EN: Copuol - FI: Yoo

in compoundwords •  7 years ago  (edited)

I've been pondering for a while now should I publish one of Insaneworkses nerdiest work here. I'm between a rock and a hard place. On the other hand I should be posting quality content. As so many of you keep writing. And I want that too. I want to read quality posts and I want to be one of those who produce quality content.

Quality content might be different things to people, but I assume that the first rule of quality content is that someone wants to read or see it. The second rule could be that quality content should be useful. If not 100% useful, at least 10% useful. Or 1%. And usefulness could be defined many ways. Did you find what you were looking for? Did it help you? Did you enjoy what you found? Did it make you think? Do you want to share it to your friends? Do you remember what you saw after an hour, day, month or next year? This is my quick definition of quality content.

On the other hand I have described Insaneworks as follows: "Unfocused. Not concentrating. Don't want to be optimized. Art and photos. Wondering life and it's quirkiness. Doing funny and pointless things."

Doing pointless things.

And then there's this: 4 posts in one day.

Keeping in mind the fact that people define quality content many different ways and to some people the content that Insaneworks produces, is nowhere near quality, I'm thinking: "Why then worry? All is lost, why go against my true nature?"

So you have seen Watuar, let me introduce Copuol to you English speakers and Yoo if you understand Finnish.


The idea is that you find two words that are really, truly and according to grammar rules written together. Keynote. Then you think another two words that are written together. Notebook. Then the next one. Bookworm. If you have same words, you combine them. Keynotebookworm.

Now all you really have to do is invent compound words. Copuol does the rest.

Idea: ota yhdyssana. Voisilmä. Keksi uusi. Silmäpako. Ja taas uusi. Pakokauhu. Jos sanoissa on samoja sanoja, yhdistä. Voisilmäpakokauhu. Keksi siis yhdyssanoja ja Yoo tekee loput.

You can add compound words. Just click to the dictionary link. Also if someone else has added words that are not compound words, you can remove the connections at the dictionary. Write two words which are compound words: key note, click add. Or write two words which aren't compound words: bell bottom, click delete. Click What's the olm doin' and enjoy.

Mene sanakirjaan ja lisää tai poista yhdyssanoja. Keksi kaksi sanaa, jos ne kirjoitetaan yhteen, klikkaa add. Löysitkö kaksi sanaa mitkä joku muu on lisännyt mutta sanoja ei kuulu kirjoittaa yhteen? Kirjoita ne, klikkaa delete. Takaisin pääset olmii kattoo linkistä. :)


Pictures and web art: CC BY-SA Insaneworks

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