Bitcoin Fast has been taken over by Devs, one day set up a marketing campaign for Bitcoin Fast for the jokes campaign recently took under my wing another currency called Eryllium, even though Eryllium is tied to old scam artists it's a curreny with just 15 million,
15 million is significantly less than Bitcoin Fast, but Bitcoin Fast has brand recognition, currently marketing a jokes campaign for both currency's all you have to do to enter is submit the entries to facebook
here or here
to enter the competitions mention it's the Bitcoin Fast jokes promotion challenge to win some Bitcoin Fast,
or if you want to enter Eryllium say it's the Eryllium jokes campaign to win Eryllium and put it into the inbox on the facebook page and either a panel or voting system will decide the winner, the winner will win 51 Eryllium and 20 Bitcoin Fast, however we request donations to the prize pool, which will up the prize pool and make the competition more attractive to win.
so far nobody has made any donations but we believe with a bit of effort and some creativity people will be making jokes and sending them in, in no time,
if you read my comments about laying a brick well this is another brick in the wall to gaining some traction to this ambition.
you can also submit entries to the Eryllium twitter page here, or the Bitcoin Fast bitcointalk forum here,
for Twitter remember to at Erylliprduction on twitter.
however all the problems with Eryllium can be turned around due to it's limited supply, i'm working on adding value by laying bricks.
and good luck!