My Steem Anniversary Giveway | Let's Kick The Fud And Give Some Steem Away

in community •  6 years ago  (edited)

I started this post three days ago, on my actual Steem Anniversary.. (Birthday? Anniversary? Birthday seems weird so I'm going with anniversary) and I'm not really sure what happened. I got busy with multiple projects and here I am, three days later, to finish what I started. Whew.. I am the worst blogger ever.

one year.jpg
(I of course didn't even realize it had been one year, until I got this awesome reminder. Thank you @steemitboard)

Anyways, I had a lot of thoughts about what I wanted to do in this post.. I am not one to make accomplishment posts, as it’s just not my thing.. even though I get why looking back on accomplishments is good, or the things you’ve done etc. I mean, I made dolphin status this year, built multiple communities, ran many contests where I gave some stuff away (including a steemfest ticket), curated hundreds and hundreds of posts, mentored many curators, donated to projects, helped projects, stopped three nuclear wars and saved some orphans. Yeah... see, thats just not my thing...

So Let's Do Something Different

I've never done anything by the norm here, so I figured.. why start now?

It is no secret that I believe the community is what makes this place special, the people. The people are the value, and without them.. we are just like every other blockchain out there. This community is what makes us unique and it will be what makes us shine above the rest... The community and the people in it are the reason I am still here one year later.

I came here as a complete crypto newb, and discovered cryptocurrencies from the bridge that is Steemit. What I found here though, is what made me stay. The community, you guys.. its why I'm here. I see the potential of people coming together.. sharing ideas, crowd sourcing projects and being able to achieve groundbreaking things, together. I mean, Steem was close to $10 when I joined.. anyone in their right mind would look at the price now and think they were an idiot.. I see an opportunity,

There is a lot of talk right now, and some is just noise from people desperate for attention, ignore those people. It is true that something has to change in the community's relationship with Steemit Inc, It's true that how it is right now is not working, It is true that we have a lot of things to work on. But the sky is not falling. And Steemit DOES NOT equal Steem. Steem is a blockchain, and we are all apart of it. Steemit Inc is a privately owned company that is a major stake holder here.. but the two are not equal. Remember that.

Now that that is clear...

Let's Celebrate The Community

As soon as I got here I discovered the amazing communities of this platform and the individuals that made them up. I honestly have never felt more connected to a bunch of people I've never met before.. and that thought is sort of amazing when you think about it. So I wanted to use this opportunity to celebrate that.

There have been so many people that have helped me, supported me and just been here with me along the way.. and I hope you all know how grateful I am. I'm sure I will be sending out random hugs to people in DM's this week to ensure they know it, but I don't want to focus on who has helped me today... I want to focus on who has helped others.

Thank You For Being You

I have many favorites around this place.. and picking one just seems silly. But there is someone who joined shortly after I did..and impressed me immediately. She not only wrote exceptional content (which I featured in my first curation posts), but she also jumped into communities head first and immediately started helping others. She started curating, engaging on other users posts, helping people learn the ropes.. and just, is a damn badass. I think it is important to tell people you are grateful for them, and even more so when most of what they do is "unseen" as most of the work is done off chain.


She is involved in SOOO much and is one of those beautiful souls here who works her ass off to try to improve the platform by uplifting great authors. She is involved with many amazing projects, is a curating ninja and I always come across the most thoughtful comments from her. Even though I have actually never spoken to her privately.. I have always seen her as special.

So, thank you @riverflows for being you. Thank you for caring so much about this place. We need more like you <3

I sent over 1000SP for you to use for the next month to do with as you wish, as well as a bit of Steem. It's just my way of saying thank you. Keep doing what you are doing <3

Now for the rest of you...

Ok, if you made it this far.. congrats... I ramble. This isn't just about me.. It's about all of you, so I want to hear from you!

Who is your favorite Steemian and why?

They don't have to be amazing content creators, they just have to mean something to you.. and this community. But I don't want just a username.. I want to know why. Let's take some time to tell the people around this place how much we appreciate them. Write a comment below listing your pick and why you are picking them.

I will go through and select a Winner, both individuals will split the liquid payout from this post (will be paid on date of payout) plus get a @Steemmonsters Booster Pack Each.

I have no rules about how I will pick the winner, it will just be up to me... so no complaining.

Let's kill all the fud with some kindness...

Thanks for all the love and support this past year, it means more than you know.

Much Love and Steem On,


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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Congratulations with your Steem Anniversary! 🎉

I’ve thought about the best Steemian I know the last few days since I read your post, and the truth is I really don’t know anyone who is way above the other great Steemians I know.

You’re totally right about @riverflows. Who doesn’t love her!? I do for sure! But there is love for other Steemians too, like @for91days who is always there to help others and work on his dream to be able to live from traveling the world. But there is also @soyrosa who is doing great things for the whole Steem community like her recent dapps success! Or @jpphotography who is working his ass off to create a #travelfeed app. There is @anomadsoul with his great contests to gather all the Steemians together, and he’s working together with @coruscate to extend the Steem universe to newcomers with their project. We have an @tarazkp who will always bring another point of view at all the subjects Steemians are thinking about. Wow wait there is another wave coming in bringing us @surfermarly and her Dreams of the Ocean project. There we have @arcange on another wave surfing his badges he’s bringing to everyone. Only wave not rolling in are the #derangedphotography contests created by @derangedvision. Really missing the vibe and the people he did bring together with his contests. Luckily there are other great people hosting contests like @worldcapture.

Think you get the point? There are way to much amazing Steemians out there, who I can’t honor because this reply will be getting way too long. So big hooray for all those amazing Steemians! 👏👏👏

Oh one more thing…. Last but definitely not least, there is also you @llfarms not to forget what you do with all the curation all over the platform with C-squared and Curie, you bring so much value to others here on the platform. Thanks 😘

I also think @guchtere is pretty kickass awesome too xxx

Posted using Partiko Android


You're freaking awesome and I love all the heart you've put in this comment <3

I wanted to comment on this well almost 6 days ago :D no idea am i late or not :D

I am not great with words so whatever i try to write will not make justice.

It is hard to pick just one person from this great community. All the people from @photogames are the reason that i stayed on steem (or steemit as i thought than) in that first months. But if i have to single out one person it will be @soyrosa. I think she was the first person that i "clicked" with on the blockchain (even if she ignored some of my first comments on her posts :D not her fault my comments were shiti :P).
She grown from an great blogger and photographer into someone who really cares for the community and is doing everything in her power to make steem a better place.
And i know she is playing @Steemmonsters so she would appreciate the Booster Pack :D

I think she was the first person that i "clicked" with on the blockchain (even if she ignored some of my first comments on her posts :D not her fault my comments were shiti :P).


Thank you dear @bil.prag, we truly have grown together on this platform, and I will forever feel bad I ignored your first comments, lol, especially since you're one of my favourite people in this place :D

Hey guys, sorry for the delay! this steemalliance shin dig is kicking my bum..

There are some seriously amazing steemians listed here and just hearing how each individual had a positive experience due to another was exactly what I wanted to see. This community is awesome, and it seriously is what makes this place so damn special... <3

winners are @bil.prag and @soyrosa. Thanks so much for sharing both of your experiences with us!

I will send prizes out tomorrow, thanks for being patient with me.

i woke up to see a nice steem birthday gift :D

Ahhh - thanks for that dear @llfarms! I know you're swamper right now, just keep breathing, in and out and in and out... <3 Thank you for caring - and thank you again @bil.prag <3

Oh. Oh. Oh. I'm super humbled. Dammit, grrrrl, you are everything people say you are and more - we haven't spoken, that's right, but somehow you always have a way of making me cry! Whenever I've been FUDish and disillusioned, you've been around to pick me up, even in the quick exchanges we've had, you've really been awesome and helped me keep going here.

I had a break from Steemit this January and broke my post every day record - but rather than quitting, I've realised I'm never, ever leaving - fuck FUD and the horse it rode in on. With people like you around, Steemit is gonna last forever.

Reading the comments above, I feel kinda sad. I feel sad that people think there's no quality or depth on the blockchain when that's not what I see at all. It just needs a bit of encouraging, and I think it's up to people like us to encourage it and nurture it and make people feel welcome and feel that they're worthy in the same way you make me feel worthy. We can choose where to send our spotlight - if we don't think people are worth it, we don't have to follow them or engage with them.

You know, I didn't even realise you were co-founder of c-squared until about two weeks ago, lol. I float around in my own little bubble sometimes!

I couldn't pick my favourite Steemian - that's super rad hard. So many people are awesome, awesome ones have left, awesome ones are coming - so many awesome of awesomest people! So I'm gonna use this SP boost (most of my SP is delegated to @naturalmedicine) to comment and upvote the bejesus out of everyone I can, and when my anniversary comes up, I'm gonna rave about all the people I think are freaking ace, including you, @llfarms!

This post is so so so nice. I've worked so hard here and only have ever recieved a 100 SP for a bit from a good friend who felt sorry for me when I had a moment of feeling sorry for myself and moaned I'd never had any attention - lol, is 'pity delegation' a thing? So this is kinda validating, but it's also come at a time when I didn't really need it, because it's not what I'm here for and I've settled into doing my do now in the Steemiverse in a happy go lucky River kinda way - but i'm still way buzzed about it at the same time, waaay buzzed.

Thanks so much, you gorgeous girl. xx Muaaah xx

Honestly I didn’t know how to respond to this awesome comment.. thank you ❤️ Seriously dude I was trying to compliment you in the post!! How dare you turn it around!! 😜 No, but really.. I feel you and appreciate your kind words more than you will ever know.. they came at a time when I may have needed them a weee bit, so thank you for that.

It’s funny, because even though we aren’t close.. there is definitely a connection and I can say you have positively affected me more than once as well. I know the work you put in, and I know the frustration (feeling unappreciated) that comes with that.. and here you are,
Continuing to help others. You are a special one my dear! Keep doing what you are doing and things will fall into place ❤️

Thank you for being you!

Aw - love you xxx

Congrats @riverflows!!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Excellent points... It's like you know me for a long time, cause you speak out of my heart. And for your "demand": it's @jaybird!

In "my beginning" as a newb on steemit I felt not at my place at all. So much money talk, so much "rules" and hate at first glance, I had the impression somethings wrong here. I was just looking for a decentralized platform to be sure that the stuff I want to say will stay even against my worst critic....

Anyway. Because I love cooking unfortunately the food hashtag was cruised every time checking and reading on steemit. During this I was amazed by the #steemitsandwichcontest and thought, wow how amazing, someone has created a contest for my favourite food.

To that moment I was more or less on the leave of steemit. The response on the "forced" stuff I was posting was like zero and I compared it to much with Vine (the twitter thing which is no more), where I felt in a loving community...

If I remember right at that moment I followed a view independent journalists to get me informed on the stuff you don't find in the media and Jaybird the amazing multi instrumental musician, his contest and his manwich tag where I found more and more this feeling that I wanted to be a part of his sandwich community, and if its just for the sake of showing my sandwiches I eat nearly every day. It took me another moment to join, but when I did the response was so supporting and encouraging that it kind of blew me away....

I started to participate when ever I was able to sit on the computer (which is something I don't like to do normally). But there is already nothing normal about me, and I needed that kick to get me going and may finally find my way to express myself like I'd like to...

Today, looking back I know for sure that the open hearted friendliness of Jaybird is the one reason I'm still here. He kind of became my whale and the sandwichers all over the world participating in this most excellent contest on earth became my cyber friends I want miss anymore...

Voilà, that's the reason I pick @jaybird. Thank you my friend for doing what you do..!

I love this ❤️ I’m a fan of @jaybird too and still can’t figure out how the man can play the drums and piano at the same time!?!

I think your story really speaks for the importance of people like Jay and communities in general. Many come here and unless they find “their place,” they end up leaving. Communities are key to retention in that sense and really make this place something people want to be a part of. I love the Steemitsandwich contest and you guys are always making me hungry! Ha. But more than that, I love it because it feels like you guys have made your own family, and that’s pretty damn special.

Thanks for this lovely comment and your amazing nomination! Absolutely great choice.

That's what it actually is... a big family! Now you saying it I can really feel it...

Let me begin by saying that this comment is not meant to participate in the giveaway as I appreciate the consideration but think that the rewards would be better used elsewhere as I have a healthy stake (as well as my choice). However, reading your post made me think of the pivotal points I have had over my first year as well and the particular persons that made a difference. For me, that person was @tarazkp as his frequent engagement here has inspired me in many way. While my focus continues to be Steem and the ecosystem as well as other cryptos, he has helped me fathom more thinking of expanding my reach to more than just that content. Also, making me feel more open to more personal posts as well. He has been able to bring a great diversity of content that I look forward to multiple times a day despite his own challenges. The content makes the experience feel more genuine and real which I truly appreciate!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Taraz is special indeed ❤️ I love hearing how he’s helped you come out of your comfort zone a bit and share a bit more. I also agree that his writings are so genuine and I love reading them.. he’s got a gift but more than that, he’s an amazing human being. Thank you for being here and taking the time to acknowledge him ❤️

Happy anniversary @llfarms! and thank you for this event.

I'd have to mention @jazzhero as the person I really appreciate most in the platform. He's the first person who did real engagement with me when I had nothing to offer back. He taught me how to improve my art blogs when I was just starting out and no clue how to be somebody in the platform.

I think I met a lot of steemians because of his indirect influence. I got involved in local communities, @curie, and other countless groups that just kept branching out during my exposure in the platform. Jazz has been supportive about my ideas even when I know they can be so unrealistic and have been patient to take in most of the crap I say often.

It's that sense of friendship in the least likely place that makes me value the guy. We're both anons to each other but that didn't stop us from being natural during conversations on discord. He's currently inactive but comes back to like on discord when asked.

Thank you so much! Jazz is awesome!!! I agree he’s so supportive and has shown me kindness many times as well. Great choice ❤️

My favourite steemian was @lauralemons tragically, she never got to see $10 STEEM, Steem Monsters or the leaps and bounds this blockchain has made in the time since her passing.

On a September day, she took her own life; driven by excruciating pain. Her posts were raw.and uncensored. She had an amazing way of documenting her pain, to the point where it hurt reading about her pain.

She was a prolific, inspirational blogger, artists and exceptional conversationalist. We lost more than a single person the day she passed - we lost genuine, original, excellent content; free from the stuff people tend to produce now which is essentially a floor made of eggshells.

There's a lot of facades on this blockchain, Laura gave nothing other than her unabridged self. We need more people like her on chain.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is so sad - I had no idea. There's so many people I don't know here and when people disappear, we often don't know what really happened. I'm so sorry to hear this - heart breaks!! Hugs and love and warmth your way as you think of her. xx

I know there's eggshell posts, but there's also some really wonderful posts too - don't give up on that. There's many that would do your friend proud. xx

It was over a year ago, I didnt know her on a personal level, but just reading her posts made it feel that way!

I had a snoop over on your profile, good to see another Australian around the chain (I thought I had been following all the active ones already!)

Hello, from Adelaide!

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh gosh me too! Love meeting another Aussie here xx

would be hard to pick one, lele!!! that is so cruel!!!!

my pick is @randomwanderings and @llfarms and @scrawly and @carlgnash and @shibasaki and @kommienezuspadt and @ryivhnn and @markangeltrueman and @manoldonchev and @thilah and @donnadavisart and @choogirl and many, many, many others that i won't be able to fit into one post :(


Anyway, congrats on your first anniversary !!!! You are one of the lights that keeps the journey going for me, so keep on being lele \o/


Thank you, friendly spider! I know who one of the friendliest and most positive charging spiderian on the web is.

Thank you spidy ❤️ And seriously.. you are a rockstar, thanks for being you! Lovely choices here ..except that weird farm girl.. thank for doing this!

My Steemiversary was 17 days ago. I was busy at the time so didn't even get around to posting. My "Curie-versary" is coming up in a couple weeks as well. Great idea for the competition though.
Happy anniversary.

Alright, doing the impossible and picking one...

That will be @worldcapture, a steemian who has selflessly maintained a weekly photo contest for a long time and brought many people together. (Get it, since his #peoplephotography initiative?) Awesome collections. Always the feedback and encouragement. So nice communicating to.

His travel stories are extensive and thrilling and you see how effort is put into them and there are the results to show it - amazing albums from places you would like to visit immediately when their liveliness is thus revealed.

What he has, he throws it out at the world and plans to do even more, I secretly may or may not know...

Wow! Now I'm speechless, ha! Thank you very much for the mention and appreciating my work! It is really you guys who make this happen with all of your fantastic photography entries. That was the only reason why I started Peoplephotography - To give everyone a platform to share their photography. Thank you my friend Manol!

congrats on your first year on steemit and I must say damn you got a lot done in those 12 months, girl wasted no time did she? Year 2 is going be tough how you going to top that?

Oh no he didn't! Yes I did, i called you out! Dance battle? Bring your crew!

I'd have to say my favourite steemian is @steemityourway shes always coming up with interesting concepts for her posts and applying it her life and to me is a real embodiment of what steemit can be to people. A place to openly share and preach what they believe without censorship or being marginalised by posts of girls with big asses and click bait content

The people I liked most on Steemit are gone. They left because of the falsehoods and the lack of decentralization. The fact that 18 of the top 20 witnesses are there almost entirely because of a single stakeholders vote is kind of ridiculous.

In saying that the people I like most on this platform are @clayboyn @juliakponsford and @crimsonsclad.

Why? Because I believe they are exactly the good people they appear to be. More often than not the people here are either here for recognition, rewards or they just aren't really the persona they put forth to the world.
I have had disagreements with them, fights even. But they still have earnt my respect as genuine people who actually do bring value of some form to the platform. They didn't just network there way into a position of power or into being popular, they got there because of who they truly are and if there were more like them it would be a much better place.

Hi @llfarms!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 5.814 which ranks you at #384 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 2 places in the last three days (old rank 386).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 209 contributions, your post is ranked at #14.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Good user engagement!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Congrats on your anniversary!

My favorite Steemian is @oleg326756 because he regularly does this amazing upvotes giveaways :)

Happy birthday. ;)

Can it be two, or three? this challenge is going to be complicated

and Happy Steemversary Justine!

Hey! I sent you a message on discord :)

Yay! Happy Steembirthday.
That this year you learn double and triple your rewards.

Happy Steem Birthday @llfarms

oh oh that is hard....I could't just name one person. I've met so many really deserving people and also don't want to turn this into a tag fest. Many good steemians have already been named here =) nice initiative on your part!

You rock. You're awesome. I want to see you here many many more years. Congratulations on still being here and seein opportunities!

I don't know if I'd ever be able to pick one Steemian either so I don't know if I'm able to join your fun Giveaway :D But I love the idea nonetheless.

Eat some cake, will ya?
