In 1932 to 1972, the fate of black men in the United States was miserable. Some who became victims of The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis for example, they are used as a guinea pig alive with infected syphilis disease.
Many victims do not know that they are subjected to malpractice. They are only told that they have bad blood flow, but they are actually given poison to cure this syphilis.
The men were only told that they had "dirty blood" rather than be explained that they had infectious diseases due to intercourse or were being investigated for the disease. The study aims to examine whether the disease affects men with black and white skin. Until the study ended only 74 people from living participants.
"All I know is they keep saying I have a blood disorder - they never mentioned syphilis to me, not even," said Charles Pollard, a recent victim, in his book Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
"They continue to be my doctor, and they give me a blood tonic."
But there is a conspiracy theory that the American government has created HIV / AIDS by injecting the substance into black people and eventually growing up to now to reduce human populations.