in communism •  7 years ago 

Our prayers go out to the families of those killed and injured in the ongoing worldwide assaults by the Muslim crazies.
These attacks have become commonplace, haven't they? Many more will follow due in large part to the continuing push to political correctness, diversity, tolerance and their no borders policies by the insulated, bubble-dwelling globalist leftists now destroying much of Europe and Great Britain.
I've said that as a prelude to a short video that I fear depicts where we are being taken – herded is more accurate – by this insane urge to dismantle the IDEA of America left us by the Founders to replace it with the communism that has killed untold millions across the globe. Am I the only American perplexed that the slimy globalist/leftists HERE have raised some nonexistent "collusion" with Russia as their main weapon against Trump when, in 1917, Russia birthed the socialist system -- that morphed to communism (as it always does!) -- that THEY want to bring HERE? Just askin'.

Ponder those questions as you watch. If not for yourself, for your kids and grand kids.

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