Becoming Lit - Body Energy 101

in consciousness •  7 years ago 


This is the entire game of existence summed up. How are you managing the energies of life?

We can talk all day about hydro electric dams, or Nicolai Tesla. But the thing that most people overlook, or have no comprehension of - is the human form as an energy system. It is the most important thing in life because it is the mode of your perception - it literally generates your experience of life. It's entirely strange that the art of managing this super powerful energy generator is more or less left to certain specialists.

Really only two things matter in terms of your enjoyment of life - How fast is the life force gathering in you, and how fast is it leaving?

You have incarnated into a physical body on planet earth, do you have any idea what the hell is going on? A great place to start is to admit that we have no clue. Then from that place of 'not knowing' we pay attention to life.

In my observations I have discovered that there are some basic principles in the game of life. If we can come to an understanding of how our actions affect the game then we will be able to make better choices and win the game. It's not really about winning though, yet there is definitely a huge opportunity occurring right now in this life.

It's the opportunity to become activated, enlivened, woke, or just straight up 'lit'. If you don't want to be lit, then I suspect you haven't tasted it. If you've tasted it then you will know that life lived through that quality is magically superior to the drudgery of the un-lit life.


We enjoy life when it is magical and vibrant, and we don't enjoy it when it's a tiring series of tasks.

The thing is, you could be doing the exact same actions - and it could seem either magical or boring. When we become activated, our entire perception of them has changed. There is a different quality to your experience which gives everything depth and clarity. Life speaks to you on a basic level when you reach a certain intensity of energy.

Sadly many human beings have been dis-empowered for so long, that we forget it's even a possibility. We forget about the expansion and natural joy which marked our childhood, or specific periods of our lives when we had it 'going on'. Trust me, this is the way life is supposed to be lived 100% of the time - with vibrance and deep connection.

The real question of this life is - how do we become inspired and lit up with this energy?

Inspiration has the same route word as respiration. It's to do with the 'spirit' of life that we literally breathe in.

On the simplest level energy can just be breathing, focussing on the breath and using breathing techniques to enliven the body. This is one of the fundamental practices of yoga. Through noticing our breathing and directing it then comes bringing our awareness back into a spacious place. Relaxing the attention, and relaxing the need to be and do anything. Restlessness, and continual dissatisfaction creates a subtle energy loss.

So it is a lot to do with the mind, and the habits which have formed for us. Depending on how we shape our mental habits, it will have a specific outcome on how enlivened or endarkened we become. This is the simple reason why some people succeed in life and others don't. This is also why some people are perpetually unhappy, and others just laugh at misfortune. They don't actually see it as misfortune, they see it as another twist and turn in a great game that they love being a part of.


Our energy level is directly linked to our 'conditioning' and our environment

We develop certain patterns of behavior and thinking. It's all about the people who are near to us, and how we absorb ways of being from them. It is very advantageous to be around people who have a large energy surplus, it is also a disadvantage to be around people with an energy deficit. The people with the surplus will naturally throw energy at you, and the people with the deficit will naturally seek to take energy from you.

Being enlivened, or being lit as we call it - boils down to what your incoming and outgoing energy is. It's simple economics really. You can be in energetic debt and you can also be in credit. Where you are at will determine how you feel right now. Your energy will determine if you are inspired to create and share, or sit on the couch and complain - looking for some thing with which to feel better.

Negative focus on life, complaining, and general shit talking can create an energy deficit. Although if the 'shit-talk' is of a friendly humorous nature then it can raise the energy significantly. By deflating our self seriousness we allow a lot more energy to flow in. Again this is the mind, ego tendencies can drain a lot of energy with it's focus on needing or avoiding. The mind has the capacity to never be satisfied, learning to disregard silly old mind goes a long way to freeing more energy.

Mastering mind and directing the thoughts can greatly empower us - we will leave that for the expert level course though. I want to focus on what is relevant and accessible right now. That could just be getting a little space around constricted thoughts, or tentatively ignoring them.


Your Energy Level has ALOT to do with how you interact with other people.

How we treat others is a measure of our respect to the life force on a basic level. If we wish others well we get one result, and if we fixate on how people are wrong we get another result. Some students of life say that this is "you get out what you put in". In this article I am simply saying that some actions create more energy and some take it away. Pay attention and see which thoughts and actions have which effect.

Some new agers and spiritualists use the term 'cords' which is a good way to look at it really. We attach cords to other people through use of strong emotions, they can be life enhancing or life degrading. These cords often persist long after we have moved on physically from someone, remaining on a subtle subconscious level until we are ready to claim our energy back.

  • Making peace and accepting the past liberates a lot of energy

  • Cursing people takes your energy away

  • Blessing people amplifies your energy

  • Being kind and making things easy for people returns energy to you

  • Seeing only your selfish needs takes energy from you

The list continues, I leave it to you to figure out how it all works through experimentation...


Experiences, Things, and Situations have Energetic Potentials.

For example music contains energy, it can immediately make us feel playful, stressed, sad or even peaceful. We can use this to our advantage to access the most high energy states. Music is just one small example of how everything actually carries a vibration which we recieve. We might not receive that vibration through our ear drums, but it is there all the same. The entire body is actually a highly sensitive receptor, and all of our physical senses including many we are not aware of - pick up energy 24/7.

This is why being around good people and in a good environment is important. If that's not an option then we need to learn how to be strongly in the positive with other adjustments.

The following is a list of simple real world things that increase your energy level, even the least subtle human being can adjust these:

  • Exercise
  • Eating the Right Foods
  • Laughing and Playing
  • Meditation and Silence
  • Hugs and Snugs
  • Getting up Early
  • Being Kind to The Body
  • Releasing Addictions
  • Fasting & Cleansing
  • Being in Nature
  • Relaxing

There is actually a physical energy called Kundalini which is one of the special abilities that our bodies have. Kundalini is a super charge up for the bodies energy. This super power focuses on the central channel of our spine, moving upward and getting things moving until it meets a blockage. There are certain practices which can activate this for you, it will also come online as a matter of course if you start to live a more mindful and healthy life.

I don't recommend seeking these kundalini practices unless you have a high level of balance and integrity in your mind, emotions, and body. It might be dangerous, but most likely it will just give a temporary opening which becomes closed up soon again. With all of these physical changes - it takes a period of time to integrate.

The human being is the most powerful energetic potential we have, let's honour this vehicle - and take the opportunity to charge it up and live a fantastic life of beauty and wonder.

Much Love my Friends - thank you for reading. May your life be empowered and enlivened, and continually expanding.

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I LOVE this sentiment "The human being is the most powerful energetic potential we have, let's honour this vehicle - and take the opportunity to charge it up and live a fantastic life of beauty and wonder." Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

It's true! We have amazing potential ☺ thank you for your thoughtful comment

Beautiful inspirational article. I would list it under the category things that increase your energy level. What you read, you become! Thank you for your uplifting words 😊