If you are a community manager or you are training for it, you may be interested to know what are some of the most common bad practices that are committed daily in social media management. These, in most cases, are the result of little experience, no training or both of those who commit them.
Messages of gratefulness automated in Twitter. Nothing brings an automated message to your new followers by thanking them. Even some counts go further and warn that "they expect the content they share to be of interest". Do not worry. If they consider that it is not, they will value whether or not to do unfollow. My advice is that, if you want to show your gratitude, do it in a personalized way.
Tag in a tweet image to accounts that are foreign to the message or that you do not even know. This practice is usually aimed at those who are labeled retweet the message. This practice is only recommended if the tagged accounts have a direct relationship with the message or the account.
Invite your contacts to become fans of all your pages. With this you will only get a community of users of zero quality. But also, do not pretend that these, in turn, share what you publish so that your friends see your content and become fans. If you decide to follow your page, that is because it is really going to provide you with valuable content.
Invitations to massive events. Surely on more than one occasion you have received the invitation to an event through Facebook that will not align all the planets you will attend. If you manage a fan page that regularly schedules events, do not invite your friends, cousins, neighbors and acquaintances. Send the invitation only to those who really may have an interest in it.
Add comments, especially on Instagram, that do not add any value, with the sole objective of gaining visibility. The same for those who make comments on blog entries with the sole purpose of earning a link to their website.
The personal profiles that are actually companies. Due to ignorance or to try to make our community grow faster, some companies create personal profiles to manage communication with their customers. This, by Facebook policy, is prohibited.
Links that direct your own pages in comments. This is nothing but SPAM. If different users report your comment, they will most likely block your account. What do I mean? When a user adds a link to his page or his fan page as a comment.
Raffles where users have to share the publication. This practice is totally prohibited by Facebook. It is true that it is very common, but it does not justify that you commit it. It is only possible to draw lots among those who "like" or write a comment.
Tag other accounts on Instagram. What is the purpose of this? I do not know. Possibly they expect that other account to begin to follow them, or comment on the publication or transfer them for the sake of blurring their influence. Whatever the reason may be, please do not do it. If we want to get followers, let's just generate quality content. That is not an easy task.
Publish very often content that does not contribute anything. My recommendation is to publish between 3 to 5 publications a week, except if we manage a current page.