RE: NSFW SEGREGATION PARTY! [this is sfw so u can alll read it!]

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NSFW SEGREGATION PARTY! [this is sfw so u can alll read it!]

in community •  7 years ago  (edited)

..oh im not asking people to view me the way i want to be viewed. I'm more bitching about the lack of a NSFW community in any way on this site even tho i KNOW people like it and would perhaps love it if they could actually FIND me [and other original content NSFW users] in the sea of equally censored NSFW posts [where, you have no idea if you're clicking cute Political Porno time or Anal Fisting Bad Boy Time until you click to reveal! What fresh hell is this?!?!? xD] Just annoying that here of all places would not only censor NSFW so heavily but also disclude me from communities. After all, disclusion wasn't due to hate.. I have had admins tell me "i love your show...but we cant promo NSFW sorry..." its not even an "YOU'RE AN ABOMINATION GET OUT!!" so far it's been all "you're so good and undervalued here...but alas you cannot post here, or use this upvote bot etc etc even tho we all love you..." suuupppeerr annoying.
Also also, trying to censor for this "save the children" idea on steemit is madness all the children know how to find all the porn cos we group it for them.. [over here kiddies to the NSFW posts you can reveal with the click of a button..won't know what you get until you do kiddo! enjoy!] and we don;t have anything like age verification to prevent children from clicking to reveal NSFW anyways soooooo it seems excessive with its lack of actual ability to protect any childrens [shrug]
And if its just for people at work who don't want their bosses flipping...then if anything you'd think they would WANT to see the titles of the NSFW posts so they know what to avoid....boss will prob be less freaked out by Political Porno or a tasteful softcore post from an original content creator vs Anal Fisting after all.....

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Exactly this! It's more like virtue signaling than actually doing any good. It messes some things up, helps nothing, but projects the image of GAF.

Look how easy it for kids to view your content lolLicegif4.gif
My statement stands about them not wanting NSFW stuff because of their image.

Can someone else upvote you through these services? Or no one can?

Ohh and as for the Bosses thing that's just dumb, I think employers don't care what kind of porn their employee watches lol. Although guess it would be nice setting to choose whether or not you want to see the titles.

Anyways... best of luck