Commitments are one of the most important aspects of marriage. Without them, it's as if you are stuck in a rut. When you look back at your relationships, do you really see yourself with your partner for the rest of your life? Of course not. So if you're reading this, I would assume that you have some commitments that you want to keep.
Of course, keeping commitments means making some sacrifices and taking some leaps of faith. If you don't make any changes, you're just going to be stuck in the same position forever. That doesn't sound like fun, does it? So here are five tips to make and keep your commitments:
Make your intentions known - You can start by saying out loud (in your mind) what you want from the relationship. What are you looking for? How can you get what you want? Are there certain things you want from the relationship? What are things you need from it?
Define commitment - There are two kinds of commitment: A vow of one's life to another person and a promise of obedience. Most people are content with just one of these. However, those of us who are committed to our own happiness generally stick with the vow of obedience. For the commitment to be meaningful, both of you must mean it. Otherwise it becomes empty.
Seek agreement - Once you've decided on what you want, make sure that you get your partner to agree. The reason for this is that all commitments should start with an agreement. If they don't, you'll have nothing but failure behind you. So, if you are both committed to making a commitment to each other, try to reach an agreement on the specifics of that commitment.
Be willing to change - All of us are willing to change things in our marriage. Some of us are willing to give up on some things and be better spouses than others. If you want your marriage to have meaning, you need to be willing to make changes. If you want your commitment to remain valid, make sure that your spouse is also willing to give up their own needs to accommodate yours.
Think about the costs - Finally, think about the costs involved. What are the costs to your marriage if you don't keep your commitment? Of course, the most obvious cost is your standard of living. If your partner decides that they don't want to stay married, you will no doubt end up in a poor living condition. Obviously, this can be avoided if both parties are committed to staying married.
The decision to commit is a serious one. It should be entered into with a lot of careful consideration. You don't want to do it just because you want to. You want to do it because you believe it is the right thing for your family. Do what you can to ensure that your relationship is founded on a solid foundation of commitment.