How to Look More Confident: 10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Be A Natural Leader

in confidence •  3 years ago 

Self-confidence is key to any successful venture. But what separates the average person from the super confident ones? It’s all in the confidence shtick. If you’re lacking in self-assurance, a little advise from these confidence guru’s will give you the confidence spurt you need to take your career and life to the next level.

And what better way to do that than by reading a book about the intricacies of confidence? Even if you’re not quite ready to boost your confidence levels just yet, reading How to Look More Confident: 10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Be A Natural Leader is a great place to start.

How to Build Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is a great thing to have in any profession, but especially in leadership roles. After all, confidence is what separates the leaders from the followers. Regardless of what you like to do, you’ll find that being more confident will help you get more done, and have more fun doing it.

Here are some ways to build your self-confidence and become a more natural leader:

Start practicing the skills you need to succeed. If you’re feeling a lack of confidence in a certain area, it can be paralyzing. Instead of sitting around worrying about it, go out and get some practice. Start a blog, share your knowledge, take a cooking class, or start a home business. Whatever it is, practice makes perfect.

Elevate your thoughts. When you think you’re lacking in confidence, it can lead to low self-esteem and a sense of shame. Instead of lowering your confidence by judging yourself, try thinking about all the good things about yourself and your abilities. This can help you feel better about yourself and lift your confidence.

Find out what your core values are and stand for them. If you have a shaky sense of who you are, it can be hard to know what to do and how to be successful. Taking some time to discover who you are and what you truly stand for can help you find your path and live with confidence. Everyone has their own path, and while you want to be yourself, you also want to stand out from the crowd. Finding your unique strengths and passions will help you do this.

Take a Break from Social Media

If you’re feeling pressure to be on social media all the time, or if you’re avoiding it because you don’t feel confident on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, then maybe taking a break is a good idea. After all, this is your time. You can take a break from social media if you want to read more, spend more time with family, or just relax and unwind.

But if you’re not feeling the urge to do so, then by all means, keep scrolling. As much as we love social media, spending too much time on it can have a negative impact on your confidence. Avoid feeling pressured to keep up with what your friends are doing, or to post all the time. After all, that’s not who you are.

Tell People What You’re Working On

We mentioned this in the introduction, but it’s worth repeating. Confidence is a two-way street. You have to believe in yourself, but you also have to believe that others believe in you. If people don’t know you’re involved in a certain project or activity, then you may lose some of your confidence. After all, you’re going to do it no matter what anyone else thinks. Being vulnerable and opening up about your passions and projects can help you build confidence, while also giving other’s a chance to support and praise you.

Read Before You Read: 10 Books To Instantly Improve Your Vocabulary And Writing Skills

This is one of those confidence building hacks that you didn’t know you needed. It’s also one of those things that sounds too simple to work, but trust us, it does. Reading is a powerful way to instantly improve your vocabulary and grammar skills, and build confidence as well. It’s true that reading can be boring, but try these out and you’ll be surprised at how much more you understand after reading each one.

Do Something You’ve Been Avoiding

We’ve all got things that we’re afraid to do. After all, if we’re all going to be perfect, then nobody is going to like us. But guess what? Tapping into your natural strengths and passions is the quickest way to feel more confident.

This could be something as simple as going for a walk you’ve been putting off, or as complex as building a new skill you’ve been putting off for a while. Whatever it is, it’s something you’ve been putting off that is holding you back from being the confident, successful person you know you can be.

Learn Another Language

There is something about being able to express yourself clearly that just makes you feel confident. Whether you want to talk to a client in German or just want to order a meal in a new language, learning another language is a quick way to feel more at ease with yourself.

Go to a Classical Concert

If you’ve been feeling a lack of confidence in your music skills, or if you’ve been putting off taking lessons because you don’t feel like you have the time, then going to a concert might be just what you need.

Go to a concert and sit in the front row. Watch the performers on stage while imagining yourself up there playing the violin or whatever instrument you’re interested in. Make eye contact with the performers, smile, laugh, and nod as if you’re actually up there playing with them. You’ll feel so much more confident than just sitting at home worrying about it.

Exercise for a Change

Exercising for a change is a great way to use your time and build confidence at the same time. If you’ve always wanted to try a sport, or are just looking for something new to do, then working out can be a great change of pace.

Spend some time working out in a group, and don’t be afraid to ask others to join in and share the experience. You’ll feel so much more confident in yourself and your abilities when you’re with others who are also working out. Plus, it’s a great way to boost your social confidence.


The more you trust yourself, the easier it will be to build confidence. So remember, don’t overthink it and just be you. You were made to stand out and be proud, so go ahead and take the lead.

Although we can’t guarantee that you’ll instantly feel more confident, reading How to Look More Confident: 10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Be A Natural Leader is a great place to start. These tips will help you on your way to feeling more confident.

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