Adaptation And Self-Organizing Systems
International crop trade networks: The impact of shocks and cascades (1901.05872v1)
Rebekka Burkholz, Frank Schweitzer
Analyzing available FAO data from 176 countries over 21 years, we observe an increase of complexity in the international trade of maize, rice, soy, and wheat. A larger number of countries play a role as producers or intermediaries, either for trade or food processing. In consequence, we find that the trade networks become more prone to failure cascades caused by exogenous shocks. In our model, countries compensate for demand deficits by imposing export restrictions. To capture these, we construct higher-order trade dependency networks for the different crops and years. These networks reveal hidden dependencies between countries and allow to discuss policy implications.
Linguistic data mining with complex networks: a stylometric-oriented approach (1808.05439v2)
Tomasz Stanisz, Jarosław Kwapień, Stanisław Drożdż
By representing a text by a set of words and their co-occurrences, one obtains a word-adjacency network being a reduced representation of a given language sample. In this paper, the possibility of using network representation to extract information about individual language styles of literary texts is studied. By determining selected quantitative characteristics of the networks and applying machine learning algorithms, it is possible to distinguish between texts of different authors. Within the studied set of texts, English and Polish, a properly rescaled weighted clustering coefficients and weighted degrees of only a few nodes in the word-adjacency networks are sufficient to obtain the authorship attribution accuracy over 90%. A correspondence between the text authorship and the word-adjacency network structure can therefore be found. The network representation allows to distinguish individual language styles by comparing the way the authors use particular words and punctuation marks. The presented approach can be viewed as a generalization of the authorship attribution methods based on simple lexical features. Additionally, other network parameters are studied, both local and global ones, for both the unweighted and weighted networks. Their potential to capture the writing style diversity is discussed; some differences between languages are observed.
Enhancing power grid synchronization and stability through time delayed feedback control (1901.05201v1)
Halgurd Taher, Simona Olmi, Eckehard Schöll
We study the synchronization and stability of power grids within the Kuramoto phase oscillator model with inertia with a bimodal frequency distribution representing the generators and the loads. We identify critical nodes through solitary frequency deviations and Lyapunov vectors corresponding to unstable Lyapunov exponents. To cure dangerous deviations from synchronization we propose time-delayed feedback control, which is an efficient control concept in nonlinear dynamic systems. Different control strategies are tested and compared with respect to the minimum number of controlled nodes required to achieve synchronization and Lyapunov stability. As a proof of principle, this fast-acting control method is demonstrated using a model of the German power transmission grid.
Information Path from Randomness and Uncertainty to Information, Thermodynamics, and Intelligence of Observer (1401.7041v6)
Vladimir S. Lerner
Path connects uncertainty of random interactions to certainty of information process, and formalizes physical processes interacting with energies different qualities. Each process high quality compensates for entropy of lesser quality.Transferring entropy at interaction unifies physical and nonphysical processes.Such interaction naturally observes the transferring information as information Observer. Each interaction is discrete Yes-No impulse modeling Bit. Recursive inter-actions independent of physical nature is phenomenon of interaction leading to phenomenon of information. Multiple interactions generate random Markov chains of multiple bits. Impulse No action cuts maximum entropy-uncertainty, Yes action transfers minimum cut to next impulse creating maximin principle decreasing observed uncertainty. Conversion entropy to information integrates path functional along cutoff entropies revealing hidden information. Interactive information equations formalize maxmin variation principle.Emerging microprocess within bordered impulse runs superposition of conjugated entropies entangle during time interval before forming space. Entropy information gap connects entangled entropy with bits starting in microprocess. Real gap reveals physical Markov diffusion whose energy erases entropy impulse memorizing logical bit. Cutting bits conserve causal logic in information logic. Moving bits selfform unit of information macroprocess attracting new UP through free Information. Multiple UP triples adjoin timespace hierarchical network whose free information produces new UP at higher level node and encodes triple code logic. Each UP unique position in IN hierarchy defines location of each code logical structure. The IN node hierarchical level classifies quality of assembled Information. Ending IN node enfolds all IN levels. Multiple INs enclose Observer Information, cognition and intelligence.
The Tuned Bistable Nonlinear Energy Sink (1901.05435v1)
Giuseppe Habib, Francesco Romeo
A bistable nonlinear energy sink conceived to mitigate the vibrations of host structural systems is considered in this paper. The hosting structure consists of two coupled symmetric linear oscillators (LOs) and the nonlinear energy sink (NES) is connected to one of them. The peculiar nonlinear dynamics of the resulting three-degree-of-freedom system is analytically described by means of its slow invariant manifold derived from a suitable rescaling, coupled with a harmonic balance procedure, applied to the governing equations transformed in modal coordinates. On the basis of the first-order reduced model, the absorber is tuned and optimized to mitigate both modes for a broad range of impulsive load magnitudes applied to the LOs. On the one hand, for low-amplitude, in-well, oscillations, the parameters governing the bistable NES are tuned in order to make it functioning as a linear tuned mass damper (TMD); on the other, for high-amplitude, cross-well, oscillations, the absorber is optimized on the basis of the invariant manifolds features. The analytically predicted performance of the resulting tuned bistable nonlinear energy sink (TBNES) are numerically validated in terms of dissipation time; the absorption capabilities are eventually compared with either a TMD and a purely cubic NES. It is shown that, for a wide range of impulse amplitudes, the TBNES allows the most efficient absorption even for the detuned mode, where a single TMD cannot be effective.
Chaotic Dynamics
Probing magneto-elastic phenomena through an effective spin-bath coupling model (1809.05942v2)
Thomas Nussle, Pascal Thibaudeau, Stam Nicolis
A phenomenological model is constructed, that captures the effects of coupling magnetic and elastic degrees of freedom, in the presence of external, stochastic perturbations, in terms of the interaction of magnetic moments with a bath, whose individual degrees of freedom cannot be resolved and only their mesoscopic properties are relevant. In the present work, the consequences of identifying the effects of dissipation as resulting from interactions with a bath of spins are explored, in addition to elastic, degrees of freedom. The corresponding stochastic differential equations are solved numerically and the moments of the magnetization are computed. The stochastic equations implicitly define a measure on the space of spin configurations, whose moments at equal times satisfy a hierarchy of deterministic, ordinary differential equations. Closure assumptions are used to truncate the hierarchy and the same moments are computed. We focus on the advantages and problems that each approach presents, for the approach to equilibrium and, in particular, the emergence of longitudinal damping.
Adaptive covariance inflation in the ensemble Kalman filter by Gaussian scale mixtures (1801.08474v4)
Patrick N. Raanes, Marc Bocquet, Alberto Carrassi
This paper studies multiplicative inflation: the complementary scaling of the state covariance in the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). Firstly, error sources in the EnKF are catalogued and discussed in relation to inflation; nonlinearity is given particular attention as a source of sampling error. In response, the "finite-size" refinement known as the EnKF-N is re-derived via a Gaussian scale mixture, again demonstrating how it yields adaptive inflation. Existing methods for adaptive inflation estimation are reviewed, and several insights are gained from a comparative analysis. One such adaptive inflation method is selected to complement the EnKF-N to make a hybrid that is suitable for contexts where model error is present and imperfectly parameterized. Benchmarks are obtained from experiments with the two-scale Lorenz model and its slow-scale truncation. The proposed hybrid EnKF-N method of adaptive inflation is found to yield systematic accuracy improvements in comparison with the existing methods, albeit to a moderate degree.
Dynamical Glass and Ergodization Times in Classical Josephson Junction Chains (1810.04340v2)
Mithun Thudiyangal, Carlo Danieli, Yagmur Kati, Sergej Flach
Models of classical Josephson junction chains turn integrable in the limit of large energy densities or small Josephson energies. Close to these limits the Josephson coupling between the superconducting grains induces a short range nonintegrable network. We compute distributions of finite time averages of grain charges and extract the ergodization time
which controls their convergence to ergodic
-distributions. We relate
to the statistics of fluctuation times of the charges, which are dominated by fat tails.
is growing anomalously fast upon approaching the integrable limit, as compared to the Lyapunov time
- the inverse of the largest Lyapunov exponent - reaching astonishing ratios
. The microscopic reason for the observed dynamical glass is routed in a growing number of grains evolving over long times in a regular almost integrable fashion due to the low probability of resonant interactions with the nearest neighbors. We conjecture that the observed dynamical glass is a generic property of Josephson junction networks irrespective of their space dimensionality.
Late Time Quantum Chaos of pure states in the SYK model (1901.02025v2)
Tokiro Numasawa
In this letter, we study the return amplitude, which is the overlap between the initial state and the time evolved state, in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model. Initial states are taken to be product states in a spin basis. We numerically study the return amplitude by exactly diagonalizing the Hamiltonian. We also derive the analytic expression for the return amplitude in random matrix theory. The SYK results agree with the random matrix expectation. We also study the time evolution under the different Hamiltonian that describes the traversable wormholes in projected black holes in the context of holography. The time evolution now depends on the choice of initial product states. The results are again explained by random matrix theory. In the symplectic ensemble cases, we observed an interesting pattern of the return amplitude where they show the second dip, ramp and plateau like behavior.
Enhancing power grid synchronization and stability through time delayed feedback control (1901.05201v1)
Halgurd Taher, Simona Olmi, Eckehard Schöll
We study the synchronization and stability of power grids within the Kuramoto phase oscillator model with inertia with a bimodal frequency distribution representing the generators and the loads. We identify critical nodes through solitary frequency deviations and Lyapunov vectors corresponding to unstable Lyapunov exponents. To cure dangerous deviations from synchronization we propose time-delayed feedback control, which is an efficient control concept in nonlinear dynamic systems. Different control strategies are tested and compared with respect to the minimum number of controlled nodes required to achieve synchronization and Lyapunov stability. As a proof of principle, this fast-acting control method is demonstrated using a model of the German power transmission grid.
Cellular Automata And Lattice Gases
Search Space Reduction of Asynchrony Immune Cellular Automata by Center Permutivity (1901.01534v1)
Luca Mariot, Luca Manzoni, Alberto Dennunzio
We continue the study of asynchrony immunity in cellular automata (CA), which can be considered as a weaker version of correlation immunity in the context of vectorial Boolean functions. The property could have applications as a countermeasure for side-channel attacks in CA-based cryptographic primitives, such as S-boxes and pseudorandom number generators. We first give some theoretical results on the necessary conditions that a CA rule must satisfy in order to meet asynchrony immunity, the most important one being center permutivity. Next, we perform an exhaustive search of all asynchrony immune CA rules of neighborhood size up to
, leveraging on the discovered theoretical properties to greatly reduce the size of the search space.
Exact large deviation statistics and trajectory phase transition of a deterministic boundary driven cellular automaton (1901.00845v1)
Berislav Buča, Juan P. Garrahan, Tomaž Prosen, Matthieu Vanicat
We study the statistical properties of the long-time dynamics of the rule 54 reversible cellular automaton (CA), driven stochastically at its boundaries. This CA can be considered as a discrete-time and deterministic version of the Fredrickson-Andersen kinetically constrained model (KCM). By means of a matrix product ansatz, we compute the exact large deviation cumulant generating functions for a wide range of time-extensive observables of the dynamics, together with their associated rate functions and conditioned long-time distributions over configurations. We show that for all instances of boundary driving the CA dynamics occurs at the point of phase coexistence between competing active and inactive dynamical phases, similar to what happens in more standard KCMs. We also find the exact finite size scaling behaviour of these trajectory transitions, and provide the explicit "Doob-transformed" dynamics that optimally realises rare dynamical events.
Spacetime Symmetries, Invariant Sets, and Additive Subdynamics of Cellular Automata (1812.11597v1)
Adam Rupe, James P. Crutchfield
Cellular automata are fully-discrete, spatially-extended dynamical systems that evolve by simultaneously applying a local update function. Despite their simplicity, the induced global dynamic produces a stunning array of richly-structured, complex behaviors. These behaviors present a challenge to traditional closed-form analytic methods. In certain cases, specifically when the local update is additive, powerful techniques may be brought to bear, including characteristic polynomials, the ergodic theorem with Fourier analysis, and endomorphisms of compact Abelian groups. For general dynamics, though, where such analytics generically do not apply, behavior-driven analysis shows great promise in directly monitoring the emergence of structure and complexity in cellular automata. Here we detail a surprising connection between generalized symmetries in the spacetime fields of configuration orbits as revealed by the behavior-driven local causal states, invariant sets of spatial configurations, and additive subdynamics which allow for closed-form analytic methods.
Lenia - Biology of Artificial Life (1812.05433v2)
Bert Wang-Chak Chan
We report a new model of artificial life called Lenia (from Latin lenis "smooth"), a two-dimensional cellular automaton with continuous space-time-state and generalized local rule. Computer simulations show that Lenia supports a great diversity of complex autonomous patterns or "lifeforms" bearing resemblance to real-world microscopic organisms. More than 400 species in 18 families have been identified, many discovered via interactive evolutionary computation. They differ from other cellular automata patterns in being geometric, metameric, fuzzy, resilient, adaptive, and rule-generic. We present basic observations of the model regarding the properties of space-time and basic settings. We provide a board survey of the lifeforms, categorize them into a hierarchical taxonomy, and map their distribution in the parameter hyperspace. We describe their morphological structures and behavioral dynamics, propose possible mechanisms of their self-propulsion, self-organization and plasticity. Finally, we discuss how the study of Lenia would be related to biology, artificial life, and artificial intelligence.
Antifragility of Random Boolean Networks (1812.06760v1)
Omar K. Pineda, Hyobin Kim, Carlos Gershenson
Antifragility is a property that enhances the capability of a system in response to external perturbations. Although the concept has been applied in many areas, a practical measure of antifragility has not been developed yet. Here we propose a simply calculable measure of antifragility, based on the change of "satisfaction" before and after adding perturbations, and apply it to random Boolean networks (RBNs). Using the measure, we found that ordered RBNs are the most antifragile. Also, we demonstrate that seven biological systems are antifragile. Our measure and results can be used in various applications of Boolean networks (BNs) including creating antifragile engineering systems, identifying the genetic mechanism of antifragile biological systems, and developing new treatment strategies for various diseases.
Pattern Formation And Solitons
A response function framework for the dynamics of meandering or large-core spiral waves and modulated traveling waves (1901.05530v1)
Hans Dierckx, Alexander V. Panfilov, Henri Verschelde, Vadim N. Biktashev, Irina V. Biktasheva
In many oscillatory or excitable systems, dynamical patterns emerge which are stationary or periodic up in a moving frame of reference. Examples include traveling waves or spiral waves in chemical systems or cardiac tissue. We present a unified theoretical framework for the drift of such patterns under small external perturbations, in terms of overlap integrals between the perturbation and the adjoint critical eigenfunctions of the linearised operator (i.e. `response functions'). For spiral waves, the finite radius of the spiral tip trajectory as well as spiral wave meander are taken into account. Different coordinates systems can be chosen, depending on whether one wants to predict the motion of the spiral wave tip, the time-averaged tip path, or the center of the meander flower. The framework is applied to analyse the drift of a meandering spiral wave in a constant external field in different regimes.
Enhanced nonreciprocal transmission through a saturable cubic-quintic nonlinear dimer defect (1901.05224v1)
Muhammad Abdul Wasay, M. L. Lyra, B. S. Ham
The transmission properties through a saturable cubic-quintic nonlinear defect attached to lateral linear chains is investigated. Particular attention is directed to the possible non-reciprocal diode-like transmission when the parity-symmetry of the defect is broken. Distinct cases of parity breaking are considered including asymmetric linear and nonlinear responses. The spectrum of the transmission coefficient is analytically computed and the influence of the degree of saturation analyzed in detail. The transmission of Gaussian wave-packets is also numerically investigated. Our results unveil that spectral regions with high transmission and enhanced diode-like operation can be achieved.
first-order solitons with internal structures (1901.05094v1)
J. Andrade, R. Casana, E. da Hora, C. dos Santos
We study a gauged
model containing an additional real scalar field which interacts with the electromagnetic one through a dielectric function multiplying the standard Maxwell's term. In such a context, we look for first-order rotationally symmetric solitons by means of the Bogomol'nyi algorithm, i.e. by minimizing the total energy of the effective model. We perform our investigation by choosing an explicit form of the dielectric function. The numerical solutions show regular vortices whose shapes dramatically differ from their canonical counterparts. We can understood such differences as characterizing the existence of an internal structure.
Asymmetric kink scattering in a two-component scalar field theory model (1901.03089v2)
A. Alonso-Izquierdo
In this paper the kink scattering in a two-component scalar field theory model in (1+1)-Minkowskian space-time is addressed. The potential term
is given by a polynomial of fourth degree in the first field component and of sixth degree in the second one. The novel characteristic of this model is that the kink variety describes two different types of extended particles. These particles are characterized by its topological charge but also by a new feature determined by a discrete charge
. For this reason, the kink scattering involves a very rich variety of processes, which comprises kink annihilation, reflection, charge exchange, transmutation, etc. It has been found that not only the final velocity of the scattered kinks, but also the final nature of the emerging lumps after the collision are very sensitive on the initial velocities. Asymmetric scattering processes arise when Type I and Type II particles are obliged to collide. In this case, ten different final scenarios are possible. Symmetric scattering events are also discussed.
Excitable wave patterns in temporal systems with two long delays (1901.04383v1)
Francesco Marino, Giovanni Giacomelli
Excitable waves arise in many spatially-extended systems of either biological, chemical, or physical nature due to the interplay between local reaction and diffusion processes. Here we demonstrate that similar phenomena are encoded in the time-dynamics of an excitable system with two, hierarchically long delays. The transition from 1D localized structures to curved wave-segments is experimentally observed in an excitable semiconductor laser with two feedback loops and reproduced by numerical simulations of a prototypical model. While closely related to those found in 2D excitable media, wave patterns in delayed systems exhibit unobserved features originating from causality-related constraints. An appropriate dynamical representation of the data uncovers these phenomena and permits to interpret them as the result of an effective 2D advection-reaction-diffusion process.
Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems
Recent advances in symmetry of stochastic differential equations (1901.05533v1)
Giuseppe Gaeta, Claudia Lunini, Francesco Spadaro
We discuss some recent advances concerning the symmetry of stochastic differential equations, and in particular the interrelations between these and the integrability -- complete or partial -- of the equations.
Coupled Dispersionless and Generalized Heisenberg Ferromagnet Equations with Self-Consistent Sources: Geometry and Equivalence (1901.01470v3)
Guldana Bekova, Gulgassyl Nugmanova, Gaukhar Shaikhova, Kuralay Yesmakhanova, Ratbay Myrzakulov
We propose a new integrable coupled dispersionless equation with self-consistent sources (CDESCS). We obtain the Lax pair and the equivalent generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet equation (GHFE), demonstrating its integrability. Specifically, we explore the geometry of these equations. Last, we consider the relation between the motion of curves/surfaces and the CDESCS and the GHFE.
Crossing invariant correlation functions at
from isomonodromic
functions (1812.10362v2)
Pavlo Gavrylenko, Raoul Santachiara
We present an approach that gives rigorous construction of a class of crossing invariant functions in
CFTs from the weakly invariant distributions on the moduli space
flat connections on the sphere with four punctures. By using this approach we show how to obtain correlation functions in the Ashkin-Teller and the Runkel-Watts theory. Among the possible crossing-invariant theories, we obtain also the analytic Liouville theory, whose consistence was assumed only on the basis of numerical tests.
Integrable semi-discretization of complex and multi-component coupled dispersionless systems and their solutions (1901.05185v1)
H. Wajahat A. Riaz, Mahmood ul Hassan
An integrable semi-discretization of complex and multi-component coupled dispersionless systems via Lax pairs is presented. A Lax pair is proposed for the complex sdCD system. We derive the Lax pair for the multi-component sdCD system through generalizing the
Lax matrices to the case of
Lax matrices. A Darboux transformation (DT) is applied to the complex and multi-component sdCD systems and is used to compute soliton solutions of the systems. It is also shown that the soliton solutions of the semi-discrete systems reduce to the continuous systems by applying continuum limit.
Contact Lax pairs and associated (3+1)-dimensional integrable dispersionless systems (1901.05181v1)
M. Blaszak, A. Sergyeyev
We review the recent approach to the construction of (3+1)-dimensional integrable dispersionless partial differential systems based on their contact Lax pairs and the related
-matrix theory for the Lie algebra of functions with respect to the contact bracket. We discuss various kinds of Lax representations for such systems, in particular, linear nonisospectral contact Lax pairs and nonlinear contact Lax pairs as well as the relations among the two. Finally, we present a large number of examples with finite and infinite number of dependent variables, as well as the reductions of these examples to lower-dimensional integrable dispersionless systems.

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