Announcing the Launch of Hive Blockchain

in communityfork •  4 years ago  (edited)

The buzz is real! After weeks of hard teamwork, we're announcing the launch of the new Hive blockchain.

This is an exciting time, and an opportunity to channel the love and power of a resilient and tenacious community into collaborative development for the future of social blockchain.

Hive is a passionate effort, created by a large group of Steem community members who have long looked to move towards true decentralization and to help develop the code base. The years of distribution issues and reliance on a central entity for code and infrastructure has been at the heart of a revolution of sorts, and the new Hive blockchain is the culmination of stepping up to meet the challenge of returning to shared values of protecting and celebrating the vibrant community that has grown around our ecosystem.

Check out the FAQ below for info on the launch of Hive.

What is Hive and why was it created?

Hive is a DPOS governance blockchain created by implementing a hard fork of existing Steem code.

The intention of this community-driven fork is to support and build on the strong Steem community values that have made our ecosystem so diverse and exciting. This new direction steps away from the burden of the Steemit Inc. ninja-mined stake, which has impacted the long term ability to work towards further development and decentralization for years.

Hive has begun with a talented and committed team of community developers who are already paving the way to implement much awaited improvements and robust new developments to the blockchain. It is exciting to see the community – from devs and business owners to passionate end users – stepping forward to embrace and contribute to the potential of Hive. This renewed spirit, combined with a renewed codebase and a focus on working more closely with the entire ecosystem, is key to the success and possibilities for the future of social blockchain.

What is the difference between Hive and Steem?

Hive is a fork of the Steem blockchain and runs completely independently from the existing chain. All valid accounts on the Steem blockchain will receive an airdrop on Hive. (more details below)

While the Hive chain is a fork of the Steem code, the intention is to take responsibility to build something even better. The initial Hive launch will be a direct copy of existing blockchain with a few small upgrades, which will allow us to get back to community discussion on the direction for future development, needed changes, and most wanted chain-level features.

The spirit of Steem and the goal of decentralization has always been to move away from a single point of authority, and to capitalize on and encourage the potential that has gathered in our community. Hive is drawing on the huge range of talent in our ecosystem to accelerate development, improve communication, and return to a focus on ease of use, onboarding, and marketing. The desire to move towards better decentralization and to connect people via blockchain has never been lost, and it's what makes Hive so needed now.

What happens when Hive launches?

When The Hive blockchain launches, existing Steem accounts will appear on the Hive Network as well. You will have two accounts: the current one on the Steem, and a new Hive account, which will be pre-populated with all of your current Steem content and information.

The history of these two accounts will be the same, but from the snapshot point onward, the accounts will be independent from one another. Actions you take on one network will not be reflected on the other. This means that future content and transactions will belong to whichever account you use.

If you post on Hive, it will not show up on Steem, and vice versa. The two chains will be completely independent of one another after launch.

When will Hive launch?

The Hive blockchain launch will be at 10am EST/14:00 UTC, Friday, March 20th. (countdown at All of the magic will happen this week! The snapshot and airdrop will take place back to back at the time of launch.

Where can I find Hive's code?

Here is the public open source repo for Hive:

As a STEEM holder, what do I get in the Hive airdrop?

All valid STEEM stakeholders will receive a perfectly mirrored balance of their current STEEM holdings in the new HIVE coin. This will include matching amounts of current liquid STEEM, Steem Power, and SBD. All other account state data, such as claimed accounts, delegations, etc. will be mirrored onto Hive.

For example: if your Steem account has 10 STEEM, 5 SBD, and 1000 SP, your new Hive account will have 10 HIVE, 5 HBD, and 1000 HP.

You will not need to claim anything. Simply log in with your existing Steem account details and you will have your new HIVE coins in your wallet and be able to start using the blockchain.

The Hive airdrop will only be performed on the current version of the Steem blockchain (as of the date of this post). Any "emergency hardforks" performed prior to the airdrop will not be eligible. Further, any exchange that participates in such a hardfork prior to the airdrop date will null and void the ability to participate in the airdrop for its off-chain balance holding customers.

How do I access my Hive account to post content and send Hive coins?

You can access your Hive account by simply logging in on the Hive Network using your existing Steem account keys. The first frontend available will be This is currently pointed at the Steem blockchain, but will be switched to Hive at launch time. Other popular interfaces are completing the switch over to Hive or finishing new products, and will be announcing when they are ready to use!

Who is behind the development of Hive?

There are currently over 30 experienced developers contributing to the new ecosystem, alongside many committed community members working on multiple aspects of Hive. These individuals may announce their participation through their own accounts in the future. This a true community effort, and therefore is open to all. Hive will remain open source, and open to everyone who wants to contribute to the future development of the blockchain. Testnet will be available after this post is published, so feel free to comment here if you would like to access and we'll reach out. The full codebase will move to a public repo on Thursday, March 19th, prior to launch. Updates will be made to this post and via this account.

What improvements have been added?

The most important improvements and decisions will be made after initial launch with a chance for proper feedback from the community. To successfully launch, there are some aspects that needed to be addressed immediately, including prevention of exchanges from participating in governance attacks (as we witnessed on the Steem Blockchain).

To prevent governance (or funding) attacks, a 30 day delay has been added on crediting vests towards witness and SPS votes. Further governance changes will need to be developed alongside the community.

This delay means that after an account “powers up” or stakes funds, there will be a 30 day delay before those vests can be used towards voting on governance (witnesses) or through voting in the SPS. For all other actions, there is no delay and vests are immediately available.

This is an initial way for us to mitigate this risk while continuing to improve the system as a whole, and without deciding on governance changes before returning to collection of wider community input.

Will all Steem accounts be included in the HIVE airdrop?

The goal of Hive is to continue moving towards true decentralization, and therefore the launch airdrop will include all accounts who have showcased these same values and shared goals.

The only accounts who will not be included in the initial airdrop are those containing the Steemit Inc ninja-mined stake, and those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain.

These accounts can still choose to take part in the new chain and their accounts will exist, but they will not be included in the intial airdrop.

Exchanges participating in airdrops are now working on wallet upgrades, and listings are continually being updated.

We're looking forward to the launch of Hive!

There's a lot to come during this extremely busy week, and this post and account will be updated to reflect new information as it becomes available.

Thank you for the spirit of community, and for being a part of the buzz. Looking forward to what's ahead for everyone who wants to get involved... #hiveisalive!

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ionomy Exchange is proud to support the HIVE/BTC trading pair. ionomy has always been about great cryptocurrency projects and the communities that make these projects meaningful and valuable. As the heroic story of HIVE unfolds, ionomy welcomes the HIVE community and looks forward to a long and productive relationship.

Can you somewhere confirm that this is really an ionomy official account? Twitter announcement or something?

The pair BTC/HIVE is already listed on ionomy

Thanks for the link Favcau.

You're welcome Ibrahim! See you in HIVE! :)


Also, does your exchange require a KYC?

Thank you for asking does NOT require KYC to deposit,trade or withdraw funds.

How about PGP credentials. It would be more secure that way.

How much steem trading volume do you have?

BOOM! Leet's Go! :)



shaka laka laka boom!

Now I am hungry.. 😎

Perfect. Signing up on Ionomy right away!!!! Cheers.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

🙏 Thanks, @ionomy: I'll sign-up to your exchange! 👏

wow nice

Good news again 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @ionomy!

It keeps spinning and then the capcha times out.  Have tried for hours now.

signed up!


thanks :) the community will work to make this a huge success.

Only one thing to add here, but an important issue!
Ban any account that downvotes genuine charities.

If you have a fight with someone, settle it with that person and don't downvote other worthy accounts in your madness.

Awesome news, I'd like to add that I feel only those that are committed to decentralize, community and to the Hive should be the only ones getting the air drop. This cross chain posting double dipping nonsense is part of what has always been wrong with Steem and the greedy. @hiveio



Delighted to hear ionomy will support Hive. I have a problem signing up per screenshot. I don't know why the create new account button goes round and round and then the captcha times out.

I have spent hours trying to get anywhere, with the same problem.

I have spent hours
Trying to get anywhere,
With the same problem.

                 - amaterasusolar

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I finally got an email but still can't sign in

Let’s pump hive to $10 lol

that's something I'd like to see :)

Peace bitches, boom. Subtitles for above meme. 🐝🐝

Hot Stuff


The only accounts who will not be included in the initial airdrop are those containing the Steemit Inc ninja-mined stake, and those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain.

Can we get an exact list of excluded accounts? thanks

yes, we need to know this.

@hiveio @blocktrades
I second this. A list of excluded accounts should be made public.

I Fourth this !!

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I third this.

Agreed, a comprehensive list must be made public.

Yeah let's have a list of excluded accounts who don't 100% support everything the Witnesses who were in power 2 months ago when the price of STEEM was $0.12 on life support.

NEW NEW neW NeW nEw STEEM aka HIVE should be so much better with all the same witnesses as before and the same code. Let's make the trending page like it was for the last 3 years as well. Just stake weight to the top.

This is all about freedom of speech and decentralization

Let's see the list! Go HIVE Go!

You get it. The Steem witnesses were all greedy fucks before this, anyone who thinks this will be any different because there is no steemit stake are deluded. It won't be any other ninja miners excluded , therefore your governance will once again be decided by dan the freedom account and a few other ninja mined whales.

yea let's censor everyone who disagrees and then accuse Justin Sun of censorship

you people are truly the american way arent you

It says so right there : "everyone who didnt agree with us will be censored"

or am i reading that wrong ?

i call bullshit so i guess ill be on the list of shame

I know at least a handful of people who probably should be excluded judging by those words... But I am not so sure they will be. A list would be cool to see.

Interesting. Still no answer.

  • When I asked the same question as a reply, there were lots of "attacks", so I wondered I asked a wrong, or prohibited question. It seems that lots of other users had the same question.

How can we know the list of excluded in the initial airdrop, @hiveio?

Is there any good reason not to make it public?

Agreed. Present the List of Shame.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Cat's out of the bag ! I fully support this new chain and have been dedicating my time to it for the past few weeks.

Hive on !

Who let the HIVE out? 🐝 🐝🐝🐝🐝

HIVE FIVE to that one!! bzzzz

Hahahahhaaaaaaaa yes

Me too and it has not even officially launched yet.

Hive on!!!!

@blocktrades @gtg -- One of the original steemit developers(We met both SF1 & SF2), I fully support this new chain! I have a great deal of experience working on Condenser front end from steemit. I fully support and could work on the new front-end, feel free to ping me.

That's awesome to hear :-) Come on board!

What a time to be alive! I, for one, cannot wait for Hive to be active and ready to accept developers building awesome and creative new applications.

Good riddance SteemIt, Inc and @justinsunsteemit.

How does a content creator join?

You need to have a Steem account which will be carried over - same passwords, wallet address, posts, balance. You don't have to do anything, just log in.

You're already in. Same login and everything.

hey, I was wondering, what about other dapps? Like, I have been using steempeak, travelfeed, dtube and appics most of the time these days. How are these going to migrate and or would it be the same way there like it's been on Steem?

Just a bit ago, talking with @travelfeed team, seems like they had know idea what's going to happen next. Very curious to know. THanks! :)

You rebranding Steempeak?

Steam Peak points to the Steem blockchain but may later point to this new Hive blockchain as early as Friday. If you are asking about Steam Peak User Interface (UI), the look and feel of it, I don't know but I am beginning to like Steam Peak over and in some ways. Steam Peak will probably move to Hive and leave Steem. But I guess I don't know. But I would if I were them.

He probably meant about the name, which contains "steem". Some new name will be warranted.

Yeah, a new name would be nice. But wouldn't that break URLs pointing to posts?

All URLs pointing to posts are going to break when they need to point to HIVE instead of Steem sites.

Can't wait to hear eli powells statement!

That will be priceless!

second the lmfao @lucylin

  ·  4 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

The whole thing was a cluster fuck - from both sides, from the beginning.

We are where we are, though.

Things in hive will have to change fundamentally, without repeating the same shit - but that discussion is not for now..

as if ...

so what with the money invested in steem-engine tokens ?

will i get double the splintermonsters cards ?

how much does 1 HIVE sell for (usd) ?

i doubt it will be on poloniex or any of the major exchanges who don't already list STEEM itself

and ...

you're splitting the powerbase so the old ones in power can stay in power

i'm afraid im with the guy with the money so y'all can have your 'spirit of collaboration' and 'community values' (of which i have yet to see the first bit other than pyramid marketeering and take the money-and-run posts speaking on what everyone wants to hear)

i call bullshit ... im curious ... but it takes 13 weeks to powerdown and i dont know where to sell my HIVE ?

ofcourse : i somehow have my own opinion that does not 100% regurgitate the witnesses and the downvote cartels so maybe i'll just be censored and excluded

free speech for the dumb

i DO understand the simpsons so much better since i got on here lol

I like Jerry. He might have been the one that got me to join Steemit in 2017. So, what is EOS? You said Dan let EOS die. I have heard of EOS. Was EOS like a social media blockchain similar to Steem? Oh hey, if Jerry wants to suck my dick, then ehhhh, well, he will need to first eat some of my oatmeal first haha.

WHAT THE HELL? Oatmeal? lol!

Yes. I am Oatmeal lol. And Jerry is my father.

"showed off how he had back problems and stretch marks from sucking his own dick so furiously, no joke!"
Yeah, that was a truly insane time!!!!! OMFG!

And so it begins. Steem as it was meant to be. A blockchain ecosystem by and for the community.

I hope this becomes a great story for decentralized governance throughout the blockchain ecosystem. The real value is the community. ACTIONS > WORDS.

Thank you to all who have worked so tirelessly to make this happen. So many have been working non-stop for over a month now, some missing sleep and forsaking other responsibilities to get to this point.

Thank you.

They said if you contacted the Hive Airdrop they would include you in the AIRDROP, I Volunteer, for the AIRDROP, let there be no misunderstanding I want it all the whole HIVE benefits," Let it be known around the HIVE ...KINGDOM

Heart & Soul on Hive:

Luke, exactly. I plan to post on Hive and Steemit in the future but my heart and soul will be moving over to Hive on Friday. I am very excited about that.

Changing Keys

Do you think everybody should change their private keys, their passwords, when they move from Steem to post only on Hive in the future in order to stop Justin Sun from trying to who knows what or does the blockchain code somehow block people from seeing the passwords? I think that when I signed up for an account via in 2017, I did not get a private master key and/or @steem and/or something like that which seems to be the recovery account meaning that whoever has access to @steem could perhaps reset the keys, the passwords, to an account.

Locking People Out

So, perhaps, Tron Overlord Justin Sun may consider locking some accounts out someday to prevent them from posting on Steem after Friday or whenever he wants to someday.

Seems he already started censoring posts today.

The blockchain doesn't ever see your passwords. If you use tools like Steem Keychain (which will most likely move to Hive Keychain), the interface you post to won't see your passwords either. Changing recovery account is a good idea, but the recovery account alone can't take over your account.

Well, that's good news. Thanks. Did you say Tron is censoring Steem somehow? I wonder how that would be possible outside of downvotes.

I believe it has been a huge effort and few hours of sleep. I feel the community is ready to migrate and make Hive a success.

Really happy to know that you're part of this!

I think that it would be a good idea to block from being dragged into Hive any accounts that are on global blacklist.

Haha you are blocking me into getting there lol........that's a very bad idea :)

I second adding the global blacklist to the excluded list.

But what about those who were mistakenly put on those black lists, which includes people like me? I have been on lists. Yes, some people told me I was alleged taken off some lists but these things can happen at least in theory, assuming humans are not always perfect.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

gubment locked me in mah house

save me internet money codes

Awesome! Looking forward to the airdrop and posting our first post on the Hive platform.

Let us know as soon as Hive gets listed on any exchange that we track!

Glad you are on board!! Cant wait to see hive on CC

Thanks @coingecko!

Nice one!

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

well come back as the underdog

come out like a faucet, drippin

as you come back as the underdog

hive five @traciyork I guess we'll be bizzy beez over there...

... I'd like to add a third...
Fuckin fuck yeah!!!

Can I get a fourth.

Fuckin fuck yeah, fucker.

Fucking Disclaimer: This was a fucking joke. Relax.

🤣🤣 got to add a disclaimer. People with their feelings nowadays.

I piss tears and shit fears. I also don't know why I said that.

hive five for this one that had me rolling....bzzzz



Posted using Partiko iOS

lol #best

I’ll add the fuck yeah fifth...

because I’m dominant like that. 🎶

Hahaha yes

  ·  4 years ago (edited)


Can't wait for friday. I fully support this chain and plan to migrate all apps I maintain to the Hive chain as soon as possible. My longer announcement follows asap...

Well Awaited News !!!
What will happens for steem-engine token? Which was brought through steem.

Great news :D

Great to see the manifestation of all the work done by a lot of people who typically do not collaborate with each other. It was fun, contentious, frustrating, but mostly invigorating.

This is a great new dawn for the community. Throwing off the baggage of the Steemit Ninja Mined Stake is a turning point.

A heartfelt congratulations to everyone that contributed. It was amazing to observe.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

Will an API endpoint be available at launch. If so what is the URL? I would like to replace in my apps.

Great news! Would you like that I publish a Spanish translation of this announcement so that audience gets the "buenas noticias" too?

Do you think they are interesting in this Buenas Noticias? :D :D Por favorrrrr!

@roelandp translation done and published:

Anunciando el Lanzamiento de la Blockchain Hive

PS: I guess a resteem will give better visibility.

Of course! ;) HIVE on!

What about free sign ups? Will there be something similar to what Steemit Inc. used to do, or fingers crossed, something better?

There will be something similar, and then we'll improve on to create something better ;)

The solution we are envisioning will drastically ease up new account creation for everyone.

That would be a major improvement!

That'll be great! @jaki01! Shall I have to power down and then move to HIVE? (I have only 2,000 SP now.)

Hello, @tangmo! :)
You need not to power down, because anyway you will get the same amount of HIVE power as you have STEEM power now. That means after the fork you will own 2000 SP and 2000 HP.

Oh! Thanks so much for your immediate reply and for this useful information. Very excellent!

Many thanks again for your kindness. @jaki01 ;))

Really looking forward to it. I'm working with a friend to move a few hundred people to the chain. It'll be cool to see that, what's your ETA for the "something better"? (from days to months)

the beauty is we now have renewed energy and true community ownership. as such about signups discussions and ideas are well under way!

Thank you both for the answers, that's what I wanted to hear. I guess this year we'll see Hivefest 1 huh? :P

Hivefest 1: Bee there or bee square

this is lovely :D

I love the new hype. I hope we moon like on 2018

I am so excited!!!!


Last time I felt like this about crypto was 2018 I think! hive5 to all of you!

I guess the hive5 will become a thing :D

"hive5 to all of you!"

Good one!

Hives ???? Wait. I read that too quick.

This is great. I hope we can get most of the community to move over to Hive, then it becomes the main chain and Steem can be left to Justin and his sock puppets.

I'm with you!!! @cranium



very wise 😊

I am really looking forward to HIVE.

It has been hard the last few weeks, especially as Sun's moves came after a long winter on Steem. Spring had finally arrived (even if value was still low), dapps were flourishing, communities were here, SMTs on the horizon. There was a real positive buzz in the blockchain.

And then...

Well, I am not prepared to be dictated to by someone who throws his money around.

I won't be bought.

I am not a developer, just an end user, but I will do everything I can to make Hive a success. To be a part of this exciting Community. Because it seems to me that is where the STEEM passion is.

Exciting times for the Community!

@Felt.Buzz is excited to be a part of the BUZZ!

Any new project needs users in addition to developers.

Remember, Justin bought the "community"

I'm so happy to see the commitment that we're definitely doing this, and not letting Justin have us waste more time going through another round of his BS to stall so he can continue his despicable actions further. After hearing "Dave" yesterday, he confirmed to me that he's just another smooth talker doing Justin's bidding. He said Justin is his friend and Justin is a good, honest person. That convinced me that Dave is just another Roy. I have no trust in him.

This is such great news and I can't wait to get started on HIVE! 🍻

I have a question about logging in - will I need my main password to access Hive or will my posting and active keys be sufficient>?

I only ask because accessing my main password is going to require a physical journey as I've got it stored somewhere super #SAFU


All your keys will remain the same so you will be able to login to both chains using the same private keys.

All same

Sounds great guys! Steem savings will also be transfered into HIVE Chain right? Cause lots of people have ton of Steem in savings.

Yes,all assets 1:1

you should have waited until corona is over. Youtube and others start censoring (promoting authoritative messages) again. Would have been great to have steem around and working at this time.

Hope i can access my posts from the past 3 yrs on steem on #hive

You will. Maybe some problems the first days with images.

There is always one reason or another to wait.

That is why sometimes it is so hard to act.

STEEM should still work, and I think the dblog guy made it clear that he was pro steem. So videos should be available.

Hell Yeah!!! Thank You to everyone involved in this Amazing New Development of what I know will Be an Amazing New Journey for all of us as Individuals, Communities, Dapps, and Content Creators...

I am ready for this New Migration over to the #hive... You have My full support and appreciation for all You are doing and will do for us in the near future...

I am ready to assist in any way possible and this will Be reflected in My video tomorrow on @dtube ... Ready to Beta Test an know in My Heart that this is going to be the Best Journey of my life and the life of all of us...

Here's to an Awesome and Bright Future... 200% support from Me...

Posted using Partiko Android

Hive5s all around, fully on board with this, let's hope the dapps come with easy integration too, wouldn't want to stop using steempeak and the like :) May we dual chain and allow the chains to duel it out and may the best chain win

Am I be included in the HIVE airdrop?

Yes. You can just buy more steem and sent it to your account if you want to start with more hives. Avoid binance since they lock withdrawals unpredictable.

Binance Steem withdrawals currently locked. This is the only place I hold STEEM. Is there any way for me to participate in the Airdrop?

The history of these two accounts will be the same, but from the snapshot point onward, the accounts will be independent from one another. Actions you take on one network will not be reflected on the other. This means that future content and transactions will belong to whichever account you use.

What happens with the "recovery account" that is pointing to @steem on most users. For the HIVE fork will you change the default recovery account to some other default account? I see a potential problem if not.

What about folks that just changed, are in the 30 day waiting period, to a new recovery account?

Lots of people like me got alarmed when Sun took over Stinc and wanted a new recovery account.

the most reasonable thing is that they set the default recovery account to null in the fork.

Leaving people without a recovery account during a complete transition from one blockchain to another is flirting with disaster. Thousands of accounts could end up unrecoverable if there's anything that goes wrong at all.

That's not a reasonable course of action. It's potential suicide.

those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain.

Christmas 2019: "Steem looks interesting; think I'll buy a few, power up and check back in a year. Not sure about all this witness stuff though. Think I'll just proxy to the local community account; what's the worst that could happen?"

Now's not the time to be vindictive.
We need to find ways to include people, instead of looking for reasons to exclude them.

I'd like to see everything but SINMS honoured, without any purity tests; but if the plan is to exclude balances which proxied vests to an account which voted for bad witnesses; can we at least exclude those balances who proxied before everything got ugly?

If you build your home on the bones of your enemies; don't be surprised if its haunted.

those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain.

Bad choice of words imo..... I smell some bias coming along and possibly a group of pissed off Steemians/Hivens(?). There's more then a few that didn't like the softfork but that doesn't equal support for decentralization. Don't start the chain on a bad note, momentum is in your favor, keep that momentum positive.

My guess is it's for security reasons. If a blockchain is under threat of a hostile takeover, I don't think it would be wise to include the hostiles in the fork that only exists to get away from said hostiles, because that would make the new branch vulnerable to the same attack, making the new fork pointless.

Again, I'm only guessing here. Trying to see the situation from the outside, looking in, rather than basing this logic on current events and politics. It just seems like the logical thing to do.

The perceived threat comes down to one person, Justin Sun. The wording quoted makes it sound like more than the Ninja Mined stake is getting excluded from airdrop. I was just cautioning to not start the new blockchain on a bad note via excluding Steemians just because they have a different opinion to the norm on the current politics surrounding the chain.

It'll be interesting to see if folks suddenly change what they "truly value," just to get an airdrop.

Ten minutes before this post was published, they were content with their personal decision.

I love watching humanity. No names were mentioned but I bet there are a few out there nervously thinking "Are they talking about me?"

It's kind of heartbreaking though. Money does strange things to people. People need to stick to their guns though. If they value STEEM going one way that is inline with their personal beliefs, in my opinion, they should not be concerned about another blockchain tied to values they do not believe in. There's no shame in that either. People like what they like.

My guess is still for security reasons though. If I had a chance to pause time while my store is being robbed, so I could build a new store and get out of that situation, I wouldn't include the one pointing a gun at my face. Or maybe he can stay, but I'd take the gun away. The customers lying on the ground in fear; I'd keep them.

Anyway. Enjoy the drama. I think I'll just go back to watching from the sidelines now.

I agree with the majority of what you said. I haven't been following along the past couple days and with how fast things move around here that means I'm now out of the loop on current events :P For myself, I support the new chain route but I don't support a fork of Justin Sun stake from the Steem Chain.


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This tip bot is powered by witness untersatz!

heard that some are already clicking the unvote button.

LOL! Yes, this is fact. I've been watching them throw away their honesty and integrity. I find it to be quite humorous.

well people are funny that way :D

If he points the gun at a customer, and tells them to empty the register, though...
He's shown himself to be a vindictive bully; if things had gone the other way, and Justin was deciding who still has stake, perhaps they didn't want to be in the crosshairs.
Irony hey :)

This entire situation has revealed almost too much about humanity.

Where I stand now, I basically just want to see results, and move forward. People have to deal with the consequences of their own actions. We're all responsible for our own decisions. The past needs to stay in the past though. I don't want to move over to another platform where everyone bitches, moans, and crams platform politics down my throat every day.

I don't even know if I have it in me to go another round. Most of the people are good and I've had a lot of fun here on Steem. The crypto element has been somewhat of a letdown. I could get shot for saying that here but it's true.

There's a lot of seemingly happy people here the last two days. I'd like to be able to join them.

I don't even know if I have it in me to go another round

You can sit over in the corner with me and draw til you feel up to more rounds. Or indefinitely, whatever works better for you ;D

Yeah. But it is kind of like moving a party over to another house. I know it can be overwhelming but perhaps worth it in the end.


There are accounts / persons / groups who have chosen to accept a huge delegation from Justin Sun's controlled accounts. They elected to become witnesses and actively support JS.

What do you think, should they be included in the airdrop or not?

That's not for me to decide.
Those who are creating the chain can include/exclude anyone they want.

For me, The "cleanest" ways to start a new chain would be:

(1) completely exclude the ninja mined stake and airdrop everyone else using the same format outlined in the OP.
(2) everyone starts fresh at 0 and see if its possible to get real decentralization.

I heavily prefer option 2 .......

Thanks for your opinion.

I don't see Hive as a new chain. And yes, this way we inherit the flaws. At least, we are aware of them and have the will, knowledge, energy to change / fix them. Time will tell how successful we will be.

Thanks for your responses.

I have my fingers crossed the sister chain is successful.

The main question I have at this time pertains to the already established What is the contingency plan in regards to the name if this company decides to pursue action to avoid marketplace confusion?

While they also have 'hive' in their name, their name is actually HIVE Blockchain Technologies, with their focus bridging between Eth and capital markets from my understanding. They are not a blockchain on their own but a service provider.

True, but when it comes to this type of situation, it could easily be argued that they're in the same business sector. I just hope that this was checked and cleared before launch to ensure as much success as possible.

They could always just re-name it to Hyve when push comes to shove I guess and keep the branding intact. :)

Im afraid if they all "move"to a new chain they will really leave the chain vulnerable to an actual take over not just a new owner like what happened. People refused to play the game and actually buy the coins to vote with, ned scott is to blame for not creating a plan to distribute the tokens out to a foundation before he sold steemit inc

But is there any way to stop the Steem Titanic from sinking? Perhaps, it is time to jump ship now as opposed to waiting until the very end. Tron Overlord Justin Sun will not stop trying to win the witnesses war.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Golos splintered and it destroyed an already destroyed price and i am trying to salvage it but im afraid that may happen here but maybe not

i hope it just works well with steem engine :)

dpos works if you subsidize accounts and expansion and pay for marketing using ad revenue from inside the dapps

" for marketing using ad revenue from inside the dapps"

Don't see why Dapps can't do this if they want.

They can and they should.

Wow i didn't know there was already a blockchain named hive.

Did I get it right? You will drop exchanges funds unless they list HIVE token?

They don't have to list, they just have to commit to allowing for customers to withdraw credited tokens later. But if they do that, listing wouldn't be much more work. This requirement just prevents them from pocketing the tokens of their customers.

Can you specify which accounts are "those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain."?

This seems to be added from what you wrote yesterday.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

A long time ago I visited a secluded monastery in Mt Everest. There a monk shared with me some wise words:

Play shitty games, win shitty prizes





If I were in charge, I would leave him in the dust too.

Hahaha xD Trevon getting cold feet. Nice Screenshot.


Keep the screenshots coming, kind of like, "You're on Candid Camera."

Unvote while you still can!!! LOL

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Nice attitude. I am not going to change anyway, but your comment encourages it even more.

Yeah, it would be much better if I begged you, made a bunch of empty promises, so I can later dump my coins on you. However bad you think it is, I'm sure having a ruler will work out much better. Enjoy.

I also have voted for "your" witnesses and even asked proxy token to vote for "your" witnesses per their request, and now people like you try to mock me.

Good job.

Btw, do you know me? I don't even know who you are.

Nope, but I was curious what the motivation would be for such a question, and low and behold. Seems like you are playing both sides. So was my "mock" of you completely unfounded? If so, my sincere apologies.

Do you like Facebook?

They want to censor a part of the community simply because they disagreed with their view on the matter. How much more toxic can it get.

I still give 'benefit of doubt'. No answer yet.

Not giving an airdrop to someone is not censorship.

I agree with you, but i do not think this is the case at all.
It seems these accounts may be excluded completely.

They'll have 'their' steem 'network' soon.

Don't understand the rant of the people who voted for steemit stake. Now you'll have a weaker chain to control more easily.

Not in support of the soft fork doesn't necessarily mean one's in support of what JSun did. Don't mistake the two of them.

u should list on newdex as a telos token and we should make IVE a telos smart contract

What is Telos? Did you say Hive is on Telos or will be?

Hi, Binance have just published their support of HIVE:

But please read it very carefully, looks like some discrepancies may arise.

Is the currently powering down SP included in the airdrop?

Yes, all Steem assets 1:1, even those during power down.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

Stay on both chains :)

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

Good afternoon, I ask you to support the witnesses @steemit-market and @alexmove.witness. We are in the business of developing automatic uniqueness checks for steemit and online shop posts. Every day we send double cashback to those who voted for us.
Your vote is very important to us! Digital Asset Leasing will be supporting the HIVE chain when it becomes viable to do so.


Great. Let's hope that you're a witness there too!

Thanks! :D

Dear @hiveio

I'm just a little bit confused. Shall we use or

Also will you support communities in current form?


There will be multiple frontends for posting and voting available for Hive. is an "official" site of the blockchain with links to various hive-related sites, including those frontends. is a condenser clone supporting hive, and it will therefore support communities in their current form. There will likely be several such sites available, supported by various community members.

Hey @blocktrades how fast HIVE wil be listed in exchanges...if not at least in ur own exchange called

It would have been great if u started with a limited supply below 100 million and with inflation around 5% or so. A HIVE coin around 1.00 USD sounds great than something much below it. Anyway a nice move.

So everyone will get equal hive tokens, those powering down and those who voted Jerry as witness in the past?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I too voted for him but I didn't know him at that time.

Me too. I didn't know him at that time.

I am looking forward to how the witness situation is going to be fixed so that no one can buy all the top 20 spots and pull a justin on the hive. For me this is one of the most vulnerable spots to protecting the community. We were told many times that what happened could not happen, I hope steps will be taken to prevent or at least decrease the odds of it happening again.

Eciting times....this is just the beginning to some fundamental changes/mentality to the DPOS we have now ( I hope).

This is also not the time to be talking about them.
Hive on!

I agree about the not talking about them for right now, but I hope that when the dust settles, next weekend, we can get some serious talk about the DPoS stuff done and fixed before the 30 day freeze is done with.

Should we have a Hive Electoral College system for witness elections?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

It will be an exciting week! I can wait to start using Hive and move all of my apps to the new chain!

  ·  4 years ago (edited)
  ·  4 years ago (edited)

People that want to actively participate in the new Hive blockchain and use the Brave browser and have automatic payments set up for the Steemit website should check their Brave BAT settings to make sure their automatic payments are going where they want them to go.

By the way, I really like the new logo.

Will any of the data on the testnet be transferred over to the mainnet when it's launched?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Brave is only for America and some other countries, it is added sanctions against my country so I can't use it, not able and not allowed to use it. they also ask information, so I have no way to sign up in Brave Browser, it is not decentralized, it is completely working for a government! and it is Centralized.

I'm from Finland, and I'm also a bit concerned over how Brave uses KYC to block me from accessing whatever I have in my Brave wallet. That's insane.

That's really not good, reminds me of how bittrex kept our coins in their wallets because of sanctions against Iran and they didnt let Iranians to withdraw their money, these companies just ruin the blockchain and they make people scared to invest in blockchain. Brave is not even allowing me to sign up because I live in Iran. (Restricted) I dont accept it as a part of blockchain,blockchain means freedom.

Brave is a bit silly to begin with, they where all proud of blocking ads.

And then they created the most annoying pop-up bullshit with the most annoying coin propaganda brave-ads.

replacing ad bullshit with coin bullshit is not gilded bullshit, but human shit

Idk, I find myself much more enthusiastic to hear out random product pitches when I'm getting paid for it.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

The only accounts who will not be included in the initial airdrop are those containing the Steemit Inc ninja-mined stake, and those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain.

These accounts can still choose to take part in the new chain and their accounts will exist, but they will not be included in the intial airdrop.

Awwww I can feel some people weeping already.

Hmm I thought you guys once ninja mined too.. LOL

ahahahaaa yes

I would like to take a minute to thank Justin Sun for making all of this possible 🤣

Hehheee Yes

Can my friends come, too?

NoNamesLeftToUse  Peering Through The Darkness.png

NoNamesLeftToUse  Fakour.png

NoNamesLeftToUse  The Stocker.png

I sure home they are coming!

We're still in talks. They want to see results first and keep reminding me how it's always wise to check the depth of the water first, before diving in.

Don’t know how he’s gonna type but sure

NoNamesLeftToUse  This Won't Hurt.png

I always have a few spare parts laying around.

My Friends, The Trees

Wow, I feel scared about the idea that we're leaving Steem behind, but this post made me feel excited.

CHEERS to everyone who worked hard on this and I can't wait to see my brand new but also old!

(My first 'social' in The Netherlands, pre-Facebook, was called Hyves so I'm almost feeling nostalgic :D)

Awesome! I can't wait to be a part of this. I feel that this is going to truly be a community driven blockchain. Thanks to everyone for all of the hard work that has gotten this going.


Buzz buzz motherflippin Justin!

I have a number of posts waiting for the new chain to start. It will be good to get back to making posts on the new hive blockchain.

Such a giant step from the hive team, but my question is simple *Will the airdrop for steem accounts be based on their effective sp or their total sp even if the person has delegated some out.

@hiveio @gandalf How will the account recovery work for those accounts that are currently setup with Steemit/Steem as their recovery account?

Will a new recovery account be set for them automatically or will we have to change them ourselves?

Also what if it was the Hive blockchain and the HONEY token? <-- Just an idea!


Wow, it getting real.. really fast!

Great work @netuoso and rest of #hiveteam

The adjustments to protect from #hostiletakeover look good for now. I'm sincerely hoping new team will study and seriously consider a Matrix-8 governance platform for the near future, with which can, in small groups deliberate to reach actionable accords, elect delegates to concentrate those accords, until we reach accords which have been voted upon by all accounts, and then action them swiftly.

Here is an idea i put together today. Some food for thought (which can also include anonymous peer to peer account reputation voting)

Hive draft proposal for Reward Distibution and Voting Power.JPG


Yes, reputation definitely should be a factor in governance and voting power issues. I will support this proposition.

@hiveio, Hope that this decision will going to prove as most Logical and Productive one. Let's see how this space will unfold. Good wishes from my side and stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear All, that is a great news and thank you all the people working behind the scene. That might have taken a lot of time, nerves and sleepless nights. Hive on!

Now this is the bomb we've been waiting for! Sorry, but no honey for you, Justin :)

Applause! Best thing that ever happened to STEEM! So quick to react, well done everyone involved, thank you for saving our community!

Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I wonder which dapps move to HIVE, which stay on STEEM, and which will be running on both chains (if any).

I bet most of dapps will move to Hive. There is no point staying on an old, centralized chain without the community and devs.


That sounds a bit discouraging. I've spent huge amounts of money into those cards. I think it would be in my best interests if I could get my cards out of Steem as fast as I can.

Would it be possible to move them to the Ethereum chain in bulk?

Your cards will be fine. It's just a question of which database/blockchain the splinterlands team decide to use.

Hivemonsters anyone? :)

Looking forward to it.

Will all the SCOT tokens also be duplicated (PAL, LEO)? And what about the great tools like Steem Engine and Steem Keychain. Hopefully it won't require too much development effort to make these tools Hive-compatible.

Considering that this is just a straight fork of pre-existing code at first, I don't suspect they will have to make too many radical changes to things like KeyChain ( just some sexy new rebranding ). Steem-Engine, on the other hand, I'd love to know more about. Perhaps it's as easy as copying current chain-data & redistributing?

If SCOT tokens are entirely on-chain, then I would imagine it would all copy over as well, Steem Engine would just need to point to the new chain.

From what I understand, SCOT tokens are basically on their own "chain" ( I think it's actually just a database currently? ), but they get their data & value from transactions posted via Steem.

So, it should be "relatively" straightforward to port over to Hive ( I say relatively because of course it still be some work involved, don't wanna downplay the sleepless nights some devs are gonna have coming up lol )

No, the SCOT token transactions are all recorded on the Steem blockchain. They are processed by a different set of servers, though.

It is up to the developers of those products to decide what to do. Ask them or look for their announcements.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

so in this new platform, are there anyone who would listen to people? if someone ask them to improve their platform or suggesting new features? that was one of the reasons I never had any connection/communication with Steemit's developers, because they never listened to my suggestions as a user when I was writing comments on steemit's blog, I hope your platform is different.

From this announcement, it really seems like they want to move away from the concept of "entity you have to talk to" and towards a more decentralized "build what you want" approach. Hopefully the SPS ( HPS? ) will get a lot more use, and a lot more love!

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

it sounds great, also it will be great if we can control our pages and add whatever we want to our blog and customizing it. and a better way to be seen by other users in the platform.

I believe you might be looking for our project called DBLOG - It allows you to use custom domains and themes :) Will be migrated to Hive also.

Thanks for showing me this, it can be something like that, but on the main domain. by the way I liked your project. awesome!

You can use top-level domains like this one ;)

add whatever we want to our blog

What do you mean by this? Like, customize how it looks and stuff? Because if so, that would technically be possible, just needs a frontend developer to allow for fancy customization ( could even be stored on chain! )

yes, like when you want to have a page as a portfolio or you want to make a shop inside your page, for as a musician, I can sell my tracks on my own page with unlimited time, not 7 days and my song will be bury, you know, or if someone posted an article, that article won't die and the owner of it could still make coins from his/her work. if it is possible.

Oh yeah, I get whatcha mean. Yup, all that is actually possible to do currently, and I've actually mocked up some idea regarding evergreen content & customized pages. Although, of course, it'd be wiser for me to wait a bit before developing them now, could be a great addition to Hive ;^)

Can't wait for the weekend and something to really celebrate.

In midst of the coronavirus situation, with many people being self-isolated & staying in... Now's the perfect time to build for a new chain ;^)

Yea Yea

There is no way to put this into words, I mean, having a second chance is something you don't find nowadays and this man, believe me, is a great chance to those journeymen and fighters who didn't understand anything at first to start all over again with all the experience. I don't know what else to say boss, I just feel great. I don't know if I'm eligible for the airdrop but count me in. I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.


As the original member of the hive, I'm in.

Now, where's ma honey?

Oh finally I found your comment. I wanted to tag you here because of the HoneyBee in your name from onset. 🤗 Hive has been your home for long!!! You should welcome us.

hehehe yum yum

Lol. Looks like you foresaw this day when you chose your username 😂

Now why can't the coin/token be named Honey instead of Hive? That's just be approppriate.😄

Now we are talking. Outstanding.

I'm pumped. Time to brand new content.. #HiveisLive


Good move, hive on!

The only accounts who will not be included in the initial airdrop are those containing the Steemit Inc ninja-mined stake, and those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain.

  1. By “initial airdrop” do you mean there will be more airdrops?

  2. By “actively contributed” do you mean exchanges that colluded or individual users/accounts?

Thank you.

There are no more airdrops planned to my knowledge, but you know the best thing about a community coin is that the community can decide this and not some dictator.

Awesome! Looking forward to be on Hive where the free market rules.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

In short, I'm still very hopeful for Steem but I'm excited about Hive. Let's see. I'm for freedom in general and that will determine the future.

By the way, I see that you're still using Gmail. Why don't you switch to Protonmail? :)

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

ps. how do you know I'm using gmail? :)) and I also wonder what's wrong with gmail? It does seem to be very easy to use and userfriendly

Sorry for replying now. Just reading it. Was your article "RE: Announcing the Launch of Hive Blockchain" just removed on Steemit? I can't locate it.
Thank you for the link. I'm thinking I'll join the Project Hope community.
The gmail thing :) , it's shown on your header. Gmail is not safe or private. Google has access to read your stuff. For me personally, I prefer encrypted and private services. Protonmail is free and also very easy to use. Try it. Privacy
feels good.

Very exciting times...And scary for those of us less technically savvy lol

Few questions for the more advanced blockchain experts...

  1. If we 'end' delegation over the next few days, is that Steem power in limbo when the snapshot takes place, or is it better to just keep everything as is until the hard fork?
  1. I'm sure this will come up, but what's going to happen to Steem-Engine tokens and tribes....This is a huge part of my online business and have an entire community of entrepreneurs looking to know what they should do...
  ·  4 years ago 

Good questions... I would like to know as well...

Posted using Partiko Android

sounds solid to me


My Face Exactly

GO HIVE! ✊💪👍🐝🐝🐝
Resteemed to help spread the word!

  ·  4 years ago (edited)


Exciting times… Does anybody know if there is a discord channel for early adopters of hive that want more info on how to help the launch? This is decentralization at its finest.

Wow this happened so quickly !!!

One man’s week is another man’s 4 years. Just depends on how long you have been here I guess 😁. This has been a looooooong time coming.

"The only accounts who will not be included in the initial airdrop are those containing the Steemit Inc ninja-mined stake, and those who actively contributed to (and publicly declared support for) the centralization of the Steem Blockchain."

Please expand on this and provide a blacklist for everyone to see, very curious how this is chosen...

Also, what will be done with exchanges that voted for sock puppets?

Yes, sounds fantastic 👏

If you fork out mined steem, shouldnt you fork all of it? I dont understand why Steem's ninja mine is wrong but somehow others who profited from the method steem used to be earned arent getting forked out.

It would be much better to start from scratch. Give every steem account a 15 SP equivalent. Nobody starting with an edge on anyone. It's just shoveling snow forward in the hopes that you wont have to shovel it later.

PS: Perhaps banning bad actors (lower than let's say 30 reputation) from participating in the airdrop might be a good thing as well. We dont need bible quotes on hive unless they buy their way in.

Let those who are worthy profit, for I am.... Wait... I think I said that wrong. But hey, at least my blog appears to have people commenting, even if it is just a hidden comment from jeebus

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

The second most powerful account @freedom with 10 million SP (all mined) is currently voting blocktrades and the rest of the community witnesses. And there is no way they are going to fork out their sugar daddy.

Still, this is probably what it will take to get me to invest into the platform. Its atleast going to be much more decentralized then this platform currently is.

Are you saying @Freedom has too much money?

Not really, just pointing out that he got his wealth the same way Ned did


my point wasnt to say x person has too much money, "it's not fair" but to complain about ninja-mined stake when ignoring other ninja-stakers because they happen to be on your side this time is hypocritical.

Ninja is different. A different contract. Different type of situation.

I hope that there will be peace, harmony...
and cooperation like during the war.


Oatmeal Loves Honey

This really interesting and something of revolution! I truly support and wait for this initiative.
I'm a part of an Arabic community and I will inform them of these updates, I hope everyone joins the Hive!
Hive on👋

I’m in of course....long life to our blockchain, long life to HIVE!

Justin Sun vs Hive Honey Moon

Great news.. see ya on the other side

You're gonna be a hive whale!

Or a Queen Bee 😛

I am so excited about this and fully support HIVE

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.


A great alternative for the Steem community.

Let's do this... I'm going to make the "HIVE" community cool as fuck!! :)

What's up man, we should collab and get an explainer video done for HIVE.

I am in for a Little Honeycomb..........

And Honey Moon

awesome!!!!! The name is perfect too! I had guessed 'HIVE' without knowing that this was to be the name. Love it! Finally free of Ned and Justin, THE FUTURE LOOKS GOOD.
Just make sure and make a good mobile app and have account creation be free.
Otherwise, growth will be slow. These are the lessons from the past. Don't ignore them!

Does anybody know whether will be working at the time of the fork?

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

right so. Interesting times indeed. Friday seems like ages away.

so many days

As long as all the dapps and frontends (@steempeak I am looking at you) sync their services to HIVE, in about a month people are going to be like "Steem? Isn't that the defunct beta token for HIVE?"

Big shout out to all the devs and contributors who have put work into this. Awesome to see! 🚀

YES!!! Wow! I am so excited! I am totally all in! This is just what the Steem community needed and it is the perfect time as well! Thanks for such awesome news! I am so excited about this new but old community! I have been here since 2017 and I just became a “dolphin” about a week and a half ago but didn’t celebrate yet! Now, I will be celebrating! Thank you for all the hard work! Thank you all! Go HIVE Go!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Happy Dolphin

Are you taking any input from the community regarding this new chain?

If Steem forks there are three features I'd like to see added:

Vote decay - only active accounts should have influence on the network.

Voting rewards - WAX is already doing this. Token holders should be rewarded for participating in governance.

Mechanism for protocol upgrades - similar to Tezos and Telos there should be a democratic process by which we can vote on upgrades to the chain itself.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

This was most needed in the current circumstances and for the sake of the true decentralization of the Steem Community. I hope, years of efforts would be resulting in something wonderful.

Login is not working right now

What method are you using?

I tried to login in hive 21hrs ago that time showing me login error but now is working

I mean what method you tried, steam keychain, private key etc? But please use and it will be ok.


Stay on steemit please 😂😂😂😅😅😅

Posted using Partiko iOS


You've got DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Are you afraid there will be no rewards left for you when I hop onto Hive? :)

He is worried that he will be left uncovered, pun intended.

Come to the New Garden of Eve, Eve, the Hive, the New Paradise.

So what you are telling me is to power down and dump all my steem on Justin lol. I’m so ready for the future.

Wait until Justin hardforks, so you can power down faster.

Talk About Karma lol

It’s a bitch! I’m actually holding off on the power down to curate this week. Then hopefully JS will make power downs quicker so I can dump and get more hive.



He does not know what he started...

Buzz me in! ^^ Great job guys!

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

HIVE on!

damn, the puns with "steem engine" will fail now. "hive engine" doesn't have the same ring to it.

full hive ahead instead of full steem ahead

on the other hand we'll be able to post the full script to the Bee movie and the memes will belong to us!

They should name it Bee-Hive instead of Steem-Engine and we will no longer be steemians we will be bees. 🐝


One for the goal list: get Beyoncé as a user.

Not too far off from her ‘Bey-hive.’

Haha! 😈😎


oooooh... what if she were to create a Beyhive token for her fans on the alive chain...?


Would be Groovy


I'm sorry @cryptosharon, I'm no marketing expert, I'm just happy about the announcement.
