What's the Best Cartridge for Concealed Carry and Why is it 9mm?

in concealedcarry •  2 years ago 

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When it comes to concealed carry, there are a lot of different handgun and caliber options. And if you look around anywhere on YouTube or the Internet, you'll find A LOT of different opinions as to which caliber is the best choice for your personal defense handgun.

In this podcast, Chris and Dave take a deep dive into what are their favorite calibers for concealed carry. Though this far from a comprehensive list, there's no doubt that all of these suggested calibers will be more than capable of defending your life should the worst happen.

If you're keeping it under wraps, make sure to check out these calibers for your next concealed carry pistol.

Read more here: https://ammo.com/best/caliber-for-concealed-carry

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