Definition of communication according to Aristotle It is a search to find all the means and facilities available to encourage and refuse others

in communication •  3 years ago 

Full communication:
The more the intended meaning of the sender of the message is evident in the receiver's mind, the more complete the communication is. This is the goal of all media.
Mass media are tools through which mass communication is possible.
(The media has caused the shrinking of the earth and the neighborhood of its inhabitants

The theory of the effect of mass communication on the audience
1- bullet theory, 2- theory of limited effects, 3- planting theory, 4- spiral of silence, 5- prioritization hypothesis

The audience from the point of view of scientists:
The audience is the target of every media effort and must first be encouraged and then convinced that the media conveys a message about their interest and needs. Audience and media influence each other. Audiences are divided into 4 categories:
1- General audience - 2- Khorsandi group - 3- Audience of a specific media - 4- Audience of a channel or a specific content

From the point of view of scientists, the effects of mass communication may be long-term, short-term, strong-weak, and in political-psychological-economic and social dimensions, and may affect the opinions, values-=information-skills-tastes and outward behaviors.
Camp divides the effects of mass communication into 7 births
1- Acceptance of culture, which is the induction and strengthening of values, beliefs and traditions.
2 and 3 cognitive and educational effects 4- political effects 5 and 6- advertising and health effects 7- effect on violence and aggression

Functions of communication devices
1- Entertaining and entertaining people and turning them into capable and creative people
2- The role of homogenization
3- News and information department
4- Creation of division between people

An extreme point of view in discussing the effects of mass media
And result A - Some people believe that mass communication devices have such power that they can create a new and different generation for the first time in human history, for example, in a symposium, they compared the power of radio with the resistance of an atom bomb. (They were influenced by the use of mass communication tools, especially radio by Hitler and the head of propaganda, Dr. Goebbels)
B- Some others are of the opinion that mass media do not have much effect on their audience. According to them, the era of spreading strong opinions and documenting magical and extraordinary effects to mass communication media is over and these media are facing many obstacles in the way of influencing the audience.

The result is that: mass communication tools have an effect, but these effects are not so insignificant that they do not know any limitations. B- The relationship between the environment and the effect of the media
The attraction or rejection of a message can be caused by the senders not paying attention to the level of education of the people and the religious culture of the people in question.

A film prepared for the inhabitants of an African tribe about the dangers of flies was shown several times larger than usual to show the contamination. The result was that the people of that tribe said that these flies do not exist here, our flies are very small and harmless and they were big and special flies.
The effect of television
A research study shows that the basis of a news report on TV is different from a newspaper report. The number of people who believe the TV report is more than 2 times more than those who believe the newspaper report. The emergence of television has an effect on daily life patterns
Television helps to provide frameworks of experience with general cultural attitudes in which people in today's societies interpret and organize information.
Television is as effective in expanding indirect forms of communication in the present age as books, magazines and diaries were in the past.
Television shapes the ways in which people interpret and respond to social life by helping to organize our experience of social life.
Due to its importance in creating an arena for raising issues and introducing election candidates, television has helped to change the nature of elections to some extent.

Media imperialism
The superior position of industrialized countries and especially the United States of America in the production and expansion of media has caused many researchers to talk about media imperialism. It is said to be a cultural empire and it is believed that third world countries are especially vulnerable to it because they do not have the necessary resources to maintain their cultural independence.
In the study of third world countries and their programming, Elihokatz says: In the first stage, a program part model is usually adapted from America, England or France and is used as a foundation for this system, and the media are saturated with imported products. In the second stage, local production facilities are developed and the system tends more towards the local community. In the third stage, the governments to create conditions in which it is possible to resist the invasion of western influence. They interfere. However, it is impossible to deny the role of western media.
TV viewer 2 plays the main role. 1- As a special spectator or listener who sees and hears images and sounds in the conscious part of his mind and puts them at risk. 2- As a member of a group and social audience, one of the inhabitants of the global village who shares his aspirations and ideologies with others.
The structure of television is such that it tries to take up most of our time. Even when a person is out of the house or even not watching at home, he is still influenced by the images he has seen on TV.

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