post. Bow down and show some respect! Btw I vote for you, you vote for me, 100% it has been.

Grate photos! you amaze! you like good stuff so look at my blog and upvote! I follow you you follow me and we will happy!

Yeah, I dont like this crawling either. Speak your mind, thats my motto. So how about this:
"Hey dude. We've noticed bisness isse pretty good for you letely. So me, Rocco and Tony here are makin you a exclusive offer: You upvot our stuff - but with da 100% claro - and things keep goin smoothe. And smoothe is good, right? Right. Bcause shit can happen, y'know. You dont wanta shit to happen, right? Right."


I have followed you for two days now and you never upvote me. I no longer follow you. resteemed!!!!!

I read the first word of your post and I "jizzed in my pants."
If you want to "jizz in your pants" then follow me and we will both jizz in our pants together. Together we will fill the world with jizz and we will ruin all of the pants.

hahaha...too far? ...or not far enough?

what do I think?
I think that 'bots are commenting using a random word generator to compose them. A few 'key words' are used as a seed ....and there you have it..

"Comvores me, I will Comvores you 100% !!!"

(Comvores = Comment, Vote, Resteem) 😐

o you so big a whale! good votes up me love you long time! whale me make me whale!

y'know - i never really understood how much thought actually goes into these things. not as easy as you might think!

not as easy as you might think!

Hello! I am new to steem. Follow me, maybe I will get sleepy with you one day.

OK, someone down there made a comment about the non-English speakers and I agree 100%. Half the "spam" comments are clearly people who do not speak English but need English upvotes... I would rather sift through 100 of those than have the stupid bots running around with whale power.
It seems @pap-pepper and I are in sync this morning... "Read my post, resteem, upvote, follow!" LOL! Seriously, I do hope some people will look at my post, "Steemgig? No ifs, ands or BOTS."
Thanks for tackling this topic, and the attempted humor even if there is a "not funny" aspect to all this.

I have so much to learn. I didn't realize that bots could become whales. (Probably silly of me not to have figured that out!) Now I need to watch out for that and not thank them like an imbecile, which I did yesterday (ha ha). Reading your linked post now....

Yes you are right as we are one family now the steemit family and we have to care for each others posts and their efforts to make them as well...,😎😉

I wrote a long poignant, funny, life changing comment for your post but it vanished when I clicked "post" and I got a steemit network error, and now I forgot what I wrote and I am too lazy and annoyed to rewrite it, but it was awesome.

Oh man that sounds incredible!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hahaha you had explained all the situation how other comments on our post most of them don't even see the full contents they just come with regular comments like nice amazing etc... they just want to earn, from my experience i think more i read the post more i will understand what's actually need to do on steemit.. how to earn and grow up high rank ☺ . im just learning i believe i can do more better. people like you help us improve more and more thank you sir.

not always is like this, sometimes we comment that we like to mark that we wrote and we saw all but we don't want to add anything more, I comment sometimes very short because I don't know what to write maybe bcoz of my english sometimes but sometimes I comment short because I want say something short.

I think the key is to be you. Be real. Write what you want. But read the article and be relevant!

Yes, I think that same that it's important to be yourselfs but we can try to be better with expressing yourelf in writing. I mean that be yourself don't mean that we don't need to try to be better all the time. Thank you for your reply :)

yes that's right have to be relevant ☺

Haha nice! Amazing comment! From the heart!

How 'bout a banana-nanner sanwich!!!

i agreed we need more interaction within our comments. I have a general rule for the "upvote me and i'll bring you forever good luck for the rest of your days" types ... don't pay attention.
I would love to see more constructive comments praising and give tips to other users. I understand not all post deserve good comments. In my work I have to give feedback to people that is not always good. I use the "Shit sandwich approach" as it is called when the office door is closed. It consists of positive point, criticism, bad point followed with some praise again, works wonders. I try and give tip when I can but don't have many to give when it comes to Steem but when one springs to mind I add it in :)

Nice post upvote me and I'll upvote your forever ;) (only joking)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@papa-pepper I agree with you 100%. Certainly copy - paste comments are not good and tiring people, especially those who have 100 comments on each post - Yoo can not answer to people who deserve their attention.
Today I just wrote about the topic of comments, and explained how it should be answered, it's my experience of 2 months on steemit and 20 years as an entrepreneur.Please do not consider this message as a deliberate commercial, this is really a coincidence. I am following your posts and I wrote today that has the same context - correct comments.

You make a good point, but right now I would be happy to get any comments at all - it took me a good 15 minutes of trying to finally upvote this post and getting a comment to actually go through is nearly impossible - I have given up trying to post comments every day this week because the Steemit back end is so flakey at the moment and if I press the post button 3 times and every time get "Transaction Broadcast Error" I have to decide someone doesn't want me to post.

dear, i give you 100% upvote ok now. if you dont mind please visite my post and follow and upvote please.

And there is always the one word comments like: nicee.


@papa-pepper Can I haz you vote? I will strongly follow and resteem you. Please b friendz with me...

Ok, so that's my try ;-) You're perfectly right, by now most comments are just spam begging for attention, votes, and so on. I don't remember when I had the last real conversation in the comment section. All of this is really demotivating, my posting rate declined to almost zero in the past two months. I don't know if this will get better at some point or even worse, I just can say that I miss the Steemit experience before this flood of meaningless spam comments.

Steem on!

There is no incentive to refrain from posting bad garbage. I wonder if that will ever change.

Lmfao... y'all are crazy... each and every one of you... I'm dying laughing over here

I thought your post would be about the difficulty of posting a least more recently. But you pointed a crucial problem of Steemit lately, and with a great sense of humor! I'm glad you made this post!! I'll save it to share whenver I receive a "upvote for upvote" comment!

Pls login required for further below

Password for further.

Let me chime in by saying that the internet, and most especially Steemit, brings out our inner Bot Dialog Generator. We have all heard that automation and AI is the future, so it's a delightfully refreshing distraction to see such anomalies occur in the comments sections here in these lands of Steemit. I think I am up too late to write anything remotely coherent so I will just bid you all a Good Night! P.S. My local time is 12:30AM.

This comment is not important and contributes nothing
(I don't remember who I stole this from)

[BTW, this post is hilarious!!!]

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

(It can be amusing to read those comments. Well, I can't resist a contest of ridiculousness....) "Spicy post Daddy Pepper. I can't wait to eat it for dinner. My family will be happy. We also like peppercini's. I SEND you .001 SBD VFF to say welcome newcomer! You follow me 100% and I like you." (Thanks for the fun @papa-pepper!)

Please deliver me from these terrible comments...

Why for u no ubote me. I follows u? no liky u than no resteam.

OMG this is hilarious. I needed a laugh like 6 or 5 times today! Good to see the Steemians have a sense of humor.

I follow and follow you. And you look so much like my beloved
Jorni Depp, but you're ignoring me again. And when I wrote to you "don't eat old potatoes"(under the post about the accidental discovery), you said "I know it." And did not appreciate my concern. So soon I will unsubscribe from you, Yes. Urgent take action! ( well, it's humor, I hope you understand I don't want to leave you because I like your content).

Sir , you music in this post my hero be. Best poem, yourstory make you hero! check out my blog and vote.

100# like and resteem sire

my blog is also good tweet.

Amazing pictures. You have exellent photo skills. Please follow my upvote!!

You have high rep! I have a business idea for you, I sent you a message in when you get a chance.

I have followed you for two days now and you never upvote me. I no longer follow you. resteemed!!!!!

LOL me so happy to read this fantastic sharing of postings and awesome pictures and video!

(Yes so totally not something I would say)
I read many postings, I upvote a few for great content or ones that get you involved and thinking. Add the issues with upvoting the past few weeks or posting has me frustrated so not spending much time here.

Sounds good !:)

I like your advises. Here's a bunch of token.

This post has been ranked within the top 25 most undervalued posts in the second half of Oct 27. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $56.06 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Oct 27 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

I am currently running a giveaway where all you have to do to enter is to comment the word "enter" for a set of Steemit Coasters. I specially say do not leave spammy comments like upvoted, follow or resteemed in the post. This is one of the comments that was left.
"Upvoted and followed. Enter"
I haven't decided if they will be disqualified for the spammy comment yet or not. but it gets better this comment was left by another user on my post
"i also have a giveaway" and then they left the link.

Enter - give me first your giveaway and I may give something away, what do you say?

LOL wrong post

Yes, a lot of these good-posters have appeared recently. Most likely the majority of comments like "I voted for you. Check out my blog" are left by the bots who are determined to vote for you. They have such a function.
But especially I like those people who write "nice pictures" or "thank you for valuable information" and do not leave even 1% upvote. Are you kidding?
Guys, if you think that the post is good - leave you Upvote,
if this post is amazing and useful - Resteem.
If there is nothing to say, it may be better to keep silence and not risk getting a flag?

Dear Steemit Friend,
You post such good information, it is a light in the world. Your post must spread the good informations for all to gain knowledge. I myself share such knowledge, and I wish it that you sir might visit my blog and humbly resteem my good information and upvote. I thank you for your post and your knowledge good Sir.
Your Friendly Friend on Steemit

Thank You @papa-pepper. More blessings to you.

This stuff really happens. I feel bad for the homeless guy, but at least he has internet access, and his own upvotes to keep himself warm.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

sad to be homeless :(( , many people here desperately needs money but unfortunately this don't work like this, I belive that with truth you can win, even if someone homeless here and have internet connection (maybe from free hot spot wifi) than that person could write about living with no home and how it happend, many ideas here just important to be yourself. I will check @g8418 profile.... I have checked and I think that he is not homeless, if yes he should write more about this.

All good points! I would say - don't make me feel guilty - make me feel good! I love to help people!

Steemit is good place where many people are more open than other social media, I don't know why it's work like this but it is. Commenting bots are wrong, desperate commenting beggers wrong too but people desperate needs money do things like this, I understand this but I know too that it's not working and it will not give money to people, I have checked this many times in my life and it's not working.

Does sun hot?

You know you have a good thought-provoking post when you get 100 replies! I haven't been on Steemit long enough to receive many annoying responses, but I do see plenty of them, everywhere.

Yeah, I took a day off, saw the pile of comments here, and see that it was something that people at least liked commenting on.

Lol @papa-pepper, you nailed it! I love the idea of the song! I don't have anything intensely witty, snarky, or rhyming in my noggin at the moment...but if something genius hits me while taxi-ing my kids in the car, grocery shopping, or taking a shower (my life is a barrel of excitement) I will certainly let you know. In the meantime, my friend, you are upvoted @ 100% (for reals!) and we are forever least according to me ;)

Great post @papa-pepper full of information upvote is deserve! i will follow you hope you follow me too and upvote my post it's a give and take method...

haha!!! you D' MAN! Face-with-Tears-of-Joy-Emoji-PNG.png

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So i am your best friend it the whole wide world and i love you .If you upvote me 100 percent I will send you

Very nice dear! I resteem your SBD.

For the post that says. "My dog just died and I am the saddest person in the world."
Reply: That's great news! I can't wait to see your other wonderful posts." Follow me... Look at me...

I've saw some of those comments.

I'm going to hell for this ....

Show Jesus some love. Upvote this comment. If you don't upvote this comment you don't love Jesus. Show him you love him.

This type of comment is a pre-qualifier for the speed-pass lane to hell.

Haha this is such a cool idea @pappa-pepper. I have never posted such comments on anyone's blog, but I have received a few. Whenever I receive any such comment, I do feel a bit annoyed but the second thought that runs through my mind is maybe he is trying hard to earn money and doesn't know what to do so he opts for this option. This calms me down and I don't feel much perturbed. That being said, I am going to come up with the best comment and post it in a bit here; just for the sake of having a little fun.

You are such a very, really nice human being. A gift from God I would say. When I came across your post, I am like Oh my God, he is the best person ever like he is what I am looking for, like he is going to help me. So I follow and follow you and follow you some more and upvote and resteem each post you make. Each time I do that I feel I fulfill my sense of purpose in this life. I feel like attracts like so you brought me here and somehow I feel you too would enjoy resteeming and upvoting my posts so please do that. You will find great pleasure in doing so and please do that, okay, I will be monitoring you.

yes you right, some people here trying to desperately make money here. You are very empathic, very easy sad or happy, I have same like you.

You are such a very, really nice human being. A gift from God I would say. When I came across your post, I am like Oh my God, he is the best person ever like he is what I am looking for, like he is going to help me. So I follow and follow you and follow you some more and upvote and resteem each post you make. Each time I do that I feel I fulfill my sense of purpose in this life. I feel like attracts like so you brought me here and somehow I feel you too would enjoy resteeming and upvoting my posts so please do that. You will find great pleasure in doing so and please do that, okay, I will be monitoring you.

You are right hence why I reply sch comments with questions like what is great about the post? people just copy and paste comments without thinking in order to get upvotes however my dear wild man is not only a wild man but also wise isnt it?
thanks and I hope the site is working great for you now...not all that well for me hence why I couldnt comment for a while now...I cited you on my latest post about the issue -feel free to see it and happy weekend.

I am going to be brutally honest. I don’t understand the whole upvote, resteem thing. I really started following Steemit religiously the past couple of months, but mainly reading posts that interest me. @papa-pepper, you usually have posts that I enjoy. I’m not sure if I always remember to upvote and I’m not totally sure what resteeming does. So until I have a better understanding, I will stick to leaving some well-intended comments and upvoting when I remember! Lol!

you my last hope for steamit upvote i quit so sad now bye!

You Amazing. I advise your post to follow me.
I are willing the resteem in return you the upvote. Yes?

Testing reply field

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 7 with 135 comments

In my own opinion, commenting on other people's post brings about Steemit relationship. and i always see it as a duty to a steemian.

If you comment on other people's post at all times, you might get lucky that the user will be happy with you which might him to visiting your blog, upvoting and commenting on your post and might resteem it.(you'll even be more luckier if the user is a whale)

This is what i call Steemit relationship.

I fully agree! Thank you!

@papa-pepper papa who care about all the community of steemit, @papa-pepper you deserve to be called as papa helper ...


Some variety for your collection.


I upvote and resteem for you. You upvote and resteem for me because you need me.

Right! I cannot forget my true needs:


See, you need me

Hmmm... twisted truth is usually funnier than fiction. So I leave you instead with an actual comment from not so long ago, complete with unusual punctuation and capitalization; this person was clearly trying too hard:

wow ! really your written style is very to read it. Nice blog, and Awesome thoughs are in the post.i am new in steemit and please help me in steemit Master.
thanks for sharing.
upvoted and followed.Pleass also my blog.

I'm still trying to get used to the idea that in certain parts of Asia I am evidently "Dear" and "Master."

Which I suppose is better than "deer," as I don't want to become venison sausage.

I am always amused by the ones that are complete non-sequitors. Like "thanks for your kind words." on a post about blowing up people. Or someone who commented on my "nice trees" in a post that had neither mention nor pictures of trees.

Which brings me to the possibility that some people are baked senseless while using Steemit, so they simply don't know what they are looking at.

some people are baked senseless while using Steemit

I think that you just unlocked one of the mysteries of the universe there.

This is a gigantic exemplification of how to scrawl a post. Your struggle make a great augmentation to steemit. I am so overjoyed I establish your post. Not similar to the lifeless corpse I just read.

p.s. word spinner for a bot, not ESL

Right! Bot comments!

The next level are bot comments. Few days ago I posted and one of my tags was lifehack. And in a split second I got this:

Oscar Wilde : Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.

Maybe in the near future a bot will pass the Turing test here is Steemit 😅


Good work

My fren is a pretty girl and need steem money to get back her passport. please upvote and resteem so she can get back to America. I unfollow you if you do not.

So true!! ESL (English as a Secondary Language) is fine and includes half my household. It's the lack of consideration that seems to bug all of us., if only I could get steemit to let me reply or upvote without having to try 5-10 times for everything, it's just getting old.

Yes, I've been watching but I didn't realize the result and appreciate the info, good to know.

A good portion of my extended family also is either bilingual or ESL, and it can get interesting sometimes.

...yes, very interesting!
BTW, not long after reading this I posted my daily contest then went on to read New posts. Within a couple I saw one of these spam comments and had to chuckle. That didn't last long as I then checked my post and the person hit me too! LOL. I checked out their account and they're spamming so I replied and included a link to this post. I also resteemed this as well. Thank you (again) for all you do for us.

great post @papa-pepper but i must say the comments below where equally, if not more entertaining! Thanks though and keep putting this out there. I will resteem this post in order to get a little more exposure on this topic, as I think its and important issue.

I cannot meet you to participate at this time as I am in Africa on missionery werk. If you want to rent space on my blog, you may walk around the outside and look in the windows. You will see it it mostly vacant. After you send one Steem silver, I will send you key. you can rent it for one month. It is one steem silver for each month.

I just need you to fill out the following info.

  1. Your crrent home address
  2. the hours you are usualy working away from home
  3. your sosial security number
  4. number of pets you have. especially how many dogs.
  5. do you need a home alarm. my blog doesn't have one. you may need to bring it from your current home.
  6. how many people live with you. are they always home? I may have to charge extra for extra wear on the home. If they are always home it is 2 steem silver per month.

I hope we can do business as it will help my mishinery werk.

As to the ESL thing. we began to be able to pick out the rental op scams right away on craigslist. this is a modified typical response, if we went ahead and made an inquiry. We are 99% sure they were not really in Africa. Definitely not on a religious mission.

I think it has been tough for people when the site was lagging. Also the prices have been down and it gets to a point where a lot of us are only making a couple of bucks / post. It makes it tough to comment. I keep trying to post and comment but all I can hope for is a few bucks at this point it seems which is actually odd because with prices around $1 / STEEM I would anticipate the payouts being a little better but what I think ends up happening is that as the money starts to dry up a lot of people actually start looking out for themselves even more and use a lot of power on themselves to compensate for the low payouts. But who knows!

Me so Steemy. Me love you lonnng time.

This very much for me is a good post. I enjoyed the photos. Much talent. I have upvoted and resteemed all of your posts. I enter your contest, but I don’t win. Tell me what to do that will win. I will do that. I want to be you. My posts are sad. Yours are many happy times. I try very hard, and I make no money. Please give me yours. Please return my goodness and read, upvote, and resteem my posts. Especially, the ones with plagiarism. Plagiarism isn’t easy. It’s hard. I work hard. I still have no money. You are the sunshine. Tell me how to be shiny, too. Please upvote me. Follow me back. Help me find the money.

This is a very aggravating issue that I deal with on a very, very small scale compared to yours. Most of the time I just wont reply or I will reply with a smartass question. Like if my post only had images in it of a sun setting and someone leaves a comment like "Great information!" I may ask them a question like "Which part did you think was the most informative or which part did you like the most?" And most of the time they wont respond back. I can assure you one thing, if I ever leave a comment on someones post, I took the time to actually read it.....Unless I'm going for the Quick Draw Bonus Point and then I might skim over the first part and go back to it later 😁

I had a few tears of laughter when I read those comments at the end.


I am glad that you are here, I would like you have 1000$ 1 vote power and than upvote my post on steemit. Wish you luck with bulding your house plans with no debts :))
ohh and about comment hmm you are so good in your content, it's hard to break this what you do here...
I saw once in comments some funny glad conversation many times:
I am glad that you glad, I am glad that you glad that I am glad, I am glad that you glad that.... glad glad glad.... real GLAD ARMY :D

I'm not here to win this contest but I did want tell you quick that I read every word of your post and I sympathize with your sentiment. You have made Steemit so much fun, especially with your selfie contest and a lot of people appreciate you!! Don't let the trolls take away your peace. :)