Miracle Stories Competition- March 30th-April12th (Midnight) THEME IS SUPERNATURAL FICTION

in competition •  7 years ago 


  • 1 entry per person
  • Fictional piece
  • 5 minute audio/video or written piece (You will not be judged on quality of sound, graphics or grammar)
  • If written, at least 500 words
  • MUST BE submitted on this post or will be dismissed
  • Tag #miraclestoriescomp
  • No plagerism or recycling previous blogs/posts, something new please

One winner will recieve 20.000 Steem 

Competition ends 12th April midnight!

Good luck!


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I am going to let the gedwriting group take part in the competition!

nice post @sarahewaring

Thank you silvia.......are you submitting a piece? :-)

cool idea making a facinal one about miracles. I am excited to see the entries. is it ok just to write. right? I am not a big video person. :)

Absolutely..........go for it. Needs to be 500 words though to write, but dont worry about it being perfect spelling etc, not worried about that!

This should be fun! Am looking forward to what this creative bunch comes up with.