Today i just found a new coin named Compcoin. It is available on Nova Exchange. When i try to buy compcoin it was just $ 8.25 & i press buy it start showing in open order. I changed my figure how many time even i ask for 9$ i was unable to buy. I dont know wats wrong with this coin. Then suddenly i found that coin jump to $14.24 . How disgusting ... i mean is drama or what if we cant buy then what kind of coin is this??. From after noon 3:00 Pm I am buying buying & buying but this coin is not coming to my wallet & showing order created. How many time huge profit keep passing but until now i unable to buy this Drama coin.
Kindly Have a look
I really need your opinion if you have already invested in this coin. or kindly let me know how you buy. I dont think so that it has any special trick to buy.
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