RE: Thinking about to going back to school for a second Bachelor's... Computer Science Degree!

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Thinking about to going back to school for a second Bachelor's... Computer Science Degree!

in computerscience •  7 years ago 

you are 100% correct, being as marketable as possible in today's economy is probably for the best, seems you like have an abundance of experience in different fields of study, so you are set for any type of drastic change in the job market. I hadn't even thought about combining past and future experiences like you did. As a major in public relations with experience marketing I might be able to combine that with a computer science degree and programming experience to get some sort of corporate job in the tech world. I'm feeling really excited to go back to school and just LEARN, maybe it's the wrong choice but its what my heart is telling me to do. I can worry about the finance later, personally I never stress out too much about money. Thanks again for your feedback.

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You're ahead of the game, you'll be fine. I thought I was set for life then found my whole industry gone at 30. As long as you're there to learn and you know what you want to get out of it, in and of itself school is not a bad idea. My beef is that you should be able to pick and choose what benefits you once you know where you're going. Yes, I needed guidance counseling at 21, when it wasnt' mandatory; its kinda ridiculous now to go thru the same counseling at 42 and now it is mandatory.