From This is not an Orange to Hate Speech and Were the Germans so Stupid? Anthony Lawson, Critical Thought and the Ministry for Silly Stances.

in conquestofdough •  7 years ago 

SYRIA: new rocket attack on Assad bases, Israel toys with Iran invasion, and US weapons expert explodes Douma chemical attack myth. (But Piers Morgan is alright, Jack)
This is an Orange, Anthony Lawsons Classic WTC 7 Video.

In some ways, Our story should start not at 9/11 but before that and the USS Cole Incident in Yemen.

USS Cole is billed by some Us Veterans as USS Liberty 2 it is a story replete with Mossad operatives and Mossad Patsies a familiar cast of characters and an even more familiar Plot Line.

We might Then fast forward through, Sudan, Bosnia, Kosovo the 90’s Stuff, and even just have a little check back to the eighties Stuff, Iran Contra and all of that just to establish there are no0 Black and White Hats in this story , merely Grey Space onto which the forces of Propaganda project their nefarious narratives.

So after Iraq and Libya, not forgetting, of course, Ukraine and Syria, What about Iran, Perhaps this,.

and This,

All of these video links have descriptions in which there are links to further sources or blogs

And of course getting back to Anthony Lawson via This.

and This,

On t5he last one the Schlong Form Girth Certificate waller Trump fresh from giving Macrons ass Gets Action (MAGA) forget the Golden Showers and Stormy Daniels even the Ruskies Trump and Pence actively campaigned for BIBI

And the Plan he and Netenyahus chum over in the video is this plan.

The Anit Zionist Anti Semite conflation makes quite a lot of sense.

After all.

Meanwhile this just in from the Ministry for silly Stances.

The Slog.

methoughtful As The Slog predicted last week, the Syrian crisis has only just begun. Benjamin Netanyahu is teeing up an attack on Iran, and ‘somebody’ attacked Syrian bases last Sunday night. Little by little, the lava of Western lies is flowing hotter and more freely….but the old media cabal is studiously ignoring it. Is the internet Resistance too little too late?


Bear with me, this is not a bzzzzz deviation: it is a sure sign of the decline in our civilisation that, not only is Piers Morgan a free man facing no charges of any kind, he still has a job. It’s not much of a job mind you – presenting Good Morning Britain for ITV with three attractive young women – but it does give him free rein to strut his stuff.

In truth, Piers doesn’t strut, he romps. One of my few claims to minor fame is…

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rogerglewis 11:30 am on April 29, 2018 Permalink | Reply | Edit | Follow
Chaucer’s Cunt

Skeptical Humanities

Now that I have your attention, I regret to inform you that he didn’t have one. On several occasions recently, sometimes in conversations about censorship, I have heard people say that Chaucer used the word “cunt.” Indeed, Wikipedia says, “The word appears several times in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales (c. 1390) in bawdy contexts, but it does not appear to be considered obscene at this point, since it is used openly.” Similarly, RationalWiki proclaims that “Chaucer used the word unblushingly in his Canterbury Tales.”

Oddly, these statements are followed by quotes from The Canterbury Tales that belie them, for the word that Chaucer uses is not “cunt,” but “queynte.” “Queint,” as a noun, literally means “a clever or curious device or ornament” (Middle English Dictionary) or an “elegant, pleasing thing” (Riverside Chaucer). When used to refer to a woman’s genitalia, it is both…

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