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Hi @tyrnannoght!

  • you have 356 units and 0 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 577140684855 or 1.508 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.503 $

Structure of your total SBI vote value:

  • 99.68 % has come from your subscription level
  • 0.23 % has come from your bonus units
  • 0.09 % has come from upvoting rewards
  • 0.00 % has come from new account bonus or extra value from pre-automation rewards

    Take Control! Include #sbi-skip in your text to have us skip any post or comment.

#sbi-transfer would be nice for closed accounts its a real waste : as to that guy : in a place that's full of staking and people who pay dollar for a fart called NFT ... i dont feel the need to get defensive as if this were still under the thumb of steemcleaners and the flagwars. Fact remains : steem is a total uncertainty where ANYONE with more money than you can wreck your stuff for no reasons given or for whatever reason they feel gives them the right to do so. It seems to be a lot friendlier than it was. When i stake and delegate my stuff its because i'm not mother Theresa and i think i give more than enough for what i ever got.

so : no comment , thanks joseph for still keeping this alive )))

!sbi status

Hi @heyimsnuffles!

  • you have 137 units and 0 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 16627416725433 or 37.317 $
  • as you did not wrote a post within the last 7 days, your comments will be upvoted.
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.674 $

Structure of your total SBI vote value:

  • 97.33 % has come from your subscription level
  • 0.00 % has come from your bonus units
  • 0.00 % has come from upvoting rewards
  • 2.67 % has come from new account bonus or extra value from pre-automation rewards

    Take Control! Include #sbi-skip in your text to have us skip any post or comment.

@heyimsnuffles , you probably misclicked since i think i remember your name from "around" in this very very small puddle but you have to ask for status in reply to the main post as far as i know