in compumatrix •  7 years ago 



You may not realize I intend to talk to you about business at first glance to the title, picture and sub-title of this article. However, I just got word that the mare in this photo had to be put down. As I unfold this story, you will realize the connection.

I had the opportunity to share in the life of CLOVER over the last 4 years. When it became time to downsize and move back into town, the horses had to find new homes. I was notified this morning that CLOVER had been put down because of her lameness. She used to greet me every morning when I came out to feed and she had a heart of gold.

How does this relate in the least to business? CLOVER and 2 other horses came from an Animal Sanctuary. This Sanctuary (Denkai Animal Sanctuary), opened my eyes to the need out there to help animals in need. This inspires me to continue to work in my business to be in a position of assisting these efforts financially.


Someone once told me, “If you want to be successful, FIND A NEED AND FILL IT!”

In that effort, I found you can either give from small resources or you can build the resources from which you give so you can give more. I chose to find a vehicle that I would be able to create residual income and multiple streams of income. All the desires in the World are meaningless unless you find the right people to partner with.

Several years ago, I was introduced to a business that looked like all these other businesses but proved to be different. The difference was in the leadership. The name of the business is COMPUMATRIX and the person that led us down this path is HENRY JAMES BANAYAT.

COMPUMATRIX became a cornerstone for the futures of those that would understand the mission. In a meeting, HENRY JAMES commented, “I would like you to build funds here with COMPUMATRIX and start other businesses”. From this, I found an opportunity to develop resources for these efforts.

I had someone come to me the other day asking to learn how this works. I told him we were just about to open the doors with a complete business package. Although he can’t sign up right at this moment, he might be SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED by the time you read this post!

Are you trying to understand this new industry? You just might want to partner with COMPUMATRIX.

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