The Mind is a collective of multiple aspects. These aspects are categorized as:
Intelligence, Memory, Identity and Intellect.
Each individual piece of mind is essentially like a computer in a farm of computers that work together and are connected to a collective network called Cloud or a Superconsciousness (Collective of Consciousnesses)
A computer is basically the Mind with a processor - Intellectual Intelligence (Intellect)
Solid State Drive - Memory
But it has no Identity and no Pure Intelligence that is reffered to as Soul or Essence of Life Energy. This Pure Intelligence on it's own is just an aspect of the Mind, without Identity/Memory/Intellect it can be viewed as a Spectator/Viewer/Audience that is not attached to anything but is simply Is.
This Spectator has no opinion, no sense of self, no memories and thus no identity to create identity out of.
Basically it's the "Camera" that provides the local perspective for a movie, but it on it's own is nobody.
You and me are like individual raindrops from a Cloud or light rays from the source of light. We come from the same but are like unique frequencies of energy that appear as individual but really are from the same source of "light".
Same as color feels like it is individual and whole but it really it's fragment of collective light that is seen as white. White is simply all colors being reflected, it on it's own is not a "color" but a collective of colors.
Being an Indvidual is beautiful. Isn't it?
How could art exist without fragmentation of light or sound. There'd be no Art, Music, Entertainment.