in communication •  8 years ago 

I got an email from a friend who mentioned her desire to "commun-icate". I felt what a wonderful way this was to describe connecting with another.

I thought perhaps we should call the word “communi-connection”. I sense that all communication could be used to express love, understand, support, inspire - and to somehow see ourselves in others.

I feel that we are all seekers of Truth - and that Truth is within each of us. When we commune/connect we come closer to understanding the Truth that we Are. As Sophia Love says “We are the ones we’ve been searching for”, or as the Jerry McGuire movie line – “You complete me”. When I see God/Source in You, then I see God/Source in myself. And - as the Beatles once said- “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together”.

So here's commi-connecting from one walrus to another ... 💕

In Search of the One

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This was beautiful.

Thank You for your lovely comment, connection and resteem ghostspeaking ... Wishing You All the Best! Dev🌹