March 24, 2001 - The Day the Rebellion began - Final part.

in common-law •  7 years ago  (edited)


The sour fruits of the EU.

Fruits that had been incubated by every politician since Edward Heath...

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Now, I am in no doubt that this was and still is a well orchestrated conspiracy, to remove, once and for all, any trace of Magna Carta and the troublesome laws that survive within a common law community.

This theory was confirmed to the Barons, once the 30-year restriction had been lifted and 'Shoehorned into the EU' was released for the public's viewing.

For those who haven't read part 4, This study paper revealed how Edward Heath and his cabinet all knew exactly what powers the UK was about to give to Europe if they signed the Rome agreement(Joining the EEC, 1973).

Increasing loss of sovereignty

The loss of external sovereignty will however increase as the Community develops, according to the intention of the preamble to the Treaty of Rome “to establish the foundations of an even closer union among the European peoples”.
Small threats to sovereignty, like Burgess, Blunt and Maclean’s selling secrets to the Russians, attract 30 year jail sentences. The penalty for actually loosing even small parts of it until 1998 was “to hang by the neck until dead.” The death penalty still exists for treason as the 1795 Treasonable and Seditious Practices Act was NOT legally repealed in 1998 when the Right Dishonourable Tony Blair introduced the Crime and Disorder Act, in chapter 36 he attempted to repeal the 1795 Act and the death penalty for high treason but Blair had no lawful authority to do so, and he committed treason in his attempt. He committed three counts of high treason in all.
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I spoke in one of the previous parts, about how common law has been entwined with Christianity and how the two are quite compatible.

Well then, it should come as no surprise that Christianity began to be questioned and ridiculed around the same time as we were taken into the EU. As well as this, the educational arm of the government had ceased to teach common law in the universities and instead began to teach Roman-Canon Law.

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Subsequently, we now have Police, solicitors, Lawyer, Barristers, and Judges all knowing more about EU laws than they do their own. At the time this was all being implemented, our government were still claiming to uphold 'The laws of the land'.
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This was an attack on all sides and once religion had finally been place in the Jester costume, replaced by Ronald McDonald, it meant one less enemy to worry about.


If the "do-gooders" and "god-botherers" were behind common law, then that meant it was as unbelievable as turning water to wine...

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You see, we are now in the age of Edward Bernays and social manipulation. Please do not be fooled into thinking that the version of Justice you see today is any kind of representation of common law. An abomination more like...


Big Brother has certainly learned a few new tricks since 'the peasants revolt' and with the House of Lords being made impotent and then allowing Edward Heath to sign away our constitutional rights, we were beginning to look like the proverbial Goose at Christmas...


400 years have almost passed and now it seems that it will be our generation, or possibly the next, that complete the next revolution.


As in every battle, you have light and dark, good and evil, the famous and the Infamous.

Those who were to sound the alarm and begin the official proceeding, of a LAWFUL REBELLION, were faced with the infamous Tony Blair and he seemed to take to treason, like a duck to water...

But don't forget, he had already prepared himself for the task ahead, by unlawfully repealing the 1795 Treasonable and Seditious Practices Act.... The sneaky little rat.

In 2001, Tony Blair signed the Treaty of Nice and the rest is history...


Following on from his predecessors, PM Blair signed away even more of our sovereign rights and the laws. Basically, all the things that make England the "green and pleasant land" I once felt proud to be a part of.


But alas!! There is hope for us all yet and it seems the spark of 1911 has now developed into a raging inferno.

The Barons committee had exhausted all other means and were now forced to go over the heads of a corrupt parliament and petition the Queen herself. As I explained in part 1, the queen did reply, as it was her lawful duty to do so, but her reply was without spine and confirmed to the people whose side our royal zeke-highness was actually on.

So much for her Oath to the people...

Once the reply had been received, it left the people of the UK, who were now being represented by the Barons committee, only one choice...


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On the 24th March, 2001, The UK officially entered into a state of rebellion.

The public outrage that came about was outstanding and it is testament to the power of the MSM, that this monumental moment in history was covered-up. If it wasn't for the UK journalist, Caroline Davies, this would never even made it to page 14 and we would have even less evidence of this ever happening at all...

Whether they care to admit it or not, Article 61 has been invoked and the authority of the people, usually placed in the hands of the crown, who in-turn entrusts this authority to parliament(separation of powers, remember), has now been transferred to the Barons committee.

Article61 is now the highest power in the land and it is our duty to stand under it!!

Article61 was invoked using all the lawful protocols that are needed to enact such a powerful implement of law. It is absurd to think that we would agree to bestow 'the power of the people' to the Crown and all its agents, without having a method of removing them from office, if they were ever to fail on their side of the bargain.
("Their side of the bargain" is represented by the Oath sworn, when stepping into any form of public office, e.g. Royalty, Police, The Bar society, Judges)

Well guess what...? They did fail, massively, and now it is up to our generation to once again call upon the powers of Article61, the emergency clause of 'The Great Charter' 1215.


Just to make sure we are all on the same page, I will translate exactly what that means.

It states that if you are not willing to stand with the Barons, in upholding Article61 and harassing "The Crown", then you must understand that you now stand as an outlaw, as even the law must compel you to take action against those who have committed treason. Whether the traitor be the King, Queen, Prime minister or Guy Falkes himself, the law still stands.

The law stands above us all and that is what makes us sovereign people. In common law, nobody is higher than another and no matter what your status, you still answer to the common laws of the land. At the time these laws came about, they were thought to be Holy Laws, but I think of them as Mother-Natures laws. Either way, it makes little difference to the idea, that for a society to live under a set of "laws", they must assure that those laws are created by someone other than themselves.

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You may recognise the name "Blackstone", as this is the guy who put his name to the Law books that have educated our Judiciary from 700AD, until the 1970's. Blackstones's Law-books where pulled from the shelves of all the universities and this happened, not only, in the UK, but throughout the commonwealth as well...

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Do you stand under Atricle 61 of Magna Carta 1215?

***My name is Daniel and I am a free man, who stands together with the people, under the 61st clause of Magna Carta.

I am a Lawful Rebel and I belong to the PLD!***


To be a member of the PLD(Practical, lawful, dissent), all you have to do is declare your allegiance to the Baron's committee. It used to be the case that we would send a signed copy of our Oaths to one of the Barons who live today. You can do this, by all means. I have one myself and it is hanging, in a frame, on a wall in my house. I am very proud of this document, but I will tell you now that it is not necessary to have one.

A verbal declaration to yourself is sufficient, but to help our rebellious actions carry more weight, we like to send a copy of our oaths with whichever notice is appropriate for that particular agent of the crown. It looks more official and when you are involved in sending Lawful notices, looking "official" means a lot.

So let me get to the good bit and tell you all what it means for the UK to be in this form of rebellion. More importantly lets look at the powers it gives us and what we are supposed to be doing with this authority.

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Lawful rebellion works for one good reason alone. It keeps things simple and asks anyone who questions its authority, to simply prove that it didn't all take place. Nothing more, nothing less.

Put it like this... First of all you are sovereign, we all are and that just means we are equal when living in a sovereign state, which the UK currently is.

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Certain parts of common law are integral to its divine authority and these parts of the constitution must never be changed, without the, fully informed, will of the people.

Here is an official list of traitors

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Now here you are, a sovereign man/woman, and you now know of a treasonable offense. As dictated by the constitution itself, you are duty bound to report this crime. As we all now know, this crime has been reported and we have advanced to the next stage, which is rebellion. Because this has all been done in accordance with the constitution, it is now your constitutional-duty to stand under its "emergency clause", Article61, until order has been resumed and the constitution reaffirmed.

So you see, all you are doing is, peacefully, abiding by the law and informing any imposter that their status has been made null & void until further notice. Not so hard to understand, is it...? Well, let me just take you through one scenario that will happen very often, if you choose to WITHHOLD your taxes. There are many other ways of distressing the crown and withholding your taxes is certainly one of the more risky techniques.

This tactic must only be attempted by those who are not afraid of a Jail term.

The Tax-Man cometh....

(Rebel-Dan) "You want me to pay MY taxes...?

(Tax-Man) "Yes, everybody has to pay taxes to the government"

(Rebel-Dan) "Oh, well could you please tell me, under what authority do you claim this right?"

(Tax-Man) "This is the HMRC, sir, and it is our job to collect taxes on behalf of the government"

(Rebel-Dan) "Right... Well I am afraid the government was put on hold, in 2001 and at the moment Article61 is in power. Weren't you aware?"

(Tax-Man) "Is this that "free-man on the land" thingy? You can't just not pay, it's the law"

(Rebel-Dan) "No, Sir, this is not "FMOTL" and I am not saying that I won't pay. I am aware that Article61 was invoked and therefore it is our lawful duty to "WITHHOLD" taxes and distress the crown in anyway possible."

(Tax-Man )"And how long do you think you can get-away with this then?! You're breaking the law, you know?

(Rebel-Dan) "To answer your question. I am not "getting away" with anything and I will distress you all, until this Treasonous government stops acting as imposters. Oh.. and the Laws that you keep referring to, are the ones that call for us to rebel."

(Tax-Man) "Erm... well I have never heard about any of this. So does this mean you are refusing to pay?"

(Rebel-Dan) "Yes, it certainly does mean I am refusing to pay, for the moment at least... If you can prove to me that Article61 doesn't exist, then I will certainly pay-up. I just want to abide by the law of the land and as I understand it, that is common law and if that is so, then what I am saying is very true and you have now been given notice of these facts..."

(Tax-Man) "And exactly what is that supposed to mean."

(Rebel-Dan) "Well Sir, you are an agent of the crown, and I am telling you that the law states that I should distress you, in order to force you and your fellow-imposters from office. Before you made contact with me you were none-the-wiser, but now I have informed you of the facts, you are obliged to stand under Article61, or be prepared to be classed as a traitor."

(Tax-Man) "Well this all sounds a bit above my head, I will have to put you on the record as a "none-payer" and then it will be sent to the collections team"

(Rebel-Dan) "OK, so you are continuing to harass me...? Right... Well, it looks like you are going on the list of traitors and just for the record, you can't put me as a "non-payer" as I am about to post you my "Notice of Conditional". According to law, you must answer the queries and then we shall discuss payment. Until then I suggest you go do your research as treason still carries a pretty hefty jail-term...I'll attach all the evidence that supports my claim and if you could just go through it all and get back to me, within a reasonable time, that would be great... Bye!"

For any agent of the crown, like debt collectors, Inland revenue and the courts, especially, this is how you deal with them.

And the fight will not finish here, you will have months of corresponding to do. The gov don't like being proved wrong and will try to ignore your claims, but you must remain in honour AT ALL TIMES and educate them on the, irrefutable, laws of the land. Regardless of the facts, you will find that some of these quislings still try to shout you down and uphold the demands of a deposed crown.


Well, sorry Jack, but the law states that if one party has an accusation, the other party must either agree or refute the claims, but either way it must be done with evidence.

I keep myself honourable with letters of "Conditional acceptance" or "lawful objection" and these lawful documents ask just a few simple questions.

  • Do you stand under Article61?
  • Why not?
  • I will assume that you are unaware of the facts. Would you read the evidence files and then get back to me with your answers.

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    But that is just for those who want to withhold their taxes... What about those who try to seize the property of the crown?


And that is pretty much it!

You just ask them to prove you wrong and they soon find out, from their own team of Lawyers, that what you are saying is actually true and the crime of sedition(claiming the constitution does not stand) is just as serious. So simply saying that Magna Carta is "outdated" or that it is "no longer in use" will do them no good. Law doesn't work like that and it stands above us all, in order to protect society from those amongst us who would try to oppress us.


This all started when they took away our right to be tried by a jury of our peers. Then they removed the powers from the house of lords and things started to get really corrupted. The world went to war and then out of this came the EU. Once the original EEC members had greased the palms of Edward Heaths cabinet, he then committed his part in this conspiracy of mass treason.

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Edward Heath knowingly committed treason, by entering our country into Europe and so did the Prime ministers who followed him. The people have spoken and we have removed the power that we bestowed upon you all. You have forsaken the laws and traditions of our ancestors. If this was for the better, then I imagine there might be a little less fuss.

But things have NOT gotten better since heath signed us in to the EU. In-fact, it seems that the UK is not the only country regretting its entry into the common-market and now are we beginning to see the true heart of the EU and it's very unique style a law and order...



'The layman's Guide to Lawful Rebellion'

There are 5 lawful notices to send and here are some examples.

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Screenshot-2018-6-17 (3) Practical Lawful Dissent (2).png

Follow the link below, for evidence files and much more...

Screenshot-2018-6-17 (3) Practical Lawful Dissent (3).png


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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Sovereignty
Our Purpose

How is the Magna Carta a viable document when King John had already ceded his possessions, lands, and titles to the Pope in 1213, 2 years prior to the signing of the Magna Carta? Not to mention he was forced into signing it at swordpoint, which, by the very reasoning and maxims of common law was threat, duress, and coercion, therefore not a valid contract. The pope refused to recognize it's validity because an existing treaty and contract was already in place.
I'm just playing Devil's advocate here and trying to get people to think outside the box because America is ate up with the same ignorance of con-stitution worshippers and those who have sworn oaths to die for the feudal system, a game that was set up and rigged by the aristocracy.

I welcome your questions buddy, so no worries. The way I see it is that the Barons gave King john and ultimatum. He could have walked away from the crown, but didn't as he thought he could get around it. As for the Pope, he is a foreign leader for a start, which never sits well, but still the people of the UK were not all god-fearing folk and I assume many had no say in this agreement. Besides it couldn't have been that good of an agreement if it allowed King John to be so tyrannous. Therefore the weakness of the 1213 agreement led to the creation of Magna Carta 1215. This was an agreement by the people of the UK with the crown.
I do agree the constitutionals is a bit of a con, but could that be just because we have lost the real version to clever corruptions like the EU. Also this gives us all a "fire exit" from constitutionalism, so it is your best chance too. One we have rid ourselves of these wankers in parliament, we can begin again and design a new free world, hopefully based on some form of voluteerist/anarchic state.

Thanks so much for the question and I have one for you...
If Article61 is not the answer and constitutionalism is needs to go, how do we get rid of those still forcing folk to use it? I am all for a new start, but folk are financially trapped in this horror-show and this seems the only way out for them.
Believe me buddy, I am no lover of constitutions but it is the best chance we have at the moment. I just want peace and change, like most do.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am in agreement with everything you said here, and believe me, I'm definitely in the anarcho camp. If you have ever read any of the posts on my blog, I tend to focus on exposing the true nature and intent of what governments are and do.
It has little to do with justice, protecting the common people, and what's right and wrong. Governments are PRIVATE for profit corporations designed to transfer wealth from the common folk to the aristocracy/oligarchs.
Why do people not get this?? That's why they try to make every imaginable human activity regulated by getting a license, permit, tax, REGIS-tration, etc. It's all commerce and re-venue, bro. Change of venue...they take our hard earned money and move it to another location...
Their grubby greedy paws
These asshats are word manipulators and deceivers...
There are 3 main unholy constructs that have ALWAYS conspired to run everybody's life and control every damned thing in civilization...
The Church, the State, and the Bank
Human nature is the axiom that never changes throughout time and after 6,000 years of this, you'd think most of the population would catch on!
The church rules through ignorance, fear, and superstition.
The state rules through ignorance, fear, threat, duress, and coercion.
The bank rules through ignorance, human laziness, and 100% artificial manipulation of the debt based fiat fake monopoly money that we are forced to use...
No lawful money in existence since Kennedy was assasinated.The last vestiges of silver circulation took the dive when LBJ took over the corporation in 1963, I'm not sure when this happened in your country with the pound sterling but this is the main problem that I have with the Yankees and the Brits. I'm sure it's about 95% of our respective populations that have no clue about how the world really works and why it's so effed up. Nor do they want to take the time to research and discover for themselves the inner mechanisms of these institutions that are ruining lives all across the planet.

Super wise words there and a few things that I wasn't aware of too. I will look into the pounds sterling issue and see what I find. I am aware that we used the "Bradbury pound" during WWI and that was interest free. Some folk still fight for it but it is a long shot and still open to manipulation like the rest.
I am going to check out your blog, for sure. You sound very clued up and maybe we can swap some theories.
btw thought this was a great explanation of things.

The church rules through ignorance, fear, and superstition.
The state rules through ignorance, fear, threat, duress, and coercion.
The bank rules through ignorance, human laziness, and 100% artificial manipulation of the debt based fiat fake monopoly money that we are forced to use...

I would like to add that I think religion was brought in to put women as an inferior. It seems they are the creators and in lots of ancient civilisations, they seem to celebrate the female as equal of higher.

Good to meet you bro

You are correct in your surmise of ancient civilizations venerating the divine female aspect of creation. What we are dealing with today is a world out of balance and the attempted suppression and annihilation of the divine feminine creative force. This can be traced visibly with the rise of particular agendas such as feminism and transgenderism, and patriotism.
Interestingly enough, patriotism is the worship of calling a country "your father"- patri= Latin root for father
Much is hidden and obfuscated in language
Is where we get words such as matrimony, matriculation, matrix

I am getting very interested in entomology(Think that's the name)I watched the video from your post and they were most interesting. The capital hill monument was very interesting and all the symbols of Rome that are in plain sight. All very intriguing... The cross-over from UK to USA is very secretive and I loved hearing some of the history about this time. I understand that the socialist movement was also infiltrated and sent to the US before the civil war. The Fabian society are behind this tactic, I believe and they did a good job of infiltrating the miners work-unions to cause the miner-strikes in the 70's & 80's. The industrial espionage in that story is viscous too.
Thanks for the interesting comments.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You're pretty close, entomology is the science of studying bugs. Etymology is the study of word origins.
Yes, the Fabian Society are wolves in sheeps clothing, symbologically, figuratively, and in a not quite so literal sense as well. I guess metaphorically would suffice. They are so brazen that they chose it for their logo! Lol, hidden in plain sight, my friend. Their roster included George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley. They were telling us 75 years ago what kind of world they were creating

“Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grown not less but more merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress toward more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our Neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always – do not forget this Winston – always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always at every moment there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”- 1984

As for the comments, you're welcome. There's a reason why I commit so much to the blockchain, I hope to reach as many as possible.

Thanks for the correction and for the 1984 quote. This story is creepy and the passage you chose does feel very rather appropriate for today's world.
I'm right with you on educating folk, it is a must. I have a daughter and he world she will grow up in is gonna be very different to ours. Once jobs are automated completely, they won't want/need us around.