Winner of the 100 SBD Essay Contest Announcement.

in community •  7 years ago 

Hey, fellow Steem-heads! How goes it?

The winner for the 100 SBD Essay Contest has been selected.

A big congrats and thank you to @tesaganewton for being a light to his community, and a super active Steemian and changemaker out in Uganda.

Check out his blog post here to see what I mean.

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The small successes we get from steemit matter, or maybe we don't notice it. Do we?
The small things people get from you because of little successes from steemit always make a difference, from some laughters, encouragement, advice , financial help to opportunity exposure.


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Really admire what you are doing, @tesaganewton. Cheers!

Fellow Steemians, do be sure to check out his blog and show some upvote love!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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Congratulations @tesaganewton and good to see someone deserving win it. I hope it really helps out a lot in your life and your Steemit growth!

Congratulations @tesaganewton my bro for winning this contest as team #uganda we are happy for our member
Thank @kafkanarchy84

Congrats to @tesaganewton. He is a great inspiration to the #uganda Steemit community. Uganda is proud of you @tesaganewton

The sky is the limit @tesaganewton keep it higher!

Congrats to the winners and great thanks to the organiser, who is one of the top model of the world, who's good work has great effect on the community .Thanks for sharing such a beautiful contest, have a great day friend happy steeming.

I celebrate your achievements. Getting blessed!

I love the heart you have fo others. As anew stemian, its really blessing me and so far have told most of my friends about steemit.
Iam excited!

I may not be much of any essay writer but I love steemit contests I didn't see the post that prompted this one but will look out for future contests you have.

Congrats to my my bro and fellow Steemit Promoter in Uganda @tesaganewton.

This is good of you @kafkanarchy84 for believing and appreciating in our great efforts in Uganda.

Congratulations @tesaganewton. Well-deserved!

Congratulation to @tesaganewton.
It was such an inspiring essay ☺️

Very good post

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wauhhhhh....congs Brother @tesaganewton. You are such an inspiration for the Uganda team. Really proud of you. Thank you so much @kafkanarchy for your work. Having a great steemit Uganda team is all that we wish. Tesaga has done great work to the community and finally got the amazing reward.

He deserves it, i love his wisdom and commitment to our community..
Big ups steemit uganda

Congratulation to the winner.

Congratulations friend @tesaganewton.
Your big heart before the need of your brothers has had the great joy of winning, to help your community.
A hug and let the Light of Steemit continue to shine.
Thanks to friend @kafkanrchy84.

Congratulation to the winner 😊💖. Hope you like my art too... Thankyou 😊

Okay, so let me get this right, you post you are going to give money to someone who needs it. There were rules to follow like you had to link the story to the post. There was never any mention that you would go out looking for someone if you didn't like the people's stories who followed your instructions. You also didn't mention that someone could also win brownie points if they happen to go about gathering up other members for steemit. Your instructions were quite clear,

Write a short essay in an original post on your blog telling me who needs help. Who needs food. Who needs medicine. Who needs help, right now. Anyone, anywhere in the world. Post a link to your essay in the comment section of this post!

The winning candidate proposed by the essay will be sent 100 SBD for this need.

Please do explain to those who took the time to submit a project how guys who may or may not have the "time" to stop by to see these kids are helping these kids in the way instructed in your rules of providing a need such as food or medicine. They didn't even spent the majority of their blog focusing on these kids and their daily activities. You gave the money to a guy or a group of guys claiming how much better off they were now making money off steemit. This wasn't a improvement contest this was a need contest and they obviously didn't need it as much as people starving or lack medicine.

You should really be ashamed of yourself for not committing to what you said the original goal was, for going outside the rules posted, and more importantly ashamed of the fact that it is apparent these guys used these kids just to get the money for themselves, none of that money will go towards those kids.

I am really disappointed in you, you showed a severe lack of judgement and I am sure lost trust among those who took the time to respond to your request and will not be fooled by you again.

Wow. If you are finished attempting to berate me online now, for trying to do a charitable giveaway, please alllow me brief space for an answer.

  1. The winner had already posted a mini-blog/proposition on my original post, asking if that was the proper way to participate. I told him to please write a post. Upon searching for his blog post I assumed that the blog post I found was his official entry. My heart had gone out to him and those children from his first comment and picture. If you wish to fault me this, that is your prerogative.

  2. In reviewing your post, you supplied a wealth of information about Bangladesh, but not a single hint of how the 100 SBD would get from you to these people.

  3. Finally, it is my money to disperse of (or not) as I please. No, I am not “ashamed.” This actually makes me want to laugh. If you feel I am in some way unfair, you are free to not participate in any further contests on this blog. In fact, to be honest, I’d probably never consider you as a legitimate candidate, after this vitriolic episode here.

Thanks for commenting.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)
  1. There were rules implemented, your response to him told him again what he needed to do. He failed to achieve that. Furthermore once it was determined that he took money and bought t- shirts to advertise Steemit should have been enough for you to realize he was using his money in the wrong way to help these children, he could have shown you books or writing materials to help these children though that would still not fall within the guidelines of food or medicine but would have been a little more credible.

  2. At the end of the post I submitted there was a link to a whole host of organizations that help them. Like you said the money was to go to the people not the author of the piece. The article submitted by them had no link either where to send the money but obviously since it was going to them they didn't need one now did they?

  3. Yes it is your money to disperse as you please but what you did was not keep your stated mission that the money would go towards needs of food and medicine and what this ended up being was pleasing a guy or a bunch of guys who in the end will remember you gave them money which will entice them to keep following you along with encouragement to new recruits to do the same. You made it perfectly clear this wasn't about ourselves or enriching ourselves then you turn right around and see an opportunity to enrich yourself over the starving people on this planet. Furthermore I don't know what would make you think I'd ever trust you again to do so much work just to have you twist the rules of the game in your favor ever again. Nobody likes to be chastised but you were surely deserving of it, a blind man could see what you done there.

If you’d read his blog you’d know his mission is more then buying T-shirts. What a silly thing to say.

You’re right. I had rules implemented. In the end, I did what I felt was right.

I’ve had no problems with contests up to this point, but felt his post was most deserving of the reward. If people wish to no longer participate in my contests( where the rules are pretty simple and things have alsways run smoothly) that’s fine.

Your attitude toward someone you don’t even know is horrible. Don’t comment on my blog again unless you wish to be flagged, and spare me the “chastising.”

Right. I did this because I need them to follow me. That’s funny.

With all due respect, fuck off.

Ohhh, I had no idea that this contest would generate a conflict. I participated according to the rules, but in the end someone must be the winner.
I feel a winner, only with having made known the need for the "cancer warriors" ..
We must have patience and follow our mission to find help.