Multi-Dimension Gated Network Mesh (MDGNM) & Ecosystem
By 3Douglas "3D" Pihl
Traditional packet systems need an upgrade and a keyless secure network mesh is needed. A visual to array strings could help with protection but then would needs a processing system for translation and more. How would intelligent bots (like API miners) change possible hidden service security?
Computerized device A sends a “ping” that eventually finds its destination (device B). Device B responds with a “pong” to device A as a confirmation. Now device A will know the relay path from the pong while device B knew from the original ping. This is the boring system we all know including, device A pings by 3 relay redirects than service B pongs by 3 relay redirects. So we're going to add-on to this and do more then send a file with just our IP address that adds on the relay passes. We're going to send a picture file with the hidden information but we're going to encrypt and wrap that information first. If the picture is found, the picture won't make sense to devices that are not set up to translate it.
Start & Verify (5 pass-6 steps):
A single Ping/Pong (P/P) saves info for a tunnel (hiddenly.TEMPf).
hiddenly.TEMPf is a multi-socket reference
The return P/P activates/finishes files for tunnel.
Next P/P (Return from pong/response) tests hidden route & gives relay info for Layered P/P (LP/P).
Fourth P/P (1st LP/P) tests updated hidden tunnel, LP/P & relay route.
Fifth P/P (2CD LP/P) is sent by device B to test hidden tunnel, LP/P & relay route.
Last Step: Normal Hidden Tunnel Service & traffic.
Above is a 5 pass verify to strap the other device for a 6 step process for a working encrypted tunnel. There was only one previous installment on both devices before the strapping could begin. They had a specific file type with a specific file name that allows Automated Process Intelligent-Bots (APIB) to find both devices regardless of IP, IP Mask or Ad blocker.
End Verify & Dismiss (3pass-4 steps):
Send(inTraffic){hash.VDtapkt{ X-eq&&; -compress->zip->rar->Dwrap;}}
activate by sending visual data packets with (type#)hash without additional equations; after done, compress all & to .zip then .rar then to Datawrap Hash type.
Return(send(inTraffic:[[email protected]])Answer);
sent from device equal to opposite device that initiated endVerify
This is apart of the original VDtapkt stack & turns off hiddenly proxy, deletes temps except TEMPf; then closes Stackchain(s) by finalizing final hash compression
Opposite Device (the device that initiated the endVerify) does nothing. The device cannot see or find the files, hiddenly tunnel and/or opposite device without APIBs. This device simply needs to note the disconnection.
Above is how to end the strapping with a secure method that seems magical but it's really not. This verify could send a hidden hash to save as a temp file between both devices but it's layered by each relay that is removed by style-recognition.
Concept & Wrapping Help:
Someone builds a multilevel-multilateral-equation/increment CSV. Split the CSV by a pre-designated diagrams or array. The partial CSV is saved with an extension suffix that attracts the spider-wormbot codes to alert the APIBs to direct traffic between requested devices within the APIB group-net mesh. Automated Processing Intelligent-Bots is what actually finalizes CSVs to create the Stackchain block (aka Stackblock) which in turn starts a tunnel relay(openEND) within that devices bandwidth traffic. “relay(openEND)” is a protocol that tells the APIBs to use your relayed device to allow users to pass-bypass or stop by your device.
Tor & VPNs use long equations to hide themselves but a Multi-Dimensional Gated Network Mesh (MDGNM) does this with zero-loop mathematics theory then wrapping that multileveled encryption to create a multitude of dimensions.
.O<”Wrapping is easy! Let's show you!”>0
start with a shift or few (example below)
“Here's a base message”/Shift>Right by 1/”Ifsf’t b cbtf nth”/S>by 1/”Jgtg’u c dcue oui”/S>1/”Khuh’v d edvf pvj” that's Cesar Shift & in this case the last shift was by 3 from the base.
let's finish the msg with the wrap ending (below)
E<”Zudsslqj lv hdvb! Ohw’v vkrz brx!”>3.
So yes, the last line was a repeat of line1 but notice the O turned to E while 0 turned to 3? It might seem the O=E while 0=3 but the start is a duped mirror of the ending. The ending shows the shift direction and number. A reason for a wrap style (in this case backend-shift-key wrap) is to let the other device know where to look for reading and deciphering. We placed the tip on how to read a shift within a phrase and a duped version. If we took this and turned it into binary or hexadecimal the msg would be mixed in the wrap message but the dup is still noticeable. The importance of multilevel encryptions is to make it harder for an unintentional person to figure out the message inside and wrapping helps add another level.
Relays & Stackchain Ledger:
Relays are devices that have hiddenly filestacks or auto-bypass-wormbot-equation-tag files (ABW-EQT). Relays are activated by Pass1-Step1 of a Ping (picked up by APIB & activates the relay). Once activated, this allows a layered/de-layered pass within your bandwidth notify-cushion. Why does a pass-bypass use a notifier-wrap? To announce arrival across all APIBs and hide a message within the cushion. The wrap style (notifier-cushion) is used only for pass-bypass relay traffic. The notifier-cushion info is apart of the unique CSV file build that's the Stackchain Ledger build.
Stackchain Ledgers are saved by layers & specific key-rules as identifiers for the sending/receiving system. A Stackchain is composed of stacks. Stacks are built from multilateral slices. Slices contain prudent information [EQs/Style Reference/CSVs/Hashes/unique IDs/Slices & Stack hashes/more]. Stacks are separated by time rather per day, per 12hour, per 1hour, per minutes, per seconds, per microseconds, per milliseconds, etc. Stacks are finalized by endTraffic compression by Xhash (non-specific hash type).
Visual Data metaPackets:
VDPs are pictures (PNG/JPEG) with multilateral row & column array stacks by trilateral Cesar shift. The point is a simple 3 color, letters to numbers on an nothing-black plane to be reinterpreted by traditional metadata packet means to help hide the hidden information. The VDP are auto-combined when stacked by array (per device). These easily built and easily broken down pictures contain the encrypted and wrapped information. These don't need a separate specific key and are built in the picture.
By picture data is really a row & column array with specific tags to tell the device to output to a picture in certain ways. Devices without the multi-pass APIB-built CSV-stackfile won't understand how to read these files. The visual output of just the encrypted wrap is for when hackers have false files to mimic the APIB network. The notifier cushion sends an announcement (similar to a notification (many copies into many places) but when the notifier cushion finds the correct responding device, it sends a notification or wave to all other devices so they can remove the copy. Copies are removed by the APIB that sends the relay(endHold) protocol & starts the delete of the held files.
Hash & Hash Compression Saving:
where to where & how
Hashing is saving with a unique identifier to where some form of bot can relocate information saved elsewhere for another/original party. APIBs save thug key used to decode what's behind the hash compression. The Hash used with the final result of hash compression is the unique ID hash in question. Hash compression is a further reduction of characters by certain encryptions and high base leveled translations. APIBs determine most of Hash translations so devices don't actually need them.
APIB & Importance Mining:
The Automated Processing Intelligent-Bots are using the already existing API system by “miners”. The reason why they are needed is it allows a set memory and separated ram from the using devices (unless they are the exact same & they shouldn't be for each). The APIBs can monitor amongst themselves since they run on a private layer/dimension network mesh. APIBs are AI designed equation-runners so they actually do the hash compressions & translations of VPD (by request). APIBs can be set to do different equations or multiple equations. The work performed by these APIBs could be paid out in a specific or original currency.
APIB & Currency:
Which currency used does not truly matter but a Self-Ledger coin (S-Lcoin) uses the APIBs is similar fashion to the MDGNM system. Using similar systems they are the pair that's meant to be, S-Lcoins are paid after each block is made or updated. A new block yields a base payment. A slightly added stack yields less than a greatly added stack. A finished stackblock yields the higher payout. What type of modified (adding to a stack within the same time stamp) data is done can shift the payout. For example if the new block is the base payout, then the first layer in a slice-stack will get slightly less than base. Each layer goes down as it goes out from base. The more layers in a stackblock then there are the more work for finalizing. Finalizing payouts are determined on layer size and layer amounts instead of being a straight pay. This payout style allows for higher traffic, higher amount stacks to be worth more than smaller ones for a better regulated hash difficulty. Running the S-Lcoins helps decrease hash difficulty by providing more available jobs for APIBs. The currency transfer speed is based on total traffic per second by number of APIBs sum-of layered-dimensions.
Turning traffic data into visualised packet data (VPD) then after the data broken down by traditional data packet means can help hide what information is being sent. The VPDs are translated by Automated Processing Intelligent-Bots (APIB). APIBs can only access devices that have specific types of broken CSVs, that need to be fixed to be usable. Spider-Worm-bots look for these broken CSVs, then the bots cause APIBs to fix with the Network Mesh’s unique information. This is a base stackblock. Using different encryption styles on-top each other enhances Encryption layers for the Stackchain(s). Each Stackchain is a ledger of events on a timeline. Stackchains contain time stamp blocks which are contained of event slices. Each slice, block, stack contains a unique ID per chain with a unique chain ID to create a unique set of identifiers for making searching constant. APIBs allow for a Self-Ledger Coin (S-Lcoin) currency as a pastor for running APIB miners. This unique ecosystem will increase security and help with automation innovation.