Objects of common sense shows to consciousness as another circles of reality

in common-sense •  7 years ago 

Objects of common sense shows to consciousness as another circles of reality

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The reality of regular day to day existence presents itself as the reality of par excellence. Its special position qualifies it for the assignment of paramount reality. The pressure of consciousness is most elevated in regular daily existence, that is, the last forces itself upon consciousness in the most enormous, earnest and serious way.

It is difficult to disregard, troublesome even to debilitate in its basic nearness. Therefore, it constrains us to be mindful to it in the fullest way. We experience regular daily existence in the condition of being wide-awake. This wide-awake condition of existing in and catching the reality of regular day to day existence is taken to be typical and self-evident, that is, it constitutes natural state of mind.

The reality of regular day to day existence as an ordered reality. Its marvels are prearranged in designs that appear to be free of anxiety and that force themselves upon the last mentioned. The reality of regular daily existence shows up as of now generalized, constituted by an order of objects that have been assigned as objects before appearance on the scene.

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The dialect utilized as a part of regular day to day existence constantly gives the vital generalizations and sets the order inside which these bode well and inside which regular daily existence has significance for me. The reality of regular day to day existence is sorted out around the "here" of our body and the "now" of pur present.

This "here and now" is the concentration of our thoughtfulness regarding the reality of regular day to day existence. What is "here and now" presented to us in regular daily existence is the realissimum of our consciousness. The reality of regular day to day existence isn't depleted by these quick presences, however grasps wonders that are not present "here and now".

This implies we experience regular daily existence in terms of contrasting degrees of closeness and remoteness, both spatially and transiently. Nearest is the zone of regular day to day existence that is specifically open to our substantial control. This zone contains the world inside our achieve, the world in which we act to adjust its reality, or the world in which we work.

In this universe of working our consciousness is ruled by the practical rationale, that is, our thoughtfulness regarding this world is chiefly controlled by what we are doing, have done or plan to do. It is our reality par excellence. The reality of regular day to day existence contains zones that are not available to us in this way.

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Yet, it is possible that we have no logical interest in these zones or our interest in them is roundabout in so far as they might be, conceivably, manipulative zones. Our interest in the far zones is less serious and positively less pressing.

We are strongly interested in the bunch of objects associated with our day by day occupation - say, the universe of the garage, in the event that we are a mechanic. We are interested, however less straightforwardly, in what goes ahead in the testing laboratories of the vehicle business, we are improbable ever to be in one of these laboratories, yet the work done there will in the long run influence our regular day to day existence.

We may likewise be interested in what goes ahead in space, yet this interest involves private, leisure-time decision instead of a critical need of regular day to day existence.

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@juvyjabian I believe our thoughts emit signals which shape the physical reality that unfolds in front of our eyes. Human thought is now a measurable quantity; it's a multidimensional wave. Basic physics teach us how waves interact with mass and shape it by changing its frequency. There's a lot of research being currently done on multidimensional waves.

But hey, that's me and this is the stuff I'm interested in! Even if stuff like this might never actually influence my regular day to day existence.

Great read!
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