How you feel as a Smoker ?

in community •  7 years ago  (edited)

If anyone ever offers me a cigarette, I always reply: “No thanks, I don’t smoke.” But I’m lying.
I started smoking at 16. I thought it made me look grown-up, but I was shy so I’d do it on my own. I would go into the woods near my home, or occasionally “bravely” have one in the house if nobody was else in.
Even when I went away to university, I kept my smoking secret. Now I’m in my 30s. If I was ever going to come out, I should have done it when I was younger, instead of appearing to be someone who started smoking for the first time at an age when most people are trying to give up.
I wish I could go outside with the public smokers at work or in the pub. I’m jealous. I think they’re cool, and honest. But it just doesn’t fit with how I see myself, and I worry I’d smoke too much. Instead, I wait until I’m alone, take out my packet (I keep it hidden in my car with mouthwash and mints) and have a crafty two or three.
What I’m really thinking: the new resident in a retirement home
There have been a few close calls, though. I once left the pub early and had just lit up when a friend came around the corner. Luckily, it was dark and he walked straight past me. Another time, my lighter fell out of my pocket – I said I’d picked it up from a table at a cafe. And I was mortified when a shop assistant once asked if I’d come in for my cigarettes; I now try to buy each pack from a different place.
It’s stupid, I know, but it could be worse. I’m not harming anyone but myself and it’s legal; I could be a secret heroin addict. Plus I’d undoubtedly smoke more if I did it in public. I will stop soon. But of course, no one will ever know.

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I used to smoke a pack a day then found some videos on youtube about hypnosis to quite smoking. After listening to the videos every night for about a month I had no desire to smoke any more and I havnt had a smoke since. Self hypnosis really worked for me and the best thing it was free on youtube.

damn nice mate !

Congratulation, i can try it thanks man

If you are a smoker a recommend this, there are so many different people on youtube offering free help. My advice if you are listening to one certain audio and after a week you are not feeling it then you need to find another one to listen to. Everyone is different so certain audios will work for one group of people but not the next. So I recommend trying many self hypnosis videos until you feel whats working for you/

It is a habit that we can fall into. It is about priorities.

I smoked, but I have given up. Well, not totally, I still smoke when I go on vacations. And I still crave for cigarettes every now and then. I think it's like what they say of any addiction. One can never really be rid of the addiction. Lurking at the back of the mind is still the desire to smoke, drink, or whatever..

Smoking is costly and it is not good for health. Looking cool with a cigarette is an illusion, its childish. If you can go for periods without a smoke, it means you are not addicted. You should just give up. Just a personal opinion. Cheers! :-)