Computers Components and Technology

in computers •  3 years ago 

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A computer is likened to a calculator; both employ rows of sliding beads or mechanical rods and gears to conduct arithmetic operations to boost the speed and precision of numerical computations—the abacus and more contemporary mechanical calculators (dating back more than 5,000 years ago). Calculators, on the other hand, were widely used for calculations even in the nineteenth century, but they were not called computers. A computer is a mechanical or electrical device capable of storing, retrieving, and manipulating massive quantities of data at rapid rates and with exceptional accuracy. Computers are also designed to conduct and execute tasks while accommodating intermediate outcomes without the need for human interaction. The computer accomplishes this by following a set of instructions known as a program.

Computers and Technology:

During the mid-nineteenth century, an Englishman called Charles Babbage devised and participated in the construction of an absolute computer. This engine, known as the Analytical Engine, was made up of hundreds of mechanical axles and gears. In the end, this architecture was difficult to sort and handle 40-digit numbers. Also, as a result of Babbage's engineering endeavour, an Ada Agusta Byron—the daughter of a Lord Byron of the time—took the reins and commercialized the innovation. Ada was the name of a major program in this case. Furthermore, regrettably for Babbage's efforts, the project was abandoned because it was deemed too sophisticated for the technology of the time. Computers were then put on hold for a period.
Computers were important to early twentieth-century academics and researchers seventy years after Charles Babbage's death. In reality, John Atansoff and Clifford Berry of Iowa State University, as well as Howard Aiken of Harvard University, were interested in completing computer projects. Their ideal success, on the other hand, was not quite accurate. The Atansoff-Berry experiment, while being labeled as having intermediate outcomes, really worked, needing several interventions from the operator while in operation. And Aikens' Mark I just did not hold up on its own.

Vacuum Tubes--ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

Furthermore, a team commanded by the notorious J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly—of the University of Pennsylvania—achieved the construction of a fully working electronic computer a few years later (the ENIAC). Despite its massive size—80 feet long, 8 feet wide, 33 tons; consisting of 17,000 vacuum tubes in its circuitry—the ENIAC used 175,000 watts of power while doing 5,000 additions per second.Following that, the vacuum tube intervention lasted for a solid decade as huge computer kings—IBM and Remington—adopted the notion, resulting in large corporations, university systems, and main government organizations obtaining a mandatory climate-controlled atmosphere.


After the transistor's remarkable features were revealed in the 1950s, the vacuum tube's enforced thrill began to fade. Although the vacuum tube had a successful career, the transistor took its position on the prize rack because to its durability and advances to computer speed. Transistors were, for the most part, the turning point in twentieth-century computer technology: small and energy-efficient. Nobel Laureates William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Alastair Brattain influenced the creation and development of the transistor, which culminated in a prototype that was housed by Bell Labs in the late 1940s.Eventually, transistors were routinely packed into tiny containers in order to broaden the idea and development of successful integrated circuits, which were widespread in minicomputers and compiled into the much bigger mainframe computer.

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