RE: Let's Talk About Consciousness - wtf is it?

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Let's Talk About Consciousness - wtf is it?

in consciousness •  9 years ago 

thanks for the wonderful explanation. but you did not explain the guilty consciousness and pure consciousness.the feeling of the guilty consciousness is when a person doing any thing against the inner person, the real being, the spirit of the man, he will feel the guilty, if he does according to the will of the spirit of the man , he is pure in his consciousness. i hope this may not be matching with the mathematics. I am the servant of God , dealing it in this way in the spiritual realm. thank you sir , you are free to clarify me if you wish.

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Personally I do not place a distinction between "guilty consciousness" and "pure consciousness". My guess is that the internal paths of the brain can be trained by thinking (just like becoming a master of something after 10,000 hours of training). So my explanation for guilt is simply different connections being made in the mind by events unfolding as your mind tries to comprehend the situation :)