Solar Eclipse Path of Totality: Opening Up Home To Fellow Steemians.

in community •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Solar Eclipse is happening Monday!

This specific solar eclipse is a once in a lifetime event as it is the first time in 99 years that it spreads coast to coast in the United States.

We are getting pretty excited in our house and the children have even made shirts for the event!

The really cool part of this solar eclipse is we live in the path of totality!


We will also have one of the longest viewing times in the country with a 2 minute and 31 second viewing time of the total eclipse! If you want to travel about 30 minutes, you can get up to 2 minutes and 40 seconds of viewing time!

After talking to Mrs. Lex, we have decided to open up our home(Around Cookeville, Tn) to fellow Steemians who want to be in the path of totality but may not have the funds to stay at a hotel(or they could be booked).

There is one catch

You'll have to sleep in a tent! We don't have enough beds in the house, but we do have a tent for someone to sleep in. If you have your own...bring it. Have an Rv? Bring it. Be warned we don't have 220 plug in.

Don't worry, we'll let you use the restroom, shower, use the internet, fridge, etc. Who knows...we may even feed you. You just have to sleep in a tent, lol.

So, if you're feeling adventurous and want to see a full two minutes and 31 seconds of the eclipse...leave a reply and we'll get this ball rolling!


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So cool to offer folks a chance to get the full experience!

Who knows. Lodging may be the one things keeping someone from traveling here. Wouldn't want a fellow Steemian to miss out on this event if that is the issue!

The eclipse brings much spiritual development to us also :) Thanks for the great heads up friend ^^

I see that you live near Cookeville Tenn. That is a good location for the Solar Eclipse. That is very nice to offer to accommodate fellow Steemians for a place to camp to see this once in a lifetime event.
Shows how Steemians can be helpful and friendly to the other Steemit family members.
Thank you for your kindness. I cannot take advantage of your offer. But, maybe others will.
If I am correct. You must live near the annual "Appalachian Homesteading Conference." If I was there. That is something I would attend.


Yes, Cookeville it is! I told my wife with our location, it's like we were meant to be in this place and time to see this event! We are always happy to try and help other Steemians.

Yes, we are about 30 minutes away from the Appalachian Homesteading Conference!

I plan to be out of the city for this spectacular event., not that it matters for this type of eclipse. Though I actually prefer lunar eclipses because they are easier to watch and love being out at night staring at the sky.

Check my post about how see the eclipse with out destroying your eyes.

Don't worry. I don't live anything to what is considered "the city". In fact, I live in one of the least populated counties in the country(approximately 20,000 ppl). I will look at your post. We have solar glasses and they will be coming off for the two minutes it's at totality. Contemplating a solar lens for the telescope too!

That's a small town. Im also from a small town but moved to the city when became an adult.

That population is not the town....that's the whole county! Cookeville(the town on the map) has about 30,000 ppl, but it's not in my county and is about 20 minutes away. The town closest to me has about 3,000 ppl. We are not even incorporated where I live. We don't even have to pull building permits to build a structure!

Do you like living in the city?

The city is ok. My goal is an off grid online retreat in Northern Ontario. Some Unorganized land, kind of like what u described you live in.

I crave the wilderness I grew up in. All of it. But needed a job and at that time working online was rare. Today I think I have a shot, especially with crypto.

i hope you achieve your dream! This is our goal too. We are planning on buying some land next year. I will be building a yurt very soon in contemplation of this land buying. We are planning on living in the yurt while I build an Earthship. This is the first time I have publicly stated this goal but it's something we have been planning out for a while.

Amazing - I am looking forward to your and your children's posts about the eclipse. Enjoy!

Yes, we are all totally pumped. It's been the main topic of discussion at our home for weeks. It's made science lessons quite easy for homeschooling!

What a super neat community this is. So cool of you and your fam to do that for everyone. You guys rock. Hope your day is fantastic. If i didn't live 12 hours away, my daughter and I would be all over this!!

Thank you for the compliment. Yes, 12 hours is quite a way. We need hyper loops, our version of the Maglev, or flying cars NOW! I hope you have a fantastic day watching the eclipse too. You may not be in the line of totality, but I am sure it will still be a spectacular event!

Its just going to be a few minutes here. But i dont mind. Its about what is happening not about how good a view i have

Best of luck.