Reasons Why Steemit Can Completely Transform Korean Society // STEEMIT 을 통해보는 한국식 기회

in community •  7 years ago  (edited)

1. Korea is a Fractured Nationality

I'm not just talking about North vs. South. Since the 70s, the concept of “Korea” is not just limited to the peninsula. The area has scattered and developed into Korean Americans, Korean English, Korean Germans, Korean Africans, Korea Chinese, Korean Australians, Korean Bolivians, and so on and so on.


  • We need to find a way to bring everyone together/ 세계 속 한국인들이 다 뭉쳐야할 시간이 왔습니다

Previous social-media platforms have not been able to successfully mend those violent divides that happened due to economy and education. Unfortunately, we still live in a world where language and culture have an almost immovable hierarchy, and no matter what is done on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc., they will always remain overwhelming English and Western-oriented.

Steemit seems to be already solving that, naturally encouraging people to tap into communities that were historically and environmentally barred off from them. Negativity and pessimism are suppressed and I myself can attest to the real joy of communicating with Koreans around the world, even though I may have to employ some Google Translate from time to time...

I as a Korean American I know how almost impossible it is to “re-enter” into a Korean society without real empathy and support. I've witnessed it on a daily basis on this little website.

스팀잇에서 만나는 한국

한국은 이제 한반도 보다 더 커졌습니다.

아시아, 아프리카, 유럽, 남미에 살고있는 우리동포들... 또 2세, 3세들. 저처럼 해외에서 태어나고 교육받아 한국어가 어색하고, 애국가를 들어본적이 별로 없지만 한국에 대한 강한 자부심이 있는 사람들이 있습니다.

저는 제 스스로가 한국과 어떻게 연관성을 찾을 수 있을까? 항상 고민하고 질문해왔습니다.

막상 어머니의 나라에가면 한국사람들과 가까워지기 어렵다는 사실을 교포라면 한번 쯤 경험해 봅니다. 한국어 소통능력이 짧아 대화가 어렵고, 겉모습이 한국사람인데 한국말을 못한다는게 자신감을 떨어지게 했습니다.

스팀잇을 통해 자연스럽게 한국 사람들과 가까워 질 수 있었습니다. 비록 한국어 읽고/쓰기는 제 와이프와 구글의 도움을 받지만 블록체인을 통해 저의 글을 읽어주시고 서포트해주시는 커뮤니티를 만나 저의 한국 문화와 정체성에 관한 열정은 소통이 되었습니다. 그리고 저의 관점이 한국 커뮤니티에 좋은 임팩트로 작용하였으면 좋겠습니다.

저와 같은 "한국인"에게 이 플랫폼은 기회입니다.


  • 대학원 동기들과 한국 전통문화/학술교류 여행. 전주 Jeonju, 2016

2. Strong Community = Action

Korea has always had a long history of connecting with one another. We invented one of the strongest predecessors of Facebook, Cyworld. Virtually every Korean person uses the same 3rd-party messaging app, Kakaotalk. Koreans still use our personal form of Google, Naver, to blog and share.

However, there have been few ways that these platforms have encouraged proactive societal change in Korea. We do a lot of sharing, a lot of reporting, a lot of discussing, but we haven't yet transformed that communal energy into real physical and social action much of the time. We can use Steemit to raise money for non-profits, for educational programs, for philanthropies – to make news, not just report it.

I believe more than anything that right now, in these years, is the greatest opportunity for Koreans to make a new path for what our society can become. With this new election after one of the most historic take-downs in democracy's global history, the spirit is that of communal change.


  • 크립토 경제가 교육 시스템의전화점을 가져올 수 있을까요?

한국인들만의 독보적 인터넷 커뮤니티

한국은 정체성이 강한 인터넷 플랫폼을 형성해 왔습니다: 싸이월드, 프리챌, 카카오톡, 네이버 , 아프리카 등 - 사실 한국인이 아니면 이 커뮤니티에 쉽게 들어오기 힘듭니다.

지금까지 이 온라인 플랫폼들은 대부분 소셜과 소통 용도의 블로깅으로 사용되오고 있습니다. 하지만 우리만이 가지고 있는 이렇게 독특한 인터넷 문화에 우리만의 기회가 있다고 믿고있으며 저의질문은 이곳에서 시작합니다.

스팀과 블록체인을...
지역사회를 발전을 위해 사용할 수 있을까요?
교육 현장에서 사용할 수 있을까요?
차세대의 국가관을 키우는데 사용할 수 있을까요?
대중들을 움직이는데 사용할 수 있을까요?
더 민주적 사회를 만들기위함을 성취할 수 있을까요?

우리만의 방식, 한국식, 한식 방법이 어떤것일까 항상 고민합니다.
한국 인터넷 사용 시스템에서만 생겨날 수 있던 이 색이 강한 문화가 있었듯이 블록체인에서 한국만이 가질 수 있는 사회적 패러다임을 만들어낼 시간이 지금 이곳에 있습니다.


  • Sunset over Seoul

3. Korea has one of the Most-Educated yet Least-Opportunistic Populations of the World

This is the most unique quality of Korea in my mind. More than any other country in the world, ours is limited almost completely by our mindset and spirit. We have the resources, we have the infrastructure, we have the knowledge and education, we have the community, we have the man and woman-power, we have access to free markets... and yet the country has become more and more pessimistic. The incredibly heavy quality of society is defeating our sense of purpose, our individual aspirations.

We have long-needed a platform and method to turn that high education and natural curiosity into an opportunity. NOT an opportunity presented by Samsung or Hyundai, NOT an opportunity promised by “SKY” schools, but an opportunity that we can break open with our own two hands. I mean this in terms of money and of community.

We saw this happen a little with Muk-bangs where young people with no real “Specs” created incredible opportunities and new markets for themselves. However, there is always a point where central markets consume these new pockets of innovation and monetize on them. If we can support that same innovation, the same community support on a platform like Steemit, GAME-OVER.


  • 우리 열정을 스팀잇으로!

블록체인을 통해 보는 한국식 기회 & 코리안 드림

제 관점에서 대한민국은 이론적으로 거의 모든것이 갖추어진 나라입니다.
인프라, 대중교통, 큰 지역사회, 자유시장체제, 의료보험, 치안, 국민성, 뿌리깊은 역사...
비록 사회에 문제점이 많다 한들 세계의 많은 나라와 비교하면 달리 모자랄게 없는 국가 입니다. 지난 11월의 평화 시위와 그 결과가 증명했습니다. 다른나라에서는 절대 할 수 없는 것을 해내는 사람들의 나라입니다.

제가 봤을때 "먹방" 이 증명한 것은 온라인 커뮤니티를 통해 만들어진 문화가 전통적 관습을 깨고 일반인들이 새로운 시장, 기회와 트렌들을 만들어낼 수 있다는 능력입니다.

대기업, 유명한 대학, 자격증과 점수... "스펙" 이 주는 기회의 힘은 점점 치열한만큼 희미해지고 있습니다. 이제 동기와 포부를 세계 시장에 맞춰 "Innovation"으로 조준해야하며 개개인이 혁신을 만들어 낼 수 있는 장소가 바로 이곳이라고 있다고 믿습니다.

지금 이 글을 보시는 모두 블록체인을 통해 방 안에서 새로운 시장으로의 참여권이 주어졌습니다. 다양한 질문과 기대감이 같이 생깁니다. 어려분들은 어떻게 생각하시는지 궁금합니다.

긴 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.


  • 우리의 소망과 염원/ 삼성동 봉은사

The Korean Dream

One concept I talk a lot with my friends, family, professors, and even strangers about is “what are we striving to be in our culture?” Everyone has high hopes and high dreams, yet we are faced with these absurd societal obstacles of capital and cause. I've seen people begin to smash those obstacles on this very platform and with the same focus in the future, a growing community, and new ideas that we nurture with 100% Steem power, we might be able to transform how Korean society flourishes.

What do you think? Do you think this applies to your own community, nationality, or social group? Let me know what you think below!

follow me @hansikhouse! | design collective @hitheryon

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Very insiteful post. Thank you!

Thank you!!

Thanks, that was a good read and very informative.

Thanks for taking the time and interest!

This is a very impassioned post. I agree that it presents a great opportunity for many communities. Hopefully we can help them all.

Thank you for supportive words @donkeypong. I certainly hope that any community can glean something helpful from this. I'm 100% for cross-group support as well. Steem on!

now that is very good information

Thank you for reading!

Great post! I think that some parts of it could be relevant to many different countries. China, for example. Would you agree?

Absolutely. I focus on Korea because the mass immigration is a fairly recent (past half-century) phenomenon and other groups like the national Chinese have done a much better job at mobilizing in places they have emigrated too. But I wholeheartedly agree and hope that other social/ethnic groups can make use of the info that I bring up on here. Thanks for the comment!

좋은글이네요 팔로잉합니다 ㅎㅎ


Now that I've upvoted and resteemed one of your posts, you have to tell me: What is that logo you are using for your profile picture?

Haha, well first off thank you. Second, the icon is the logo of my podcast and cultural platform "Hansik House" that's linked at the bottom of my posts. I started it about 13 months ago as a way to connect cultures and specifically help Korean-_____ (Americans, Germans, Australians, etc.) and Korea-born-Koreans connect more socially. Beyond the podcast, I've been using (most of) my posts on Steemit to flush out contemporary cultural problems and give light to social anxieties.

OK, sounds good :) But I'm still a bit weary... it reminds me of a symbol associated with political ideology that I really dislike. To be blunt, it's fascism that I'm thinking of. Sorry but I had to tell you.

Whoaa I didn't expect that! I also didn't explain that it's a graphical play on the corner symbols of the Korean flag to make it look like 2 "H's". No fascism here, promise!

That's good to hear =) Now I can vote for your stuff with a little more peace of mind! :P

좋은 글 감사합니다! (역시! 깨어있는 마인드)

한국 목소리가 너무 커서..깨어날 수 밖에 없었습니다 ㅎㅎ

Korean Africans? Wow now I've heard everything :-)

Korea has always had a long history of connecting with one another. We invented one of the strongest predecessors of Facebook, Cyworld. Virtually every Korean person uses the same 3rd-party messaging app, Kakaotalk. Koreans still use our personal form of Google, Naver, to blog and share.

This statement above is why it is so amazing we have a thriving Korean community. If we can be taken on world-wide by Koreans and become one of that family of social media sites and apps, then that is huuuuuuggggge!

Long may it continue :-)

The implications are incredible. 1.5 and 2nd generation kids have always had a hard time connecting back and imagine what could happen if the DMZ is dissolved and Steemit becomes the first social platform to connect families that were separated almost 70 years ago.

Thanks for the comment @cryptogee!

Wow that would be big, however do you see the DMZ being dissolved anytime soon? It seems that Jong Un is determined to keep the Dynasty going. I'm interested on what you and other Koreans feel about China's latest stance towards the North. It seems that perhaps at last they are running out of patience with them.


International friction is running tempers high. The date for opening borders is so fluid at this point but I do know that from the South Korean side, developers are putting a lot of pressure on the government to be able to expand to the North. The building tensions is also inciting potential conflict so we'll see what happens...

Woah!, Expanding into the North, that doesn't sound very peaceful :-(


Great post! Learn some!

Thanks for reading @frankintaiwan!

I never new....thank you so much for educating us.

My pleasure!

좋은 생각들을 가지고 계시네요. 열심히 응원하겠습니다~^^

읽어주셔서 고맙습니다. ^^

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hansikhouse님의 이미지 사진으로 제일 위에 있는 지도 사진이 잘 맞을 것 같습니다.
글 검색할 때 hansik님인줄 금방 알 수 있을 것 같습니다.
생각하시는 방향과도 사진이 잘 맞는 것 같고요...ㅎ
아..로고가 마지막에 있네요 ..죄송해요... 저 로고를 제일 위에 있게 하면 글 검색할 때 저 로고가 보여서 hansik님인줄 쉽게 알 수 있을 겁니다.
저는 글 검색할 때 금방 알 수 있도록 하자는 취지였습니다. ㅎ

네! 제안 고맙습니다.
지도/태극기 사진이 좋은 이미지였다 생각이 드니 고맙습니다.
더 멋진로고도 만들 고려를 해봐야겠네요 ㅎㅎ

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


한식하우스님을 팔로우 하고 있다는 사실 하나 만으로도 어깨가 으쓱 올라갈 정도로 최고의 포스팅이었다고 생각합니다.

비록 미국이라는 먼 곳에서 한국을 고향이라고 말 할 수는 없지만 자신의 뿌리로 받아들이시고 지금과 같이 행동해 주심에 한국인의 한 사람으로 감사 드리고 싶습니다.

사회에 나와 말뿐인 사람, 오로지 자신만의 이익을 쫓는 이기적인 사람들을 많이 만났습니다.
그러나 자신이 쫓는 것을 조금이라도 내려놓는다면 얼마나 커다란 것을 함께 만들어 낼 수 있음을 볼 수도 있었습니다.

한식하우스님은 바로 제게 그런 분 이십니다.

다가올 세계에 진정 필요한 인재로서 한식하우스님의 끝없는 성장을 기원합니다.

@sochul 님 댓글 고맙습니다.
저 인제까지 가족이랑 친구들한테서 계속 한국을 위한 동기랑 사랑 많이 받았습니다.
@sochul님이 표현하는 사람 될 수록 노력하는게 목표입니다.
저 멀리서 보면 한국 젊은 사람들 고생하는게 너무 뻔해요.
멀리있지만 글쓰기, 팟캐스트, 제가 하는 건축 프로젝트로 한국 사회를 위해 일합니다.
저 죽기전에 한국 사회의 파워를 올리는 empower 할 수 있으면 좋겠습니다.

잘 보았습니다^^ 화이팅!! 목소리 낼 수 있도록 ~~

@woong님,다 같이 화이팅!

Very interesting post. Thanks a lot for putting the time and effort in to make it!

No effort at all, I'm just super grateful people like you appreciate it!

먹방에서 게시판문화로 넘어오는 순간이죠

스팀잇도 먹방같이 처음에는 보통 보일 수있는데.
우리가 잘 쓸 수 있으면 정말... 혁명/revolution 되지 않을까요? 불란서 혁명처럼요.
온 사회를 뒤집을수있는 tool 될 수 있습니다. 렛츠고 ~~ @woo7739 님 ~~~

great info....

Thanks for reading!

I think your question is very good.
It is also very impressive that ur thinking about steemit.
i wonder what ur story is.
I would like to share many thoughts in this space steadily.
so i suggested we follow each other.

@lovedj님 팔로 했습니다! 반갑습니다.



혁신의 중심인 나라 대한민국이 되길 바랍니다 : ))

이 목표를 다같이 함께 positive 하게 진전했으면합니다!!!

During the two years I was stationed at Kunsan Air Base, 17 years ago now, I could see a transformation happening on the peninsula. A very industrious people, working and going to school six days a week in most cases. I'm sure if I returned for a visit, I may not recognize many places. Great informative post @hansikhouse
Here in Peru, I would love to see a popularization of Steemit. There are so many people here struggling everyday, chasing units of debt (national currency) never getting ahead. Steemit could help to change that I think.

Wow thank you so much for your service and it's incredible that you got to witness Korea at the cusp of rapid development! We're very proud of the country's history. Unfortunately today's social atmosphere is not so optimistic...

Where in Peru are you? I've visited Lima and Cusco a few times a number of years back. The Pisco is definitely better there.
But seriously, I think you're absolutely right and the biggest impact social-media blockchain like Steemit can have is with struggling communities. I've done a number of projects in South America and would love to get involved in the future. Even in Korea, poor people still have access to recent technology and a 30 or 40SBD post who we life-changing.

I'm in Lima, Peru. With Project Andina, I offer Free Conversational English for both business and social, and free tutoring. Also other special projects that need funding. Hopefully I can accomplish this with Steemit!

Awesome. Well I'll be a close follower so do keep us updated on the institution's progress/process. I'm sure you'll find great support in the Steemit community. Buena suerte compan~ero!

cool ideas here ;-)