just a few examples... in what is an interconnected web of lies by billionaire-interest groups.
Basic questioning will now have you automatically labeled as a conspiracy theorist. Algorithms flag posts that contain certain key words in an attempt to minimize their reach.
Yet, truth fears no investigation.
Fear is a funny thing…
It can elicit extreme polarization - dividing individuals who firmly believe, to their cores, that they are in the right and that the “other side” is in the wrong that, through ignorance, harms themselves and those around them through the spreading of falsehoods.
This tactic has been used for a long time.
It’s actually not really a tactic… but groups in power use it AS a tactic.
It’s a natural fear-based reaction… we seek groups of like-minded individuals in order to feel a shred of security in our own stance, to develop a type of pseudo-community, not realizing that a community is NOT polarizing in nature, but rather seeks harmony with all that arises.
A community would never silence, nor ignore, nor name call.
These are war tactics that have nothing to do with community.
I would have more faith in the system if it encouraged sovereignty - if it encouraged the individual to critically think for themselves, to make a decision warranted on their own health and knowledge of their body, a system that lays out the pros/cons, that READILY ADMITS TO IMPERFECTION but IS KEEN ON TRANSPARENCY.
I'm repeating that... imagine a system that readily admits to imperfection but is keen on transparency,
you know, instead of sweeping all claims/concerns/stories that do not fit their narrative under the rug, and drone-ingly repeating, on a loop, that a certain hasty product is "safe and effective". Imagine the very-real concerns actually being listened to, regarded with interest, and investigated...
We see a looping protocol of "listen to us or else".
Freedoms chiseled away...
incrementalism breeding compliance...
When your rights are able to be taken away due to declared emergencies then realize there is nothing stopping governmental powers from creating (an illusion of) emergencies in order to diminish your rights and/or from ever relinquishing their "emergency powers".
I will continue to stand firm for what I believe through congruence of actions and voice. Somedays, it looks like shouting in the wind. Other days, it looks like retreat with heavy focus toward building my own vision for my future. Sometimes, it looks like writing on a social media platform in hopes of inspiring ONE MORE PERSON to simply LOOK DEEPER.... look deeper!
Instead of allowing labels and division (left/right, vaxxed/unvaxxed, whatever/whatever) to persuade you of your opinion.