The Daily spotlights – 18 May 2018

in community •  7 years ago 


Today again 4 nominations…. + 1 thank you post 😉

(For those reading this Daily Spotlights for the first time… if you want to help one of your friends to gain more visibility, or just found a post that deserves a bigger audience… just comment on the latest DS by copying the link of the post you would like to nominate. And maybe it will be featured in the next Daily Spotlights…
(For all the rules click here))



Congratz @scottshots you were nominated by @positivexposure (@claudiaz) because thankful people deserve a little thank you back 😉


Congratz @annariley you were nominated by @deerjay because she loved that French toast… (Never seen such a toast in France 😉)


Congratz @old-guy-photos you were nominated by @traciyork because she likes to suck on freshly snapped pictures of flowers… or something like that 😊


Congratz @carlosadolfochac you were nominated by @roxy-cat because, you know, girls are stars, uh, girls and stars 😉


Congratz @trincowski you were nominated by @nolasco who really really really loved your post. She even nominated twice 😊


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That French toast just looks delicious!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @pixresteemer and "cheers"!! 🍻
As you know, I love a good sunset and just found this beautiful one by @ackhoo!!


Nice!!! Thank you @pixresteemer @positivexposure and @claudiaz! That made my morning! Now if only I had made that french toast this morning my day would have been perfect... Yum!

@scottshots, You just cant get out of the spotlight anymore it seems, hahaha. btw when you make that french toast, let me know so I can be there on

Haha! Right?! Thanks for that.
Tomorrow is Saturday, that's usually bacon and pancakes or french toast day around here... But first, Friday night! Cheers!!!

The french toast was delish too! Cooked just right. Now I'm thinking of making some this morning! (not quite the same as at the hotel's restaurant but still will be good!)

That's awesome @annariley! I hope your french toast was great!

Hi! I didn't have it. I realized I only had enough bread for my tuna sandwich for lunch! lol... I had banana, egg, and oatmeal pancakes. Not as good as the french toast, but satisfied my tastes! I drizzled lots of honey on them! :))

Hey that works! Sounds good anyway. Maybe next weekend...

Yup! There's always tomorrow! :))


@pixresteemer, Thank you very much for allowing me to be in this new adventure!

Thanks @roxy-cat for your nomination!


LOLOL! Yeah, think something got lost in the translation... 😂

For today, I'm nominating this post because again - flowers. 😊


Thanks, @deerjay for nominating my french toast picture! Glad you liked the french toast. It was really good. :)) I guess you could say it's AZ toast! lol

You're welcome @annariley! Lol..I actually nominated the post but that was a yummy looking photo! 😊

haha! That's fine. Either way, thanks!! It was yummy. I want to go back to the hotel to have it again. lol AZ's a long way to go for French Toast! haha. Maybe an East coast Westin may have the same recipe!

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Ahah, sorry, but it´s true, I really love his posts!
You're priceless, my dear Pix!
Today I nominate this Steemian, love his work!
Cheers to all!


Not too many entries yet into this weeks Shadow Contest, but This one of the shadows of the all the inside parts of the flowers by @jayclar30 is a great flower shadow photo! And since I'm not the judge this week, I can say that!
