10 things you maybe didn't know about me

in community •  6 years ago  (edited)

My pal @jasonbu nominated me to share some things you might not know about me! I'm a pretty open book but hopefully you'll get to know me better in some new ways

1. I was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada

If you've met me in person this is one of the first things I'll tell you but I better make sure everyone online knows. I was born and raised in a small town near Peggy's Cove. It's beautiful and the people are friendly, loud and fun. You will always have a home in NS no matter where you are from, people will feed you and love you!

2. I was the first McCulloch girl in 84 years


84 or 86, I gotta double check but it was a long ass time before a McCulloch girl was born so when I was born it was a huge celebration. I feel so lucky for this because I know in some places in the world or within certain families parents value having a son over a daughter, and that was not my reality. Luckily, the McCulloch Men did manage to marry smart and funny badass babes like my Grandma in the photo above! I didn't have a lot of women around me growing up but the ones who were around were AMAZING.

3. I am the only artist in my immediate family


I come from an accountant mom, a Dad in sales and by brother is a chemical engineer. They have all also had their own businesses and theres are lots of Entrepreneurs in the McCulloch family. I used to wish they were artists and growing up because my angsty teenage self didn't feel like they "got" me but WOW am I so glad they taught me how to work hard, be fiscally responsible, on time and committed.

4. I am a certified Pilates, Essentrics and Fusion teacher


I teach at a beautiful studio called Misfit Studio in Toronto (BlogTO's #1 Pilates studio) and I love it. This is SO much more than a Pilates studio. It's a place where movement, breath and music fuel each class. The owner Amber J is one of my dearest friends and mentor and I love calling this studio home. Having this type of training has helped me in all of my work as an actor and circus artist. It has kept my body healthy, my mind calm and been a way to stay in shape and make money outside of performing.

5. I hate doing the dishes


I dunno why, I hate it. Okay, mayyybeee it's because I didn't have a dishwasher growing up so I always had to DO the dishes. But now even with a dish washer I hate it. And my boyfriend hates that I hate it...sawwwrryyy 'bout it

6. I have been with my amazing boyfriend for almost 9 years


Maybe I don't do the dishes... but he still loves me! SUCKAAAA He is my best friend, love and partner in crime. He is an actor/producer and is the one who got me into Crypto, he puts up with me dancing around the apartment and all my loud talking and excitement.

7. I taught at The University of Trinidad and Tabago


I was brought in to work with their acting conservatory in 2016 for a week to teach movement for actors. The people were incredible and the students were so fun and excited. We worked on character body, I taught them ways to maintain a physical practice and how being connected to your movement and body is essential to your work as an actor.

8. My favourite thing to binge on Netflix is Gray's Anatomy (new season is out...and I may be multi tasking with this post


Okay I confess... I AM PRESENTLY BINGE WATCHING #guiltypleasure

9. My dream car is a Jeep


Ever since I was a kid I've wanted a jeep! I think they're cool and badass and I want our next car to be one.

10. I am a people pleaser (But I'm working on it)


The biggest thing I have to keep in check are my tendencies to be a people pleaser. I have had to really learn to practice the word "no" and create boundaries so I don't put my energy into the wrong people or places. I love to be kind and generous with people and my time but where I have gotten into trouble is when people only take from me and don't give back. I'm getting better at this the older I get but I still feel it creep in from time to time and then I feel like I'm letting someone down. We are all works in progress.

okay and a bonus 11...



I nominate @shadowspub and @aussieninja


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you are a diverse person for sure @lifesacircus and the challenge has already been met.. I'm the one who nominated @jasonbu LOL

Oh I love Grays as well

I MUST HAVE KNOWN !! Haha gunna go back and read yours now

Posted using Partiko iOS

I MUST HAVE KNOWN !! Haha gunna go back and read yours now

Posted using Partiko iOS

Woohoo. Awesome love it. That's wicked and cool that you are the first girl...Grey's Anatomy is a great show... My wife and I have watched it regularly since it started.

Posted using Partiko Android

Its addictive!! And thanks for nominating me it was so fun and a great way to learn more about the community xo

9 years? Not Bad for the age of tinder and Nano second relationships.

We started dating before the Tinder phenomenon, thank god! lol

that was possible? lol

Ahhhhhhhhh, dammmn gurl... I've got some work to do. Thanks for throwing me through this!

First girl in 80+ years is incredible! Lot of testosterone in those McCulloch genes (I mean, I know testosterone isn't in genes, but y'know) that's so amazing!

I'm sure it was weird for your immediate family to have you be so artistic-y, my partner is the same... her parents have always been super supportive, but maybe always slightly doubtful too... it's been a big drive for her.

Ah, is that last sentence telling me I have to post my body? I'm not so sure I'm into that, I mean, I use this thing all the time.

all good- it's only fun to do them if it's not stressful!!!

BAHAHHAHA omg why does it say that?! haha

I can't believe that Grays Anatomy is still running! That's the thing that I got hung up on... How many years now? How is it possible that they can keep squeezing more plot out of!

I know! Season 14 haha!! You watch for the characters not the plot lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Surely they don't still have the original characters!

Gray's Anatomy, huh? Personally, I've binged The Office more times than I can count. I know almost all the episodes by heart, though I enjoy the classic earlier seasons more than the later ones.