The computer is modern fast moving electronic device. With the help of other electronic devices obsolete two can not be done.But many distant works of computer it is possible to do it perfectly.
The main features of the computer are :
1/it can hold millions of data.
2/very fast and accunately guided instructions.
The word computer comes form the Greek word.Computer means to count.Previously the computer was used to calculate the account of nicos.
Computer languag.
Computer language is based on the electronic signals computer language or computer languag.
Computer results are published based on the instructions given by the computer languag. Computer language is the computer program.The computer is an inanimate substance without the program.
Computer mate
The computer is a conection of electromagnetic waves that can be used to convert their own signals with the help of an executed commander the problem is solved.
Based on the application the computer is divided into two parts.
1/Normal practical computer
2/Special parctical computer
Again,it is divided into three categories based on the structure and circulation of the compute.
1.Analog computer
2.Digital computer
3.Hybrid computer
Depending on size,affordability,price and usage,digital computer can be divided into four parts.
1.Micro computer
2.Mini computer
3.Mainfrem computer
4.super computer
Micro computer can be divided into three parts.
3.Super macro
Laptop computers can be divided into two parts.
1.Note book