Soekarno and The Lost of Indonesian History (PART 1)

in communist •  8 years ago 

Soekarno and The lost of Indonesian history

It started on born a revolutioner, Soekarno. He was born in Java in 1901, in the dominant Indonesian island. He grows up under dominates rules by the dutch colony. Soekarno whose nationalist who led Indonesia to the independence movement. He became of Indonesian Republic president in 1949. Until now, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, said”there has been no one to compare Soekarno. He truly understood Indonesia. Because of that Soekarno also never tired of promoting the nation and building the character of the nation”


President Soekarno has ambitions to United of the nation from across of cultures, language, and many religions in Indonesia. Indonesia is the fourth most population in the world, and worlds largest Muslim community. Soekarno thought he could preserve his own one man rules by balancing the competing ideology inside the country. Soekarno said”I tolerated all ideology, nationalist, communist, religious, so far they are not making trouble or damage in Indonesian state.
Soekarno balancing act might succeed. Definitely, if cold war had not been happening outside Indonesia, where domino theory was played.

Richard Nixon pointed a map that an area Indonesia-China, then he said”as Indo-china, if its fall, Thailand would be in the difficult position for us. The same as through Malaya with rubber. The same as all around Indonesia. If it falls, part of southeast Asia goes under communist dominations or communist involved. Obviously, Japan will be orientating with communist”.

During his visits to America in 1956, America said welcome and the best way to President Soekarno. Vice president Nixon and foreign ministry have attended in Washington in an international airport. As the leader of the domino area, Soekarno was courting both sides of the cold war. He attempting policy to the best way for his young nation.

Only three months after his visiting America, he visits China and uni Soviet. This was interpreted by Washington as going over and crossing to the communist. The united states become more worn by the success of the Indonesian communist party in 1955 election. Indonesia now seems as a questionable alert.

In the largest secret operation since world war 2. President Eisenhower backs rebellion in the other island outside java. Edward Martens as Us embassy in Jakarta said”we admit it, we make big mistakes in 1957-1958 by supporting the rebellion. It was a disaster should never be attempting.

America involvement reveal when the US pilot was shot down. America stops all the things to the rebellions and that was the last story before the end of the rebellion. West intervention was revealed. Having stood up by a superpower, the fact that makes him more powerful and he becomes involved in all international stage.

Soekarno used UN to protest about west interventions in his region. Shortly after UN Meeting Agenda, UK deforms the new state of Malaysia near the border of Indonesia. Soekarno is not consulted. Insane, he launches the military campaign against British forces to destroying Malaya. British top propagandist, Norman Reedway sent to Singapore to leading war of propaganda in order to attack Soekarno. He received money as budget from UK hundreds thousand pounds.

Soekarno had a good reputation as a dating man who dates with so many women. CIA attempting to broke his reputation under eyes of Indonesian people. The most controversial thing is they produced porn film wearing the mask of Soekarno. At least six assassination attempts in his life. Soekarno blame CIA as a masterpiece. During this period, the national congress, Indonesian Communist Party opened (PKI 6th Congress). In 1960, under the chairman, DN AIDIT, PKI(Indonesian Communist Party) became a largest communist party outside China and uni-soviet with over 3 million members. Attends as a special guest, Soekarno success increases the atmosphere in the unity.

Soekarno himself is a nationalist, not a communist. But he depends on the communist party because they can mobilize support for his political objectives. In returns, Soekarno protecting PKI by banned anti-communist pers and control the military army of Indonesia also largest political power in Indonesia. The chairman communist party outlined a new approaching kind of parliamentary to power, said one of most popular Indonesia journalism. At the same time, Indonesia army is very unique, cause they also operated like political parties. In that sense, PKI(Indonesian communist party) and TNI(Indonesian Military Army) competing for each other from the village level up to capitals.

West nation, as long as Indonesians fear if the country is in danger fallen to the communist. Supporting the Army is the best way against the communist when the PKI grom rapidly under the protection of Soekarno, then wars happen.

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