[AMA] Ask Me Anything.

in community •  5 years ago 



Ask Me Anything.

Honesty is no stranger to me and even though I have been both honest and open during my time on STEEM, I thought it could be fun to do my own AMA. Others have done this in the past and also somewhat recently. I have done similar things in the past too, and I think that most of my followers knows that I always answer questions, no matter the context, but perhaps there is something I haven't answered yet...?

Instead of stating a bunch of different topics I feel comfortable with, I'll give you free hands to ask any questions you might have, no matter the subject.

FYI: This might be used in future articles.

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Do you play games? If so what's the most recent game did you play and how do you rate it?


I'm a gamer to heart. I have played games since the 90's and I have always loved competitive games like Counter-strike. I played CS 1.6 at a "semi-professional" level for several years and I have almost 4000 hours in CSGO. However, the most recent game I've played is The Division 2 and Apex Legends. I liked them both, but I got tired of the grinding in The Division so I'm back at Apex Legends again.

Who did you have the worst interaction with on this site thus far? Is there anyone you hope drowns in used condoms, perhaps while also having a lego inserted into their urethra?

Hmm... Honestly, I do my best to avoid drama and whenever things are starting to "get out of hand" so to speak, I do my best to remain calm and open for discussion. I truly believe that most things can be solved through communication, so I think the best way to handle things are to remain calm, take a step back and try to understand the other person.

It often gives me a better perspective on things and even if I don't agree with someone, it gives me a better understanding of the entire situation.

That being said, I can't say anyone in particular. One time though, I shared stuff from one of my ebooks. I talked about my personal life and how my fathers death have affected me amongst other things and I quickly noticed how one user copied my entire story and published as his own. Can't remember the user, but I despise him.

What I shared was personal. It was my own feelings, my experience and about my father. Things from my life... And he just copied everything and wrote his own name on it.

That type of behaviour is disgusting, annoying and terrible... And at the time I found out about it, I actually wished that he would choke to death.

Wow, yeah. That is actually pretty fucked. Not shocked though, the copy/pasting plagiarism that was happening on here, I had something similar happen on here. But, with something less personal where I was just annoyed.

I can think of one person/page on here who I fucking hate, though I'd have to dig up their account name as I don't recall it. They basically asked if they could use my article for their daily post and would split the profits 50/50 with the authors included. They got a fat vote and owed me, like, 20-25 Steem and then decided after they published that article they weren't splitting it with the authors anymore, lol. Basically just lied to me and kept pushing it off and then vanished with their Steem. (This was when Steem was worth like $1.70-2, something like that.)

That sucks... I noticed many people doing basically the same thing in the early days. They didn't steal your content or anything, but they did some compilation posts where they listed 5-10 "awesome articles". They kept all of the rewards for themselves though, and it was totally legit and acceptable as they "promoted" other users. Which ultimately could help them to get more followers etc.

However, both you and me know, that most people doesn't even read the articles on here... So it was probably slim to none chance that any of the featured authors got any recognition for it.

So these authors who made "featured posts" could simply check their feed, pick 5 articles, include them in a post and publish. Took them like 15 minutes, tops. And they kept the rewards for themselves.

A superb, easy solution to rake in a ton of rewards.

WhY do you stay on STEEM?