A lot has been said and some have argued about the over-dependence on computers and computer-related devices or gadgets by individuals, due to the fact that most people can no longer perform their roles and functions except through the computer. These issues have really caused serious problems, untold consequences, as well as drastic changes in psychology, health and also the society.
From the thread of discussion, I strongly agree that we are too dependent on computers that we cannot function without them, most especially myself.
As a result of the excessive degree of dependence on computers, to function without them, we tend to perform few or no functions at all. I hereby impose that the computer system should not be treated like the Supreme Being, as if we cannot survive without it,thereby leading to the emergence of distinct problems as a result of its reckless usage.
In view of this, I would like to examine the computer system, causes and the effects of being too dependent on it, as well as the preventive measures that can arrest it in subsequent paragraphs.
Before proceeding with my precedence, what is a computer? A computer, according to the Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary, can be defined as the electronic device that can accept data, process it, store and retrieve it at any given point in time to the user or operator. It's accurate, accountable, fast, and reliable. It can be used to access the Internet, for playing games, manipulation of texts or graphics, and other uses.
Firstly, I would like to say that with advancement in technology, there has been tremendous improvement on various fields of study. The use of computer has been beneficial to all in both speed, accuracy, durability of information and other important areas of functions. During the primitive periods, life and existence was worth working for. Then, the early men had to work, run, climb mountains and trees, throw stones, and perform various functions, so as to obtain their needs. As at then, they had no use of computer because it was not present at that period, but they survived in spite of that. Though, computer has brought us good numbers of benefits as well as disasters and drastic effects, based on their usage, as the saying is ‘whatsoever that is advantageous in one area can also have disadvantages on the other side.
In today's world, many people have attached themselves to the internet because they have found an interesting aspect of it, which they cannot do without-the social media. So many individual, mostly youths, have delegated their time to social networking which has adversely affected them as a result of being too much addicted to it, even to the extent of neglecting their social and civic responsibilities. The aforementioned are some of the negative effects that needs immediate corrections.
Secondly, the over-dependence on computers by distinct individuals have also manifested itself on the area of Stock trading and shopping.These activities involves the buying and selling of commodities that are of the individual's interest. Primitively, the individuals concerned goes about searching for their needs as well as seeking for buyers of their goods from one location to another. But today's case is totally different because with the advancement in technology (computer precisely), they(the buyers) places an order of their need, make payment online and have their commodities delivered, same with the sellers.That's how the system keep advancing while the humans initiatives keep diminishing in knowledge. Now, come to think of it, in a situation whereby such cases above are the only technique of being satisfied through the internet, such a person can be affected in all areas of life, especially when the person runs out of internet bundles and all that.
Thirdly, the area that triggers and baffles me the more is Cyber- relationship. Have you ever imagined people using the internet to find their soul mate? Doesn't it sound hectic? By the way, what is Cyber-relationship or what does cyber-relationship have to do with? Cyber-relationship is a kind of internet relationship which exists among individuals who are trying to satisfy their sexual urges. It deals with being online with the person of interest at a particular point in time. These online relationships are more vehement and ferocious than real-life relationship, thereby causing several untold consequences to those involved. In order to enhance such relationship, individuals creates new personas, which can be persona granta (personally acceptable), and the same time deceitful to the ones they are communicating with. Meanwhile, those who are being deceived are often the ones in search of real and perfect companions, without adhering to the fact that there is absolutely and purely no perfect and real companions, and that if there happens to be any, they cannot be perfect in real life. With close reference to situations like that, there has been severe effects on the gullible ones probably because they don't really have complete knowledge of the opposite sex. This area, through the use of internet, has caused sore pains to some, emotional disturbances and even death to the weaker ones as they completely depend on the so called wolves in sheep clothings.
Furthermore, online gaming has been another influential aspect of the negative side of the computer system on these contemporary societies. They get addicted to it and faces the outcomes. Most especially the young ones, they have taken the advancement in technology more paramount when it comes to gaming, rather than making the best out of it. These individuals have been exposed to several types of game which seems attractive to them, and because of their deep passion about it, they become so submissive and can do anything to continue in discovering the latest versions. I have in one way or the other mingled with friends who so much love games, that even in the educational background, they are fond of gaming. Despite the fact that they were my close friends, I never got interested because the consequences are vague and tremendous which I wouldn't want to come my way. The effect of these on the gaming addicts can either be impairment of the orbito-frontal cortex (the brain) or inability of prioritizing their life or setting a goal and having it accomplished.
Additionally, these computer system have really been able to control distinct individuals because they have given themselves wholly to it. From the pre-literate society, that is, those societies that predates the presence of computer, students, as well as others who indulge in doing assignment and researchs makes use of nearly hundred percent (100%) of their brain. In these modern periods, it becomes so much difficult and tiring for mostly students to figure out how to solve problems on their assignment, they rather completely depend on the internet or neglects to solve the problems (in the different subjects). Some have inculcated the habit of neglecting their assignment but loved having a tête-a-tête with others. An interview with a male student shows that students have high regard for their gadgets ( mobile phones, laptops ,etc.), thereby considering them too much prominent to them. Below is what he said:
“I am addicted to my computers. When I am back from school, I swiftly reach my phone or tablet or laptop like all day. And then repeat it daily. When hanging out with my friends, I use my phone, I also use it to call my girlfriend all day too".
From the above extract, you would agree with me that such student cannot be overly involved in advanced logical reasonings because there is little or no time for studying. The same person can be involved in drastic effects as a result of inadequate or lack of proper time management.
To arrest these problems where almost everyone, if not all, are developing an intimate and solemn desire on the computer, a number of solutions can be proffered. First and foremost, parents and intellectual officials who have more knowledge on computer ethics and negative effects should educate the masses (public) through enlightenment programmes regarding the psychological, social, health and other consequences of being totally dependent on computers.
Again, we should engage ourselves into alternative activities like playing board games, cycling and other activities that disallows the use of the internet. Performing house chores regularly is also helpful. Finally, the victims of the computer's negative effects should be counseled on how to become highly initiative and constructive at home, school or anywhere they are.
Having done all these, I am optimistic that all the suggestions ,when put into practice, the rate of being too dependent on computers would deteriorate to the barest minimum as individuals would become more creative and logical in reasoning at any point in time, which becomes beneficial to the society at large.