The first chapter from my newest book Awakening the subconscious and removing the gate of consciousness to succession

in conscious •  7 years ago 

The war with the self must be fought and won if one ever wishes to succeed in the development of life.

These, he said to himself are important matters to deal with, the mind can cause control over the body during the process of thought and cause not only limitation, but also can cause the destruction of life itself. Some important words to develop an understanding of because conscious action and reach within the subconscious and cause unconscious reactions to be taken, one never listening or paying attention to things will more than likely never look another in the eye, nor will they have develop an understanding of anything said, it will always be about the idea of not getting their way or not wanting to learn about anything new, because to them (or more rather their own minds) there is nothing more to learn, this in essence is the ego speaking and the mind controlling all of the actions and reactions in the lives of the person. Hearing things coming from a person not wanting to develop or change any process of their lives such as “it’s the way I grew up,” “that is how things are done here,” “I am too old to change,” and I could go on and on with more examples, but you get the point. This shows one thing and one thing only, progression to be set back, limitations put into place and never any advancement until basically threatened, meaning that their comfortable life style suddenly takes a change for the worst case scenario, then the change is worked on and maybe the ideas that were taught become unlearned.
Ultimately the decision to unlearn what has been learned through childhood is by the person that learned the information and allowed it to become an unconscious reaction most times striking out against everyone due to the anger of self-failure. If willing to take the steps for progression the outcome becomes more of a focused goal than a fear of letting go of things, one of the ideas behind releasing the subconscious fully and allow the creation of what the self allows through the various limitations that we set for ourselves. If one sets no limitations except for what the imagination can see then as long as the imagination can advance they can continue climbing. So, basically it’s the thought between to let go and allow the lie to leave and the progression to move forward, or continue believing the lie and limit yourself pretty much to death. One always has to understand all consequences for the actions they take; in this case the non-advancement could mean the displacement of energies to other realms and the loss of control over the body, or physical death. Death is not always as it seems to be because once you die mentally you can be reborn and is a part of the process that is needed for the change to take place, it basically means to unlearn everything and relearn in the proper way.
In this idea we have to overcome the concepts of society, because it causes many limitations. These limitations cause society break down and act on dependency rather than being an individual, in other words this causes limitation through the fear of loss of a status and being different from others will cause that to happen… so we pretty much have to say screw it, I don’t care what others think of me, I know what I am doing is real and I will accomplish what I set out to do. It is basically a rewriting of the construct that was built into the mind, eliminate the need for dependency of society in order to rise above it, but it the society pushes progression and the allowance and acceptance of being different then the society has risen above the ego and is accepted because the difference is accepted rather than rejected. The reprogramming must be done on a consciousness/subconscious level, in other words it must be spoken out load then repeated till the conscious opens up and releases it to the subconscious. In this sense the repetition of repeating the phrase must be done 3 times a day, starting with in the morning to set the mind for the day, in the late afternoon and then at bed time, at bed time it should be repeated until falling asleep. This helps to program the mind and prepare one for changing one’s life around. Below I will list some of these phrases sometimes referred to as affirmations to help with the guidance and reprogramming of the mind for a relaxed healthy life or for becoming more in tune with the self and more powerful at that.
Affirmations to be used for reprogramming and gaining mental stability as well as erasing doubts and fears in the mind are as follows:
· I am God (very important to help gain control over the mental aspects of some things)
· I am Power
· I am Energy
· I am Free from disease (helps in communication to the DNA to improve the strength of the immune system)
· I am Earth
· I am Fire
· I am water
· I am air (these help in the connection with the elemental forces)
· I am Immortal (can help change the construct of the DNA to awaken in genetic structure for healing and DNA/Cell rebirth instead of DNA/Cell death)
· I am healthy
· I am immune to all diseases
These are just concept ideas for affirmations that will work with the project; there are others that can be added to in order to help the outcome of things to proceed a bit faster and they will be experimented with in due time, the idea here is to give a basis of what the project actually entails and if you do not feel fit after reading over the material because of your own ideas on things, then obviously you are not paying attention or you think your own standards are way too high for becoming involved. The idea behind this project is to eliminate the ego so the higher self can take over and allow one to ascend to newer levels. The Ego, as I believe I explained above is another killer in the mind, body and soul adaptation and prevents progress, because the “ego” cannot allow one to be told what to do in a sense in order to advance. Once we truly eliminate this we can then start to move forward, but if you are searching for some kind of easy way out then please return to step 1 and remove the ego.
That is what this chapter is about; Awakening the subconscious and removing the gate of consciousness to succession, first thing to do in order for any kind of awakening to take place is to let go of the ego, since ego lowers the access to the higher self, and the ego is also where most doubts arise from as well as sometimes fears. Once these things are removed the DNA becomes more controllable and allows for changes to be made. There is however a difference in having and ego and thinking yourself to be better which is just self-belief. In these differences the one with ego will state that they are better to a crowd of people whereas the person with self-belief will actually out loud help to in a way promote the other person, while at the same time knowing that they are actually better in their mind… most of this comes with fighting a person though it can be used in many instances. We can either step back in our minds, to see ourselves or be forced back by our own body’s system and be made to see where and what we are doing wrong. At any rate the lesser of the two is to decide to see it on our own, being forced makes for very bad things to happen. Force can actually alter the DNA and cause disease at times making it harder for the DNA to replace itself as problems occur. When one decides to step back inside of their mind to see things for themselves the person gains a better understanding and the DNA becomes more relaxed after the ego is gone.
There is a lot to do in order to retrain the mind in order to gain control, not only because of the ego, but the past also has to be released in order to really make that change. The past though can be because of the ego, thinking you were right about something that you were actually wrong about, once a person can release this part of the ego the self can then continue forward. Also the past can be due to fears that one has such as the worry of bad things always happening… because they happened in the past and if they were extremely traumatic then the person will develop an unconscious response to anything that resembles that thing happening again, this can be a development of PTSD and other psychological problems. Though it can be cured the infected must want the cure and to release such things from happening, these are often known as phobias and the development in the psyche can go a lot further making more problems for the mind and body. There are many different ways that one could cure this problem, the most affective yet most scary to some is facing the problem head on, confront the situation which if fails could cause more trauma, visualize the situation ending in your favor such as seeing you winning over in the attack, destroying the reason for the fear in your mind, Taking some kind of medication, which we want to avoid chemicals so focus on the natural herbal medication to help in the defeat of this fear that the person is having. Always talking things over with a person that you can trust and that actually cares about you helps as well. It is however ultimately up to the person on how they decide to deal with these many different things. The mind is delicate no matter how tough a person believes themselves to be, remembering it might be something in the mind causing it, once that is removed then a change begins to happen and we become much more than we were the day before. Self-forgiveness is a form of higher consciousness. This allows the past to be removed and a new belief in the self to be started. Asking forgiveness of another person you hurt during your troubles and really feeling and meaning will also help with the connection of the self.
We must understand all things and all concepts if the idea is willing to work during the reprogramming stages, if we wish to really break away from the current status of society and begin again anew… most believe it difficult to happen but in all honesty the difficulties only exist in the mind, something may seem very hard till you turn around and really look at it. Using a bit of critical thinking can help change the situation, at any rate the point when the mind becomes clear is when we reject all teachings that are negative from the past and build a set of new ideas in the mind in order to help us all succeed. In all honesty you really have to want the change deep down in order to make it happen, also taking action is the best way to see it to completion, for if one cannot act on something then the idea of the change will never happen. It all basically becomes a dream in the wind that floats away waiting to be hopefully picked up again. Ultimately for this to work one has to gain control over the mind and not allow the ego to be so high that one cannot admit mistakes, as well as pushing all doubts and fears away and developing a new way of thinking that will bring the DNA to a relaxation point to where changes can actually be made.

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