ComputeCoin For Developers

in computecoin •  4 years ago 


We’ve covered how ComputeCoin makes use of idle computers by turning them into working, task-solving, reward-earning machines. Likewise, we’ve elaborated on how the resulting services - affordable cloud computing for everyone - empowers users such as individuals and small businesses.

But there’s a third player in this process: the developer. Like those who provide computing power, developers are also rewarded for their work and efforts, and together, they offer a complete cloud service package.

Developers & Their Roles

Developers are individuals and/or tech companies that primarily develop and provide web services for users. Depending on the software they develop, their works can be anywhere from supplemental to essential, the importance of which depends on the use case of the end-user.

In addition to developing web-based applications and whatnot, devs can also look out for misconducts, which upon discovering, can report back to the network. This helps with the governance process and keeps the network reliable and secure.

Furthermore, those that are knowledgeable on algorithmic matters can conduct research and propose more optimized algorithms that make it easier to share and use computing power in a geo-distributed network, which is the system that the Pekka Network uses.

Software as a Service - SaaS

Cloud services can be divided into 3 main categories: Software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS). These 3 aspects work together to provide a variety of apps and services to users, but the extent to which they are used depends on a case-by-case basis.

SaaS encompasses a variety of software that can be bought or rented by users in order to meet their cloud-related needs and requirements. These services range from apps to security, and on a basic and fundamental level, can be essential in one way or another.

On ComputeCoin, developers can create and provide a variety of SaaS-related products that can be purchased and utilized by the end-users.


For their efforts and contributions, as is the case for many other such processes, the developers are rewarded. Here, the rewards are in the form of ComputeCoin’s native token CCN and are proportional to their contributions.

When it comes to the web services they provide, developers can price their works as they wish, which can be bought or sold for CCN tokens. Devs can perform multiple roles at the same time, and expand their revenue stream with rewards as well as income from software sales.

To Conclude

Developers are, for a vast number of reasons, essential for providing a full cloud service package for end-users of all backgrounds, especially for those who cannot program their own software, be it due to lack of programming knowledge or time.

Thus, they can still take advantage of ComputeCoin’s affordable cloud computing services by purchasing readily available web services and apps to kickstart their online journey, and build the ideal platform that can take their business or ideas to the next level.

Lastly, developers provide variety. As more devs of different backgrounds decide to introduce new products and services to ComputeCoin, the SaaS marketplace sees not just an increase in the diversity of products, but also in competition, which drives up quality and reduces prices.

The end-user enjoys this diverse range of web services with varying prices and capabilities and the developers who made them enjoy a new source of income, as well as rewards for their contributions to ComputeCoin and the Pekka Network.


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