Take conference presentations with a pinch of salt.

in conference •  9 months ago 


A person just asked me if I was really going to question the scientific validity of a conference paper that claimed the Egyptian Sphinx was over 80,000 years old.

Since the authors' "method" was just looking at the Sphinx and comparing it to weathered rocks in the Black Sea region, yes.

But also yes because it's just a conference paper. With a decent title and abstract, you can get any kind of shit accepted for a conference. There's no actual peer review of conference proposals.

I was once at a Human Behavior and Evolution Society conference where a nut job argued that humans had evolved to hypnotize each other.

He "proved" it by asking people to stand, and when most people obligingly did (already distrusting him, I did not), he said, "See, I hypnotized you into doing what I wanted."

So don't take a conference presentation as evidence of scientific or academic quality.

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